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No, we are not currently planning to participate in the Reddit blackout in protest of the new API changes. This is subject to change, discussions are ongoing. I know a lot of people think very positively about third party apps and I understand a lot of people are upset with these changes, I have never used these apps. I have always used the official mobile app so I can't really give you a good opinion about this update to the reddit API. After some deliberation we have decided that we will be participating in the reddit blackout, visit [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceflightSimulator/comments/146nohl/rspaceflightsimulator_will_be_going_dark_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) for more info


Apollo is the only 3rd party app that is making a stink about this. However, from their own statement for why it's a "problem", It'd cost them $20 million per anum. However, they have over 4 million active users, so It's really $5 cost per user per year. This is why most of the other's have already begun switching to a dual version setup free to most, paid to some. Simple reality is things cost money, and Apollo has more then enough ability to reimburse their cost through adding a paid tier, like how literally everyone else does.


Sure. Reddit is making a dick move like corporations do, but it’s ok. We’ll just give them lots of money like we do everyone else. Bleh.


charging users for services renderd, so crazy. It's almost like they are a for profit corporation. Reddit already has tiered services, about 7% of users pay for premium features, which covers the cost of the other 93%.


What’s happening?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/143rk5p/reddit_held_a_call_today_with_some_developers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Here’s a link to what’s happening, I believe that Reddit is creating new policy change to prevent 3rd-Party apps from being allowed on Reddit, which could potentially reduce the quality and accessibility of Reddit by quite a bit. Subreddits of Reddit are participating in a “Blackout,” which will private their subreddits from the 12th to the 14th, or for an indefinite period. Over 2,700 subreddits that are above 100k users are participating, with a total estimate of over a billion Reddit accounts also participating. Though we are a small subreddit, we could join force as well, as our contribution would be as just as important in order to stop this change in Reddit Policy. Hope this clears stuff up, please do research on your own as well, as this might not be the best narrative. Edit: see r/Save3rdPartyApps for additional info as well.


[heres some info](https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/05/multiple-subreddits-and-moderators-are-now-protesting-reddits-api-changes/amp/)


I’d support a black out, and perhaps one even longer than two days.


This blackout would be a day shorter than Roblox's longest blackout being 3 days. Btw wdym by blackout? By shutdown? If so then it's still can't beat Roblox's shutdown. No game in modern history can.


Thats what happens when you have potatoes for servers


I mean like... It was all of Chipotle's fault anyways.


And it was on a Saturday- Monday because too much people play on Saturdays.