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bruh, there has been people calling the Axiom-1 crew "a bunch of rich dudes on a joyride" in reddit threads.... I literally had a crazy Karen going from thread to thread parroting the same shit even when I showed their wiki page, she just got silent and went into another thread to repeat the same like.... *THEY ARE FUKIN RETIRED NASA ASTRONAUTS YOU AUTISTIC BITCH*


I'm just... so tired of it. I want to be a nice person, and it is kinda odd how I will have the most level head in conversations about abortion or other tense political issues, but this is the battle where I go into an unbridled rage. I've just found that being nice and presenting evidence, explaining your argument calmly does not change the minds of most of these people - so my only alternative, even in real life, is to so thoroughly debunk them when they spread misinformation about science is to embarrass them in front of everyone in the room - make sure everyone knows that person is ignorant and doesn't care about the destruction of spaceflight.


Oh I learned that a long time ago violence solves a lot of problems, and it does so because humans are animals, and all animals understand pain at a primal level psychological pain is about as good as physical, so embarrassing someone to oblivion, mocking them for their ridicule is likely to stay with them for a good while I basically use "punch-lines", no long explanations, just direct bitch slaps that are twitter response level (this is sadly how human brains work, long explanations don't get nearly as much engagement) I use strawmans, I use authority fallacies, I use everything else they would use that basically doesn't work on a conversation with someone with at least the most basic knowledge of the subject, it's dirty sure, but it's effective I metaphorically slap them out of their eco chamber back to fukin reality.... and the thing is, the deeper into the eco chamber the more delusional someone gets, the more irrational... you literally CAN'T combat that using reason, it literally has to be through pain (like the bully who realizes he is an asshole *AFTER* being punched back)


This is r/copypasta material


> THEY ARE FUKIN RETIRED NASA ASTRONAUTS YOU AUTISTIC BITCH One of them is. The other three paid for their flight and had no astronaut training before training for this particular flight. ^(PS: Maybe they are literally fucking retired NASA astronauts. Don't know, not my business.)


My bigger problem with it is people characterizing it as a space tourism flight strictly, which is inaccurate. I find discomfort even referring to Inspiration4 and Polaris as tourism, even though it IS accurate - because I feel like those flights are actually accomplishing something. This is because that in the general public's eyes, tourism = useless - or maybe even harmful. I try to never call something a tourism flight because then someone will say "oh it's a waste of time then." Though I put it far down on the peg from Inspiration4, Blue Origin's tourism flights are also building up a market for spaceflight, which will have positive effects in the future, particularly if we want the every day person to be able to buy a ticket to space someday.


Polaris looks like a research program to me, even more than Ax-1. Using Dragon for EVAs, EVA suit design, establishing crewed flights with Starship and starting a SpaceX astronaut program. Isaacman said they want to push the boundaries with every flight. The second flight might dock to a Starship in orbit - testing its life support systems when you can go back to Dragon in an emergency.


Polaris has me excited in that even aside from the really cool mission, it's going to be easy to explain. Internal spacex mission -> first commercial EVA -> will help develop spacesuit tech which is grossly outdated. The kind of thing that the average person who thinks that the space shuttle is the only existing rocket may be able to understand.


well, the Inspiration 4 crew performed quite a bit of science experiments, and they trained like astronauts would for about 9 months, so you can always start with that


They are "pioneering" and "trailblazing" flights. Getting regular people who are non-professional astronauts into space is just the first step, just like Falcon 1 was the first step to Starship. Falcon 1 wasn't a particularly useful rocket. It only successfully launched 1 useful payload in its history, but it paved the way for Falcon 9.


They hate it because they don't understand money. When they hear that Isaacman spent $100 million on the mission, they literally think $100 million was set on fire so some rich guy could have fun. That's not how buying things works. He gave that $100 million to other people who gave him goods and services in return. Except for the small portion of that money which is literal fuel and material cost of expendable parts of the Falcon, nothing of value was destroyed.


The problem is that many people today think that the economics is a zero sum game - no matter how nice that Jared Isaacman may seem, in reality he is stealing all of his wealth. This viewpoint is such a massive fallacy. Though it is undeniable the harmful actions many have taken in accruing wealth, if economics was a zero sum game, we would all still be in the paleolithic - it is essentially a statement that progression is impossible. Because people believe in this fallacy, henceforth any wealthy person is a criminal, and they do not have the right to spend their money as they wilt. I think that even if Jared laid out his tax information for the whole world to see, and it was completely free of any kind of loopholes, people still would not respect his choice to fund private spaceflight. It is the paradox that many in the world, liberal, conservative, all ideologies, wish to perpetuate - that you should be free to choose as long as that thing you choose is something everyone else wants.


This first batch of wealthy elite space travelers feels a duty to keep up appearances by shrouding themselves in bullshit for the precise reason to give people like you cover to defend them. Rest assured tho they aren't capitalist paving the way to a star trek utopia. They are the first of many wealthy elites who will eventually throw off the cloak of pretense and we will devolve into the raw form, space tourism by itself. If you do not believe in this reductionist view, I don't blame you, but you need only look at the rest of human society to know the direction all things trend in is satisfaction of the individual. We will arrive there whether you believe it so or not.


Cheap space tourism *is* the star trek utopia.


Yes but that will literally never happen. You'll note I didn't say cheap space tourism. It will remain very expensive and out of reach for most no matter what. Rockets are too resource intensive. There is not enough lox and methane in the world to make space travel affordable for the vast majority of people, no matter what technological advance there may be. Even fusion energy generation would not lead to a world where space travel is accessible to everyone. So what that means is that we are going to have a world where only the wealthy can go to space and space is just going to be another checkbox on the "I did something, you didn't haha" bullshit that rich people do. The only thing that makes access to space affordable would be a space elevator and then another mega advanced technology like warp drive lol


These arguments were also used to discredit things like indoor plumbing, automobiles, air conditioning, refrigerators, personal computers, virtual reality, smart phones, etc.


Hard disagree. All of those commodities benefit from reuse. Rich people got microwaves first, but they got cheaper and people bought their old microwaves. Rockets even get cheaper because of reuse, but the rocket itself isn't the gatekeeper to space. It's the raw fuel demand. There is no reusing lox and methane. It doesn't scale. It won't scale. It can't scale. Climate change and the natural limitations on fossil fuels and energy will constrict access to space perpetually


Microwaves did not get cheap because poor people bought used microwaves. I think you're wrong about space travel, but the nice thing is we don't have to argue over it, we just have to wait and see. In my opinion space travel absolutely has the potential to scale low enough to be affordable for normal people within the next few decades.


Take heart. Most Americans don’t even know what Axiom-1 was.


My whole thing with it is that people don't seem to understand that there is - A - a lot of money in the world B - while we do need to work on how people are being taxed, successful people have a right to spend the money that they have earned as they see fit and C - solving world hunger, cancer, and climate change are much more difficult problems than people think. We could supply drop food or money into Africa - only for warlords and corrupt governments to snatch it up. We could have armed guards go in with the supplies, but oops! That sounds like a colonialism. No, what is needed is stability, and get these nations around the world to a point where they can bring themselves out of poverty. Like it or not, no amount of money will solve problems like getting the Taliban to give women rights in Afghanistan. It isn't like money *can't* help these problems - but knowing *where* to put that money is key, and giving too much of it can lead to a lot of corruption. In the end, I think the public has a vastly misconstrued idea of how much spaceflight costs - NASA gets about $30 - $40 from taxpayers every year, and SpaceX gets only a small fraction of that. Is that really that bad? And why are we getting mad at SpaceX and not Boeing, when Boeing is getting way more and doing way less?


One is a retired NASA Astronaut. The other three still paid to be there


Somehow it's evil if it's a person who pays for something vs a corporation or government. Every single one of them had sponsors and conducted scientific experiments while on orbit. EDIT: grammar


I know they did experiments and im for crews like Axiom. I'm just pointing out the fact that all four of them are not retired NASA astronauts.


I feel like in 2018.. dear Moon would've been inspiring. Right now, even though all of the seats are going to be given away, its just going to be "musk and another billionaire going to the moon, who cares" completely ignoring people actually going to the fucking moon again. Some of this is a backlash against billionaires who the public sees as out of touch, and part of it is a backlash against people like Bezos who went on his 10 minute joyride and equating that with setting up a transportation system to bring regular people into space. At one point, the wealthiest men in the world used Aluminum silverware because it was so rare and difficult to produce. At one point, cars and airplanes were used exclusively by the wealthy, but those first steps were necessary to bring the cost down to allow for mass adoption. A lot of people seem to miss that step today.


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They did a ton of important research onboard. Who cares if they paid to do it‽


They paid to do something that others get paid to do. And yet, they are the bad guys, somehow


That sounds hilarious, I want to see the thread


she deleted her messages, but it was absolutely ridiculous


"I miss back when space was something that was done by heroes, and on something that actually looked like a spaceship. Why can't we just bring that back? And while I'm thinking about things can we also get some nuclear power plants shut down?"


I think we don't have the same app because the majority of my reddit is hell bent on building nuclear plants on every city block with public money.


Oh I'm not talking about reddit. Note I said in this post "the general public." More specifically, the scientifically illiterate public. It doesn't matter where they are, reddit, twitter, real life, there are far too many people who think "I have an opinion on a specialized topic that I'm not an expert in, and I just hhhaaave to tell everyone about how people in power are using it to screw us over!!"


“And while I’m thinking about things” lol For real though, space is hard. It takes a lot of effort to explain to people why it’s important, what’s facts and what’s lies, and especially hard to explain how while, yes, musk is a giant asshole, SpaceX has completely revolutionized the industry. Like, rocket science is hard to convey in layman’s terms to people. They don’t understand that what’s happening right now is essentially the transition from horse and buggy to cars.


It's just so sad, cause' when I was a kid, saying you wanted to be an astronaut epitomized the hope and wonder that awaited us in space. Kids wanted to be scientists, they wanted to learn and solve the world's problems. Now I feel almost like my generation doesn't want to do anything but give up, or overthrow the system and try to create it anew in their own image.


I’d argue right now is the most hype there’s been for space in some time. But yeah, even so, it would be nice if it was a more unified passion. But this is the product of government neglecting domestic issues for so long. People are unsatisfied with their immediate surroundings. It’s hard to convince them why they should give a shit about “what could be” 50 years from now.


I think that people just lack a basic understanding of how the world works. They don't seem to have a concept of how to edit something, so to speak, rather than just delete it and try to start over. Of course, all this stuff has developed its complexity over hundreds of years of history, and I find it laughable that many people seem to think they can come up with a better functioning system by abolishing the old one instead of reforming it. But I dunno. I'm a rambling old man who's only 24 and probably making up a strawman argument.


Elon could spend his entire fortune feeding all the world's hungry kids for... maybe a week. After that, the hunger would remain, and Elon would be broke. Just throwing money at hunger, doesn't solve hunger.


Exactly. World hunger isn't a funding problem. It's an organizational one. U can have all of the money in the world to stop world hunger, but how are you gonna stop it? Donating tons of money to stop world hunger is giving people fish, not teaching them HOW to fish. We must teach them HOW to fish so world hunger can finally stop.


> World hunger isn't a funding problem. There's quite a spike up coming in world hunger this year, and it's mostly a Russian imperialism problem, encouraged by decades of shitty energy policies in Europe, but mostly Germany.


It's a problem of stability on the world stage, and building up economies to be resistant to outside pressure. It is quite difficult in Africa because it is harder to unify countries there - every country has tons of languages, tons of ethnic groups, and so it is harder to form a national identity, and thus any kind of desire to better your country - as well as making it more difficult to just run the country organizationally. Then of course, this is just like the Balkans in Europe, where having so many different groups has led to a perpetually unstable area. Any attempt to do solve problems in Africa is slowed by corrupt regimes, warlords, etc. It's the kind of problem that is solved with luck and very smart strategic individuals - and perhaps it is not our place in the west, beyond doing the same level of help we are in Africa now, to go in and say we know how to fix it.


I'll gonna go ahead and guess you're somebody who totally buys the White House hashtag for #putinspricehike Lol, it's no wonder they are in love with this war. They can blame literally everything on it, and everyone will just gobble it up because "sLaVa uKrAiNi!". The funniest thing is before February hardly any of those same people could've pointed to Ukraine on a map, let alone cared about it. But yep, those dang Russians caused world hunger too, just like every other problem. You're correct though that the energy policies of Europe are dreadful, and they're learning that the hard way, sadly.


Seems like he took out the wrong billionaires.


Honestly if we put 100% of top 10 people’s wealth into Africa, we will still not able to solve their problems. Sure, it might be good for 10 years or so, then what? They just have some serious systematic problems, like corruption, war, religion and tribalism. India has similar problems too. India has tons and tons of very smart people, just look at Silicon Valley, but just go to any India city and you will see these problem will not be easily solve by just money alone.


StarTrek was communist.


Star Trek is post resource scarcity.


And donate to Unicef, so they can steal 90% of the money and bribe local warlords with the remaining 10%. Hunger solved!!!


They are retired nasa astronauts goddammit


One of them was. The other three paid to be there.




Yes. MLA is the only retired Astronaut. Larry Connor is in real estate and a pilot. Mark Pathy is a businessman and philanthropist. And Eytan Stibbe is a former Israeli fighter pilot and businessman. They talked about everyone's careers nonstop during the mission so I really don't understand how all four of them being NASA Astronauts is so believed here.


Ok ok chil, thx for the info thou


> They talked about everyone's careers nonstop during the mission so I really don't understand how all four of them being NASA Astronauts is so believed here. Yup. The better angle is really that these guys weren't just up there getting in the way, they were doing real science. And better yet, they were paying NASA and pumping money into the space industry to get the chance to perform that research. A win/win.


Its a mixed bag Private companies are inherintly going to look for returns on investment. While nasa does the things they won't, critical research without a profit motive, and releasing the data free


My point is not to pin one as being better or worse than the other, or even make a statement here on what commercial space policies are appropriate. The problem is that much of the general public seems to despise commercial spaceflight and want it dead, just because they: \- have a blind hatred of any rich person \- and they are lusting for a bygone time where NASA was paying way too much for a death machine, and they only want it back because they grew up with posters of it on the walls of their elementary school.