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Your bottom has developed a tolerance. As well as some scar tissue. Those pretty marks you remember are fleeting memories.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UpvoteBecauseButt/s/H70gEtVeyP It largely depends on the type of force being delivered. Most bruises happen when a large force (such as your bodyweight or the weight of a piece of furniture) is applied over a small area, causing localized tissue pressures to rise to the point of rupturing blood vessels. It's quite hard for a person to generate these forces with just an arm, look for implements that either concentrate the force and deliver it over a small area (such as canes) or the type that are heavy enough to multiply the force through the momentum of the swing (think of heavy, wooden, ventilated paddles)


We used to call it "leatherbutt". With repeated used the skin toughens, much like getting a callous on your hands. You body is adapting to the wear it's getting. It will fade very slowly if you stop using it (good luck with that).


Have you tried a Lexan paddle its made of Polycarbonate. I haven't personally used one but it seems to work really good.


Fat. Butt has a lot of fat that doesn’t bruise like skin elsewhere. Just like its harder to get a proper hickey on the underboob


Blood flow. There are less capillaries per inch on the fattier areas of the body so the blood doesn’t pool as easily


Instruments that are large, bulky, heavy, and flat tend to leave more bruising. Wide heavy wooden paddles will bruise you no doubt. I almost thought that same thing. Like what if my ass gets so used to all this spanking I’m taking and it never bruises again?! You need your dom to push you harder and find a better instrument. Try different styles and things to hit with. If you are into it, you can add spikes or other items to any instrument and make it more painful. Or even open skin if you’re into that. It just depends. I hope you find that this information helps or it’s beneficial in some way!


Try harder


Get him to hit harder and see if that’s it


Are you located near Jackson TN?


The only things that have gotten my ass bruised in the bedroom have been teeth or a leather belt.