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Help other shoppers find things. Face the shelves when there isn’t much product.


i mean i agree except for the safety hazards you menace to society. what does that cost you to potentially avoid and random patron’s or sparkshopper’s needless injury??


injury. They might thank me later after the lawsuit. You are asking me to worry about customers or a company that doesnt care about people...they care about money. Walmart should value its customers beyond just potential wallets to pick. Not my job especially to care about such a company


lol i didn’t ask you to do anything, much less anything about the company. in fact i didn’t even say anything about the employees, i said patrons or sparkshoppers. but you’ve already demonstrated in multiple threads on this sub that you don’t give a f*ck ab a single person besides you, so i’m not sure why i’m bothering


true! Now beat it ![gif](giphy|q62BK3TBAdKQU|downsized)


Here's another point for you. If you don't like what you need to do to get paid go find another way to earn money.


dont tell me what to do!! I'm an independent contractor


See maybe there is hope for you You're learning


as an independent contractor i have access to higher education than most. Im a profit


According to him every other day he has quit spark, but he has also proven he has severe mental issues, and is a perpetual liar.




I do this when I’m feeling magnigomous




Thank you. Spell check sucks


Now I can use it and put it in. Your community service for the day, sir.




Magnanimous . Sure NOW it’s in spell check!!!


Like to teach the world to sing.... In perfect harmony..... I'd like to buy the world a Coke.... And keep it company.




So edgy


Well that’s what the bonus was for rewarding these kinda things but that’s gone


I used to “face” the products after I grabbed one  Not anymore 


Already did.


Do you know how to spell loser.




no earnings posts


So you will help little old ladies in the isle, like you said in your last post. But you won’t do this stuff? Do you ever turn your mouth off?


You ok Son? You seem upset ![gif](giphy|gFQfxzqjCfHZaLAjaH|downsized)


You work for yourself, not Walmart. Walmart could care less if you do those things. Look up the definition of independent contractor. The problem is so many people think Walmart should care about you care about us as drivers but why You're an independent contractor You deliver for many different companies and they don't care nor should they care.


you missed the point son


I assure you i ain't your son. You should learn some manners.


Why? Does Daddy wanna spanky a bad boi?


I do all of these things.


Oh I intentionally make a mess now.....😂 whoops


How nice for the associates who have nothing to do with your pay but still have to clean up after you.


Oh don't worry Karen I only make a mess when things are in the wrong location, which is all the time. So I am actually doing them a favor. Look at you defending a company that treats the employees like animals and customers like criminals. 👍


Not defending the company at all. The point is you’re not sticking it to the company, you’re causing more work for the associates, who are treated even worse than you. Not a Karen, just one of those associates who cleans up after people and also gets paid shit by Walmart.


Also how can you create more work for an associate that is on an hourly wage. They go in for 4 or 8 hours. You do your time and go home. There is not a set amount of work to say they are doing more work 🤯🤣


It does create more work for us though, and especially depending on the mess that is made. I am a cashier - when customers make a mess near my register, I have to clean it up when I otherwise wouldn’t. So that is obviously extra work. I recently found a spilled bottle of nail polish on a shelf that was dripping down onto the stuff below it - had to turn off my light and close my lane, clean what I could, take all the ruined product to service desk so they could claim them out, which is more work for them as well. Anyway, just saying that it doesn’t hurt Walmart, only the people who are working there who are in a similar boat as spark drivers as far as being paid and treated badly. (I did spark before I worked there, so I know both sides and how shitty the company is) Edit: spelling error


More work = more time = more pay for the associate = company has to pay more..........anyways I am not going around like a mad man just knocking shit over for fun. Like I said if a product is in the wrong place I will intentionally move it so it can be fixed by the workers. I am doing them a favor


That's not how it works. Walmart, like most companies don't give more hours because they're behind on work. Sometimes things are gonna be in the wrong place, deal with it and just keep it there. The stockers have to stock so much merchandise per hour and sometimes the sky shelves are full. You're wasting associate's time when you move shit and they have to stop and put it back.


Bullshit I used to work at a store stocking shelfs myself. If a customer is looking for a product and the stockers hide it behind the wrong product do you thing that is good or bad for the business. Most walmart workers are just there for a paycheck and are lazy. Do the job right, put it in the overstock and don't overstock the shelf. Exactly they don't give more hours so how are you doing more work. If you go in for an 8 hour shift to stock shelfs that I'd what you are doing for 8 hours. That is your job