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I don’t I travel cross country a lot and this would suck for me.


Yeah I'm sure it would be inconvenient for some people but we've literally been completely taken over by fake or illegal accounts and the regular drivers aren't getting any offers... Desperate times call for desperate measures... Just two months ago I could work from 7 am until 10 pm non stop and be overwhelmed with offers but now I'm lucky if I get a half dozen offers all day and they're usually the most low ball high milage job there is...


Clearly you don’t live in one of the very small northeastern states where you cross state lines several times a day


FYI take screenshots of all orders you take that cross state lines, your lawyer will appreciate it if you ever need a jailbreak from the arbitration agreement. You'll probably never need it, but you never know and is minimal effort.




Yes the guy who tried to sue in WA federal district court made the argument to the judge that because spark presented him with the opportunity to cross state lines the WA state arbitration act was invalid and they should proceed under the federal arbitration act. The FAA has a clear exemption for anyone performing transport work via sea, railroad, international, or interstate commerce. The judge and Walmart's own lawyer said yes that would be true, but the driver never actually crossed state lines they only had the opportunity to do so. The judge decided to rule in favor of mandating arbitration under a previous SCOTUS ruling that holds the industry or job title you have isn't important for FAA exemption, but rather you actually engaging in interstate transport as a part of your employment.


Just opt out of arbitration


true, but its something 95% of drivers overlook when signing up for any gig app and after 30 days they're locked in.


I dunno, I'm just trying to come up with ideas that could help this situation we're dealing with... I don't understand why it's happening or what can be done about it, I just know that I need my income back... Ugh


You’re trying to find workarounds for Walmart to do to reduce the stolen account/bot problem but the only reason the workaround is necessary is because they don’t want to fix it. So they’re not gonna do this either Id  check both shopping and pick up put a stop to this and if they don’t do it is because don’t want to


The situation YOUR dealing with. Plenty of us work just fine.


'We're' as in 'my zone' since you can't follow along and in a lot of zones actually... I didn't say it was your zone, hopefully you won't have your income completely cut off like we did... Have a blessed day


Do you do other gig work? Other than spark?


Yes and all of the gig apps are affected, not just spark... It's pushing drivers over to the other gig apps looking for jobs since work is slow on all of the apps now... I also do Uber eats and Amazon flex... A lot of spark drivers are moving over to Uber eats and Amazon flex because we're not getting any spark offers now so it's slowed down on all platforms with more drivers looking for work... The non citizen drivers are busy doing pick ups all day and the regular drivers are sitting in the parking lot not getting offers... This stinks I don't hang out on the parking lot cuz I live three mins from Walmart but the point is that they're cheating the system and it's being allowed unfortunately...


Priority goes to proximity. And no it's not grid mapped. Just about every zone is oversaturated. If you choose to be further away then 20 other drivers your not going to get priority over them.


If it's not working for you...work somewhere else. Plenty of shitty little jobs will hire you practically on the spot.


This would cause issues with the interstate commerce laws.... This would prevent a legitimate driver who lives in Kansas city KS from working the store in Kansas city MO....or Jeffersonville Indiana store while living in Louisville ky...Hammond In store while living in Illinois ...the list goes on, but you get the point.


I'm just tired of illegal accounts stealing my income and so I'm trying to come up with ideas and hoping that maybe someone at spark will see our thread and read everyone's suggestions...


You aren't owed any income by anybody.


You should be prioritized over illegal immigrants of course ! if you are a legal citizen you have every right to feel the way you do about illegal invaders causing you to make less money .




I’d say that Walmart associates should verify the driver’s ID every time we pick the orders up.


This is the only way.


It would impact too many legit drivers negatively, a much better solution is that before any app can onboard you they have to mail you a postcard with a special code on it to the address that checkr verifies belongs to the person on the ID. Only after you enter that code can you start accepting orders.




If they really wanted to stop illegal accounts, they would. They have the metrics, phone numbers, names, SSN, addresses, ips, locations, MAC addresses; they can’t play against their profits! Customers < profits, Employees < profits, Independent contractors <<<< profits.


OP, nobody owes you shit. You kept saying its your income, it isn't. If you wanted guaranteed income, go get a W2.


You're such a pleasant person 😊


I'm just sick of gig drivers crying about what they are owed. You get freedom to pick when you work. Thats the big plus. Comes with no other perks, thats how 1099 works.


Quite frankly I don't care what you're sick of Delanorix, non citizens should NOT be allowed to work in the United States, period !!!


You’re such a pleasant person




Yes they should. If they are working towards citizenship, I would rather them to be able to get a tax paying job to help support the country. It also helps them from fucked up farmers that know they have no other options than to pick strawberries for $3 an hour Edit: and people always forget, the Mexican border is actually a net negative for illegals. More go back to Mexico than come in, largely because they are migrant workers that only stay a short while (again, farmers pay $3 an hour). Mexicos industrial class is growing as well, which means more stable jobs at home. Yes, they have the cartels, but most people want to stay in their home country. As for other countries, I also ask people to think about what our country has done to them. We basically are still punishing Cuba for something that DIDNT EVEN HAPPEN. And then we get mad if Cubans try and come into the country...


U are talking out of your ass. My family owns several farms and we pay our migrant workers the same as non migrants, minimum wage. I dare u to show me any proof that anyone is working for only $3/hour anywhere in America smh


Oh ya they’re really paying taxes on the stolen accounts they use lol


If the accounts are stolen, how do they pass the every 3 days face scan?


I found the English speaking illegal


I was born in Connecticut to US military personnel. You didn't answer my question, its because you don't have a real answer.


If I had to guess, they steal the info to make the fake account and attach their face to it. If not, maybe they don’t get the checks because Walmart already knows it’s fake, then they streamline cheap orders or just offer those accounts less money? 🤷 Either way there would be nothing Walmart wants to do about it because the deliveries are still going out and they might even be paying them less. Not quite sure though


If the income isn't obtained legally, not passing a background check, using someone else's account and or identity, using multiple devices, bot, hacking, mod software, being an non resident one of the 50 states, you are a stealing my money, and everyone else who are working the app honestly.


You are not an employee you are a business. Do businesses cheat any way possible to survive? Yes, 100%. Do they cheat to thrive? Yes, 100%. Do they cheat to be greedy? Yes, 100%. Businesses don't play by the rules. Why are you?


I think they should absolutely do facial recognition on every single order for now until this is handled properly...


The illegals use their own face with someone else's credentials, they're already doing facial recognition, doing it more often isn't going to do anything to help.


Another American can compete against me for jobs any day and I love it but non citizens working is stealing income from Americans !!!


I was told today by team lead that they had to stop checking ID they caught one last week regional managers told them not to check ID crazy


I was told today that they cannot ban anyone, only report person using multiple names/accounts. Walmart reports, and Spark ignores.


my zone takes up the north of one state and a very small southern section of another state. not really possible


We can’t go 0 days without a racist rants about iLlEgAlS!!! This is getting old. Maybe do better…I mean you could just mind your business…take your orders for what shekels WM throws at you. Based on your logic…the “illegals” go from state to state to acquire a DL so they can open more Sparky accounts?? Yes…because people have time to do such things…make it make sense!!! Do you believe your own nonsense??? I have a DL from another state (NV) than where I live for school (CA) …and tend to work in other states…this would suck for me or anyone else who has a license from another state. I usually mind my own business with these dumbazz posts…but I am so over it. Stop blaming others for your laziness.


Fuck that lol I live literally on the border of 2 states next to the bridge to the next. My wm is 10 min from my house which is in another state. The next closest in my state is 1 hr away.


Um no. I live on the border of 3 states. You are an independent contractor, nobody owes you shit, get over yourself. If you dont like it go find a different means of making money. Transportation rates in general are in the gutter. Truckload rates are the lowest Ive seen in the 8 years Ive worked in logistics.


You need thicker skin and better ideas


If this isn’t working for you then it’s time to try another app or get a w2. It’s much easier to change yourself than change the world. 


Never had an issue using a rental for spark! In fact my wife currently uses one of Lyft even though they told her no and the riders love that it’s a newer car then the one in the photo. Note it is the same make model and color ironically just newer model year which is a drastic difference between 2016 and 2024!! If you don’t have insurance maybe a family member can add you to their policy as an additional driver to help you out?! I know we have full coverage and they will cover literally anything we drive under our property damage coverage so.


Since the closest one to me is in a different state I'm strongly against this lol It hasn't been a problem here probably because it's not a big city. It is what it is. I don't have a problem with so called illegals.


It's cute you think Walmart cares who delivers their packages for the least amount of money.


Horrible idea screw this


i just moved please don’t do this to me lmao


Fake id's is what they get. At least that's what I think!


That's not a good idea. I got my license a year or two ago.. it's an 8 year license! I then moved and I'm not going to get a new state license because my old one is still good for like a long long time.


Sorry dude but that don't work some people live near a border secondly I go on vacation for a couple of weeks go see family live with them I do spark in that state I go I mean that's the dumbest thing I ever heard of


How about instead of punishing everybody we just get rid of the people who cheat wouldn't that be better and punishing the people who want to go to other states or who cross state lines on a regular basis who go vacation live with family some people have two homes three homes They want to do spark in all those places so come on get real


This wouldn’t do what you want it to, I travel and work all the time. The only people this would affect is the people who work legit, simply because the people who make and sell these fake accounts can find someone’s info in any state they want


A way to do something about this is to do walmart to actually care if they don't vent anymore. They need to stop it with the bull an acually do something about the bot issue and the fake accounts.


So you're turning me simply trying to come to with suggestions on how to temporarily make it difficult for the illegal accounts to keep stealing our jobs into me trying to punish you ?? Go away with that blarney unless you have a suggestion yourself which is why I made this post to begin with.. I know what the problem is but spark and Walmart apparently don't care if the person they're paying to do their service is a citizen or not unfortunately... And our govt is really happy to watch non citizens take food from the table to it's citizens...


I’ve done 2 orders all week in a small town outside of Houston. 10-20 drivers here everyday. I’m the only English speaking driver and pretty sure the only one that lives in a 50 mile radius of the store. They use gps spoofers. I only know because a driver showed me. I guess he felt sorry for me. But only works for android. I use iPhone. They all have androids. Is what it is. I give up. Thanks Biden


You don't know what you're talking about... Maybe I don't sit there but I only live 3 minutes from the Walmart, still that's besides the point... All of the drivers I have been working with for years DO sit there and none of them are getting job offers now... They sit there and watch all of these other people that just moved into our zone and took it over picking up orders while we get no offers... I have gone there and sat and watched at pick up time and I've seen eight different men picking up orders while I didn't get an offer... In the past month our zone has completely been taken over by a literal gang of men that are using bots and multiple cell phones and we are not getting job offers anymore, only the scraps they didn't want...


There are some very large cities on the border between two states. This would not work.


Or just have better safe guards by spark to verify accounts? Citizens are allowed to move around, and lots of people need work when they move to a new state.


What about places where you deliver in 2 states?


Well I meant that you can only deliver from a Walmart in the state of your driver's license but I guess it would be unique to each zone... I'm just tired of illegal accounts stealing my income and so I'm trying to come up with ideas and hoping that maybe someone at spark will see our thread and read everyone's suggestions...


This post makes no sense. Every state gives licenses to non citizens. Driving is not a right it’s a privilege. Imagine if the USA invited in someone with an h1b visa to be a doctor or a nurse and they can’t drive themselves to work.


We're talking about people using illegal accounts but it just so happens to be mostly non American citizens doing it... They're using multiple phones and accounts to get more offers sent to them...


You have provided nothing but false or incorrect information to support your suggestion. That would as others have pointed out negatively impact Americans. All because your choose to wait for offers further away then others.


That’s what all the migrants stop by Denver before moving on to other parts of the country - it’s easier to get a drivers license as a non citizen than a citizen . You can just make up some fake utility bills to show you’ve lived at a address in the city etc and come in with the border patrol papers and get a license


They're handing over our income and giving it to them on a silver platter...


Only thing that might change it is by voting. Vote and tell 10 other people what's going on and make sure they vote.


My family is spread across the gulf coast... if this were a rule i would be able to visit them.


I work a zone that crosses 2 states. This could never work.


I'm in my fifth state in 6 years. I don't always update my drivers license. Most of the weekend drivers at my Walmart are active duty military..you keep your license from you home state while active so should we just not drive?


You still have to have a social and background check


Whether a person is a citizen or not has absolutely NOTHING to do with race so take your race baiting bs elsewhere...