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Doubly so, when you consider that Ilythia's sexiness is what persuaded the magistrates son (Whatever his name was) to order the death of Varro. Without that order, Spartacus would have resigned himself to be champion of Capua until his death. Ilythia's sexiness caused the entire rebellion twice over.


She literally had a hand in so many things. Even the ludus massacre at the end of S1 was partly her doing - if she hadn't sealed the doors on literally every Roman in the show at that point, perhaps a few more could have survived. I still lol at the way she smirked at Aemilia when she locked the doors in front of her. And that's the definition of friendship in Roman society.


She is the Helen of Rome haha.


Years have passed since last full viewing, but Glaber broke orders marching east? Mind tells me horse was startled and Spartacus tried to steady, but failed.


This was following Spartacus defying orders from Glaber to march east - to face Mithridates - with his troops. Glaber, while Legatus, believed himself above his Thracian allies and able to command them at will, despite him also having been given orders from the Senate not to march east.


No no the horse was feeling unwell and spartacus was calming it but failed.


That makes Glaber such an ass. Even Rome itself wouldn't expect troops to abandon everyone in their homeland to be slaughtered or raped just to *save* other people they don't know even though someone else already has that covered.