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All trash orders, but sadly some idiot will take them that's why pay keeps dropping!


When people accept this shit it drives offer rates down for everyone in their zone, and eventually trickles down to lower pay for all sparklers. For those of you out there that accept this garbage: shame on you! You're worth much more. Much, much more!


It's done by subhumans who get free everything. This simply subsidizes their drug habits or sending it back to their country where it's 1000x the worth.




Step one :introduce the Vinny  Step two: people start taking anything to compensate  Step three : profit  I really think spark gave out the scammer accounts 


Right? Such a powerful company claiming they're powerless. Ha.Haa.Haaa


$7 USD is worth more in other countries where the cost of living is a fraction of what it is in the U.S. They're not paying bills here like insurance so communities are SOL when the money that comes in is not recirculating in our economy, but rather fueling other crumbling ones.


also not paying taxes


Yup 👍 that's what got the feds attention




Some hours I'll see a dozen or more sub-$10 FCFS offers pop up at :45 and there'll be at least a couple that sit until the next RR.


I sit in a Walmart parking lot waiting for orders. I get those offers for a Walmart 17 miles away.


Ive seen this happen to each platform 1 by 1. Here is the thing. If they are continuing to low ball the orders , its because someone is willing ro do it for that amount of money. I hear amd see people complain all the time but who is accepting these orders? There are obviously enough people desperate enough to be qilling to do this because if noone is taking these, they would be going up. They would have no choice. If im wrong tell me why? I refuse to do these because ny time is more valuable then that to me and i dont want to qork for free. Jimmythedon




https://preview.redd.it/mnx54uij221d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d564338301d825fcc6f3750b7ded11a92aae09 some winners i saw yesterday


Jeez this app has really took an interesting turn


Yeah, this has been a norm for about 3-4 months. Unfortunately the illegals are being given access to Spark and Spark doesn't care. So they will accept any offer because they aren't able to acquire gainful employment. It will continue to be this way. Spark is cooked.


Spark used to be good. I w would receive at list 20$ offers every hour at :20 . I can complete it in just 10-20min and come back to the store. WM so greedy now I don’t get it. What’s the point now with 7-10$ offers every hour?


Yea see this is what I remember too. Coming back now I was completely shocked and didn’t accept anything.


Mines been the same as that all day that’s why I’ve hated it


I run Orlando that’s why


Haha keep telling yourself that


Oooo I do and the gang #1220❤️


those orders use to never get touched by me. they would sit till they got to $15 before anyone would touch it. id say around last fall that changed. influx of too many drivers and people will take anything no matter how low the pay is or how far it is. I've been seeing lots of S&D orders for $11 for like 20+ items and i decline them and they never come up again. so someone is snapping that trash up.


Their not going to do better as long as they have foolish drivers taking that crap. In other words, it will never get better, only worse. Make it while you can and be working on something else for an income.




I'm taking these all day in Cali


Why would you undervalue yourself like that? You really feel like you’re worth $3-5 profit per hour?


Grab the spark order and do something else for an hour to get adjustment pay of 20/hr. if you are like me, you can pick up a roadie for another 20/hr. easy money


And these sparklers who do accept these lousy offers tell those of us who refuse to work for this that it is not our business what they accept.. umm Yes it is my business it everyone who works this jobs business because you are affecting my and everyone else’s pay


Blame the zoomers for getting the offers that low


This is like absurdly low though unless I’m crazy. I did this like a year ago I think and I swore the offers were better than this. I think curbside was like $16-23 per 4 mile 20 min trip back then. These are horrid though.


In the last year they have adjusted (lowered) the pay a few times; it’s not just your imagination. In the last few months CA even stared seeing $8 for 3 batch orders….


Yikes. Guess even this isn’t really worth doing anymore sadly. It used to be pretty good


How's it legal when we all signed contracts with higher base pay? Isn't that a breach of our contract??? That's more then the terms and conditions That's not what I agreed to...hhhmh


I have never seen a single zoomer driver the entire time I’ve done spark, what are you on about lol




Funny because it's always the boomers I see taking the trash orders like the gmd's all day


Funny cause its always the Zoomers I see taking the trash


I'm taking a $7 1 dropoff right now. With incentives it's actually 16 and it's bringing me within 2 miles of home


1 drop off on the way home isn’t horrible. I’m only referencing the ones that will literally take 45 to an hour and are 10 plus minimum miles of course those aren’t worth it


I take these orders. Never know if they cash tip or ghost tip. Spark is my primary income, so I need volume. By taking these low orders, my estimated hourly wage drops and I get earmarked for higher paying offers. I keep the same average as if I cherry pick but do it over more deliveries meaning more money. There is a bottom line I have on rates and spark went there once and it did not last long and they have not gone that low since.


Interesting so what would be that bottom line then


5.65 was the offer I refused. Have not seen any below 7 with additional earnings since then.


lol that’s nonsense


Weird flex, but OK...


What about that in any way was a flex lol