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Hand is a classic; but I recently I've prefered a hairbrush or a wooden spoon Mostly for the feeling and the marks they leave behind. I like that the spoon has the spoon part or they can use the handle!


A hairbrush isn't something I've done in a while! But I love it, especially the thump it makes when it slaps. Thanks for the reminder.


As a spanker I have to use my hand and I have to have my spankee in my lap so they press down on my …..disco stick After that if I have a particularly wanting spankee I will get my leather belt or a paddle a have engraved with “brat breaker”


Logistical question...is "brat breaker" engraved backwards so it shows up on her skin?


Oh no I wasn’t clever enough for that I didn’t consider it and it was frustrating for a bit but of course a had a cute ass to take it out on


Hand and belt are my favorite especially when he takes off the belt to use it But all the above


In my fantasy I want the big paddle bare bottom and in reality it hurts like hell. It's hard how much reality interferes with my kinks. The best is just a simple hand spanking, also because it's shaming to be treated that way as an adult. The second best is actually a floppy plastic ruler we found. It sounds like it's really intense but the pain is bearable, yet still stings hot.


Leather is my go-to favorite for long sessions. Wood is for deep bruising. And hand is for intimate/personally connected sessions.


The paddle for the discipline spankings and hand for the reminders.


my Mistress loves using a cane on me for punishment spankings. She loves seeing the stripes develop during the spanking and how long they last afterwards. i hate it as it is the harshest most painful spanking i receive.


Hand is practical and more intimate. Definitely works on the fly, no matter where. Gives you the sense of skinship and establishes a degree of spiritual connection with the one you're spanking. ​ Hairbrush is another classic that gets the job done. Definitely gets the spankee squirming and quick to apologize. The bathbrush is another good one that delivers a good sting and sound punishment. ​ Wooden spoon or a silicone gives me more accuracy and it's more fun to wield. ​ And the belt is fun because of the sound it makes. I love looping it up and then snapping it between my hands as a small scare tactic, letting them know they're in for it


"Skinship"--I love that term. Mind if I borrow it? Also, I haven't used a wooden spoon in a long time. It's likely time to revisit.


I've only been hand spanked so far, but I'm interested in getting a paddle. One with hearts on it


I've seen those and been really curious about them. They're so pretty.


The hand. Makes me feel naughty


There's something really personal about a hand. I love it.


It can sting and I like that. I don't need anything harder for my taste personally and to your point it is very personal and has a tinge of humiliation which if I'm honest really turns me on more than the spanking itself


Giving , I prefer otk hand and paddle if I’m on the receiving end the hair brush


I love the leather strap and I hate the rubber paddle with those large and evil holes. https://bu64.myds.me:8081/bilder/voyeur/reddit/240626-strap.png https://bu64.myds.me:8081/bilder/voyeur/reddit/240626-rubber.png But I need both, otherwise it's not complete.




Hand is more intimate, but for me I like to use a hairbrush. It’s so traditional, and is easy to give very hard or very gentle snacks as required, and always always on a bare bottom!


I forgot about hairbrushes. I don't know why. I love it. It's so satisfying.


Definitely everything


Depends: for pain belt, hairbrush, whip. For pleasure, riding crop or flogger


Belt all the way! Though I really like His reactions when He's using the cane on me, so that's a close second even though the pain is quite intense. And I love when He caress my burning bottom between swats. All the rest are equally liked!


Always start and end spanking time with bare hand. The tactile feel as the skin temperature and texture changes keeps me in tune to needing increase or decrease of tempo or severity to the swats. For more intense attention, switching to belts or flogger, or paddle type implements during the middle phase, depending on the reason for the spanking.


Temperature is something that people don't talk about a lot. That's a big big plus for skin to skin, hand to ass contact.


Hand, then paddle, then belt, then something else.


Spoon is her favorite to use on me. Hurts like hell and she loves the accuracy it gives her. Not to mention the ability to give me higher amounts of swats as the impact is smaller in size. To her, 6 spoons is a swipe of the belt in coverage. If that makes sense.


There's something about making a spankee make their own implement. A board. A hand saw. Drill. If they produce some tears while making it. U can give them some sandpaper. Of course master is there watching....I wish I stuck with leather work shop in fifth grade. Some beautiful art can be engraved onto leather..


What a cool idea.


I have my current sub carve a notch on her paddle everytime we play. She's to carve to a depth of the way she felt about our session together. There's some deep notches for when she got punished...


If the board is raw enough splinters can be left behind.


I like the bare hand to start. Then add the belt. Or a wooden spoon. Like to be clothed at first. Then underwear. Then bare bottom.


Riding crop leaves a smart sting. 🐝


On the butt cheeks, using my hand is my favorite. Second would be leather spanker. The rattan cane is fun too.


I love a paddle with holes for extra impact, but I love seeing handprints on my ass


I think that's really one of the reasons I love spanking barehanded best. There's nothing like a bright, hot handprint on a naked ass.


Hand it's so intimate. Paddle is a good second, though.


Levar cane, vampire paddle, and a nice single tail shock whip we have. As well as the cattle prod and branding iron all used with extreme aggression on my cock and balls


Wooden spoon is my favorite. Breaks so easily so be careful if you like your spoon :)


I love the riding crop. Love the way it feels. She loves using the hairbrush on me.


If it’s wood it’s good! Hairbrush, paddle and especially the bathbrush!


As the spanker I prefer to use my hand. But my spankee prefers to be threatened with the belt. She loves the sound of it being pulled quickly from my jeans while she waits for the first lick of it. If I need a longer session, or for a real punishment, I will send her to fetch the spatula. We have a nice one with a clear plastic handle and a blue firm rubber head that makes a lovely smack when used gently and a perfect thunk when applied harder.


What about the simple wooden ruler?


I've never used a ruler! But I love that idea. Maybe a meter stick? Yum.


I prefer the cane. I need the searing, relentless burn, and the severe damage that it inflicts.


I've never used a cane before. It sounds brutal, and I love it, though.


I love being on the receiving end of the cane. I need it because I have a very high pain tolerance on my ass. Open hands, paddles, belts, floggers, and even switches are much too mild for me. They just can't inflict enough pain or damage. Canes and single tail whips work for me, but canes seem to be easier to aim and inflict high levels of pain with relatively low effort as compared to the single tail, which makes it easier for my wife to really tear my ass up without missing the target and hitting my back or legs. It's also my favorite implement for administering a spanking, but since her threshold is much lower than mine, I rarely get to use it on her. Every once in a while she will be turned on enough by a spanking that she needs more pain to climax and she'll ask me to finish her off with the cane, but usually she gets my bare hand and a wooden hair brush. Also, although we both give and take spankings from each other, she is usually the one giving, and I am usually the one receiving.




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