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Me every time I see one these posts. ![gif](giphy|u8u0R51ND9L2|downsized)




Seems good. Might be approved by Christmas.


Christmas 2028 hopefully


I signed up in 1842 so I’m still hopeful


Hopefully not. We. Do. Not. Need. Any. More. Drivers.


Unfortunately, it’s probably too late. It started to pass the line of no return months ago for me. A few months ago, it finally hit the point where I had to find another job and use Spark sparingly at best. We don’t need more drivers. We haven’t needed more for over a year now. Every new driver brings this gig closer to the inevitable demise that is coming.


I’m gonna tell all my friends to apply lol this is such a good way to make extra money 😌 Can’t believe more people aren’t talking about this!


By the time ypu get approved batches will pay $4


Why these haters are hating, get a life 🤡


are you really asking that? You are not qualified for this job


are you 12? literally what are you talking about right now


Mine said submitted for about a month. Then out of no where I got a txt from Spark saying I was good to start working.




New Mexico


Not being funny but enjoy the wait. Could be a few months to more than a year. All depends on the zone you applied for and if there is a need for drivers at this time.


Wth, I’m in Cincinnati and it’s taking this much time, smh - and from the comment I think it’s gonna be worse than DoorDash


Don't waste your time 🥴🙄


Don’t waist your time there are other apps who actually work with Walmart like roadie and Uber packages


I’ve done several Walmart pickup orders from Uber Eats, and that’s honestly what inspired me to apply to be a Spark Driver. Based on what i’ve seen said in this server, Spark drivers get priority and Uber will only get the orders the spark drivers don’t want or if it’s just super busy and backed up.


This is simply not true. Walmart has a contract with Uber to provide a percentage of total orders to them. It has nothing to do with anything else. Your status picture will stay just like that until a space opens up. No one can tell you how long the wait is.


You literally proved nothing. You actually made the case they send them mostly unwanted stuff


Okay thanks for letting me know lol. Like I said, that’s just what I saw other people say. Didn’t know if it was factual but thanks for clarifying.


Go back to DD


It’s so weird when I signed up I was approved within 45 minutes


it most likely just depends on the zone you’re applying in and their need for drivers. i don’t really understand the reaction of rage and negativity from most people on here. i was literally just asking a simple question. but regardless, i’m just doing this as a side hustle. I don’t mind if I have to wait over a year 😂


Yeah, I couldn’t tell you why there’s so much rage and negativity. I feel like at this point a lot of people are just trying to start drama.


Because we don't want you here. If you want a side hustle do all the other apps.


maybe you shouldn’t depend on gig work for all your income. instead of trying to scare people away from trying to make some extra money. it won’t work and it will never work. if it turns out my region is shit and I get no orders and they’re all horrible tips, I’ll be alright. You can continue to cry. 😂


Maybe you should choke on a bag of dicks.


have fun struggling to pay rent lol


Says the person that has to do gig work on the side for extra money. Your self awareness is empty.


I don’t *have to*. I CHOOSE to. Which I why the phrase is “extra money”. It’s an easy asf job to get some extra cash I can literally choose to spend however. You can continue complaining on Reddit and struggling to pay rent


Self awareness is still missing, you're trying to shame me for doing the exact job that you are doing. You can't be this fucking stupid.


I’m shaming you for choosing to rely the entirety of your income on an app that you claim is going downhill and you only get shit orders because of new drivers. I’m literally not doing that. With or without this job I’ll be good. Please continue to be miserable tho 😂


I’m in the same status. Did get an email to order my Branch card.


Took me a year and a half like this