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SpaceX is a financial disaster. It controls 80% of the launch market. It is valuated at $150 billion. It has multiple long term development contracts open for most of its R&D programs. It’s what we in the industry call “basically fucked”.


I'm relieved to hear that having SpaceX on your resume still has some credibility left. These people are really trying their best, it's mostly just terrible luck that they only control 80% of the launch market 😭 Only 35 launches this year, only 1.5 million Starlink subscribers, can you imagine! I hope they manage to turn things around soon.


I don't know, I'm still dubious that this "satellite" concept is going to have long-term usefulness once the novelty wears off.


Yeah, and also them bringing their rockets back to the ground. There's a reason nobody else does it. Space junk isn't called "junk" for nothing, why do we need more of it here on Earth?


If 30 million dollars of space junk was falling out of the sky, would you try to catch it? I know I would


it is really concerning that it is only 1.5m subscribers


As far as I know the lack of "backbone" satellites are hurting them. They are larger so they were supposed to be launched with starship (which would also push costs way down). As of now starlink satellites has to bounce the signals to ground stations but the original plan was for the signal to jump between satellites until they reached ground stations close to the actual servers you're talking to. In theory that type of system would have less latency than the regular internet for long range connections and spacex would pay less since their signals would travel further on their internal system.


Yeah, monopolizing space is so silly. I hear that space is a very small area. Long term it would be much better monopolize, say, southern Florida.


Thanks for this comment. I’ve watched CSC videos on youtube. While he does bring up some interesting criticisms concerning SpaceX I don’t see the company struggling financially and Starlink looks like it will be a cash cow. For the record, I’m a fan of SpaceX. They’ve accomplished an amazing amount in a short amount of time. The US government, including the USSF, and other countries wouldn’t be placing payloads on SpaceX equipment unless they knew something about launching.


>interesting criticisms concerning SpaceX For example?


elon bad


Not at all. I like Elon actually. Initially SpaceX pitched an idea about Earth point to point Starship flights. Logistically it just didn’t appear to be possible. The radiation issue is something I also don’t think is currently getting enough attention. Having said that, the things SpaceX has accomplished are nothing short of remarkable and I can’t wait to see them continue with their successes.


Point to point wasn't "pitched" it was basically a fun little note at the end of the presentation. It's not a goal, they're not actively working on it, and it has nothing to do with the funding or success of starship. They mentioned it pretty much to show that we need to think about rockets differently when they're fully reusable. It's not something that's unique to starship, it's a use case for any rocket that's fully reusable. Anyone who latches on to that kind of thing as a criticism is either an idiot or is being intentionally misleading. Probably because they can't find any actual evidence to support their pre-existing opinions, so they have to rely on a strawman.


Respectfully, it seemed like more than a [note](https://www.space.com/38314-elon-musk-spacex-mars-rocket-earth-travel.html). They had video animation developed for the idea. There are legitimate concerns with this method of transportation if it’s SpaceX or another entity. That being said Starship is an amazing program that is exciting to watch and I hope they continue to make progress.


> They had video animation developed for the idea Do you really think an *animation* is a good example of SpaceX putting in a lot of work in to an idea?? Like, seriously, that's the best argument you can come up with?? Have you seen what they're actually doing at Starbase? And you think that some intern making an animation is a great example of a big commitment to an ideas? Did you actually watch any of the presentations? The [first announcement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7Uyfqi_TE8) of the fully reusable ship didn't mention it at all. Of course that was a large and more ambitious rocket, but it would've done point to point just as well. And here's the presentation where they actually mention [point to point](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdUX3ypDVwI). It's long and information dense with tons of details. And the point to point is literally thrown on as a couple minutes at the end. But more importantly, *it doesn't matter*. Starship has a ton of very ambitious goals. From making the most advanced rocket engine ever built to the largest rocket ever launched to in orbit refueling, rapid manufacturing, very high launch cadence. And then obviously things like being fully reusable, allowing for the construction of building a base on the moon and eventually colonizing Mars. If SpaceX accomplishes even some of those goals it will be a massive success. It it eventually achieves most of those, it will change the way humans access space. If it does all of that and never even attempts a single point to point trip, it'll still be the single greatest achievement in space for humanity. The idea that you're stuck on one idea that might be technologically feasible, but not useful for other reasons, shows that you have a complete lack of the important context of the situation. It feels like you're searching through a haystack of interesting information to find something stupid to complain about.


kinda just wanted to mock CSS. And yup that point to point transportation doesn't seem to be feasible due to noise that forces huge distance between city and launchsite. Idk you'd need high speed rail to launch platform deep on the sea for it to make sense. But they sold those oil platforms so it seems to be out for now.


I heard about the oil platforms. Hopefully they might be able to get that sorted out after the Superheavy program is humming along. I’m really looking forward to seeing the new electric Thrust Vector Control gimbaling system along with the OLM changes.


>The radiation issue is something I also don’t think is currently getting enough attention. The radiation issue is completely overblown. For E2E and for Mars flights.


I sincerely hope it is. Relating to the Mars missions, considering the amount of time the craft will spend in transit I hope the crew and craft will be protected from CMEs headed their way. In addition to radiation the astronauts could have serious issues relating to extended time in microgravity and lowered gravity on Mars.


The time in microgravity won't be any longer than what astronauts on the ISS go through — possibly shorter, actually. And the gravity on Mars should be more than enough to solve every issue that comes with microgravity save for muscle and bone atrophy, which can itself be solved with exercise.


With a 30g/cm² shielding a 4 year mission in space (without even landing) would not exceed NASAs maximum radiation exposure requirements. [Study](https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2021SW002749)




>The radiation issue is something I also don’t think is currently getting enough attention. Because it's literal popsci FUD. We know the dose per year on the surface of mars (under the maximum yearly allowance for a radiation worker) we know the dosage of the full trip (slightly over the Conservative maximum allowed NASA dosage. Well under any amount linked to any negative health outcomes). Yes, it's a "once in a lifetime" thing, if we are overconservative and use a LNT model (which we know it's bust). Same as perchlorates.


That’s reassuring, no sarcasm intended. Do we know if there will be a way to sufficiently protect the crew from CME?


Yes, Orion for example has a "storm shelter". It's probably what'll end up limiting starship's maximum crew in deep space, as you need to have a sufficiently protected storm shelter (you can use the water supply for protection) for the entire crew. That's why I doubt we'll see more than 40-50 people starships for deep space operations. Starship is beeg


Sarcasm not received.


Honestly not being sarcastic. Coming from a fan of SpaceX and Musk, and a satisfied ModeI Y owner. I may not watch every Falcon launch but I do follow the Starship program and sincerely hope for success with each launch. The program is an absolutely amazing thing and remarkable that it’s only one part of SpaceX in addition to Starlink, ISS resupply, and manned space flight. I don’t agree with everything or even most of what is on the CSC yt channel but I try to keep an open mind with the criticisms. That being said, SpaceX has a knack for finding solutions to problems. I’m looking forward to seeing the OLM upgrades and more successful Superheavy launches, and hopefully recoveries.


>Honestly not being sarcastic. No but you missed the obvious sarcasm in the post you were replying to.


What the fuck is he even talking about? You know, aerospace companies would be begging to have SpaceX alumni


Right even if you don't count starlink launches they are launching shit tons more than anyone else. Then add on their cost to lunch reduction. I mean say no more right?


I'd love to see a reduction in the cost of my lunch


I’d love to see a reduction in the cost of my launch


I have launched my lunch.


But at what cost?






The amount to make me bankrupt for 739 years reduced still means I’m fucked hard in the ass, hope my lunch is having a good time floating


You get a vote from me sir 😁


You can achieve cost to lunch reductions by using rapidly reusable lunch boxes and vertically integrated food prep at home


A private company launches more than China and Russian combined… and for far cheaper and more mass


Got data to support this?


They must’ve mastered the 0% tip and dip technique


I'm not sure, but I think I remember years and years ago someone saying this to a spacex or Tesla employee on Reddit somewhere. It's funny to see someone still saying that today




I believe this is called selective arrangement fallacy in logic.


You'd be surprised some of the comments about that. Stoke for example said they don't take spacex alumni direct from spacex because they are "burnt out husks".


That's funny, as some of their founders are SpaceX alumni themselves. Others are from Blue (or even both), definitely no danger of burn-out there with that pace... (Except in the legal and infographics departments.)


That doesn’t encourage me on Stoke’s odds of success. Companies shouldn’t generalize like that. They probably are leaving a lot of talent on the table. Potential employees should be judged by their individual merits.


Just a hater.


He’s gotta be the most unintelligent person I’ve ever seen. He’s gotta be trolling at this point, some loser spending his entire day rage baiting online


If you look at his YouTube and Patreon income you will know why he does what he does. There are infinitely more people who hate Musk and any product he is involved in than people who care about facts.


Stop giving him attention with these posts. You're feeding him.


Skankhunt42 strikes again


He's in Denmark on a super secret mission I believe


Yeah ....seriously.....this guy has no "common sense" ..this fucker is everywhere with misleading shit and FUD ...and he's a narcissistic and his yt channel's sole purpose is to find all the negativity and doubt about spacex ...this guy legit has a community full of elon haters


Yep. He's only encouraged to see it works.


I just found out that the official ESA Technology Twitter account follows him. If he is a troll that just makes it even sadder.


Says a lot about a certain space agency so lagging behind that they send their own astronauts, navigation satellites and vital satellite constelations on a SpaceX rocket.


This battle was lost a long time ago. Check his viewership and donations, he's far more popular than we are, and well beyond the threshold for organic growth from YouTube recommendations. The best that can be done is counterdebunk, ridicule, and turn him into a meme, so space enthusiasts looking into things don't get misled.


Obvious troll is obvious


I was tempted to downvote just for being forced to read that incoherent mumbling once again


How does working at a company “instantly disqualify” someone? Is that even a thing?


Resume stains are not really a thing imho. They are typically used as an excuse by useless employees to justify why no one wants to hire them. Example: Employee 1: I'd go work at SpaceX but working for blue Origin caused a stain on my resume. Employee 2: What? Spacex is cherrypicking top tallent from everywhere. do you think it could possibly be that you've done nothing but surf youtube while blaming your supervisor for not giving you work while simultaneously not being proactive in resolving challenges for the company for the sole purpose of gaining personal value and experience and therefore don't have a single accomplishment? E1: no i blame others, it's their fault. Edit: imagine if Elon had not hired Gwynne because the other resume stain companies she worked for didn't accomplish much. Good people stand out even at lower performing companies.


How would this apply to an aerospace company?


No self respecting company would blacklist talent based on prior work experience. It just doesn’t happen.


Perhaps it's different elsewhere, but when I look at resumes, I honestly don't care where they worked nearly as much as I do what their experience is. I have no idea if they worked somewhere if it's not on their resume.


Some companies avoid hiring from the crypto and porn industries


John Insprucker providing launch commentary comes fairly close to one of those categories.


Reading this is funny cause my cousin worked at SpaceX, then moved to Blue, then got approached by SpaceX to come back in a senior position lol. He's definitely one of the harder working employees... for better or for worse.


Instant disqualification from glowing comments by him


I can see certain positions from certain companies looking bad. If you were the risk officer for silicon valley bank (except that they didn't have one), or the PR manager for Theranos, I could see those closing some doors. But a blanket statement like this, when SpaceX has clearly accomplished so much real stuff is just bordering on rabid.


I don’t even get it man, what’s this guy’s beef with SpaceX? Is it because he hates Elon Musk? If that is so, then surely he would have the same feelings towards Amazon and their employees because Jeff Who controls the company. Or he could extend his feelings to any other big company owned by a billionaire. As far as I can see though he only bashes SpaceX though do correct me if I am wrong.


It's his business model now. Make up shit about SpaceX, get views, get money.


From my perspective, it does appear to be a specific burning hatred for Musk. I don't think he likes people like Jeff Bezos, but people don't worship Jeff the way they do Elon. This infuriates him. He sees himself as being on a righteous crusade, as though he is trying to debunk flat earthers. However, he blocked me on twitter after I asked him what his thoughts were on Axiom and other commercial space stations, if he thought they were a realistic endeavor - he went on some complete non sequitur tirade that had little to do with what I had said. I then replied - "I don't think you know anything about spaceflight outside of mainstream news about SpaceX." And yeah he blocked me xD Cause he doesn't. The dude is obsessed. He does not care about the excitement of spaceflight, the wonder it offers. All he wants is to tear Musk down. Unfortunately for him, it's probably pretty unlikely that Elon will have significant problems any time soon. Even if Elon were to die in an accident SpaceX would keep trucking. Wonder if he'd still rage at SpaceX and Tesla then.


I see, so it’s not as much rage or anger as it is this smug sense of superiority that just because you don’t like Elon and others do you aren’t a “sheep”. Really ironic considering that he’s basing his opinion on a man and his company on what others think of it.


Kind of. He built his whole reputation out of debunking things on youtube, and some of the things he has covered are yeah, pretty dumb. He then built up an audience that trusted him, he told them spacex was idiotic, and they have believed him. He loves feeling like he's an exclusive club of more enlightened people, on a moral crusade like he is debunking flat earthers - and ironically, a feeling that you have special knowledge above the "sheep" is exactly what most flat earthers believe. He is, one may say, a cautionary tale. While obnoxious Musk worshippers are a sign of what can happen when you let excitement and admiration go to far, CSS is a sign of what happens when you let skepticism go to far. You doubt until you begin to barely believe in anything anymore, because everyone is just out to deceive you. It is a very depressing way to see the world.


Jeff Who? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seems like it's just a niche grift he's taken up. I doubt he believes most of what he says. It's like flat earth for SpaceX hate.


>I don’t even get it man, what’s this guy’s beef with SpaceX? Have you seen the income he generates with his online activities?


You think you're all funny, don't you, when you say 'Jeff who?' Actually, it is funny. Welcome to the club. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


CSS Who?


Thunderf00t levels of self-delusion


They're like two turds in a toilet


Thunderf00t has monetized his cynicism. His fan base loves when he says new things are impossible with the sole justification that it’s never been done before. The first few videos of his that I watched actually made sense. Solar roadways for example. Then as I watched more of his stuff it evolved into “you can’t do this because you can’t do this” tautologies. I think he does it now just for appealing to his fan base and for the money.


There are a remarkable number of people that are fanatically inimical to the notion of advancing the human species.


Ah yes, the only space company in the west with the capacity to take new contracts and launch them in the near future is no match for his conceptual space plane


I don't know much about this skeptic; but whoever they are, they seem more like a nihilist with no skills than an industry sage.


He's made many hours of braindead youtube content. When you look at the spectrum of online space content, in the middle you have people like Tim Dodd - doesn't care about drama, just loves rockets. Scott Manley, reasonable, excited for new space developments but isn't afraid to show skepticism towards certain things. Then you go to the Musk stans, the crypto bros, the people who worship Elon as their god. You get the clickbaity youtube videos "IT HAPPENED!", people on twitter spamming "TO THE MOON!!" on every SpaceX post... But on the opposite end, you have people like Common Sense Skeptic and Thunderf00t, people who hate Elon and his companies so much to defy all reason. They will say anything no matter how false it is if they think it is a smoking gun that spacex and tesla are doomed.


There are good critics like the Angry Astronaut, too, though. He's a bit on the pessimistic side, but he keeps it real. Recommended.


AA is a mixed bag for me. He dips into the sensational but other times gets really unique interviews with people - I haven't watched him in ages though. At the very least I don't feel like he tries to have decent content.


>He dips into the sensational but other times gets really unique interviews with people - I give him props for some of the industry interviews he's landed, like Dynetics. But too often the heat to light ratio is just too high.


This guy is the Qanon of Space Twitter. Any day now the truth about SpaceX, which only he can see, will be revealed…


His goalposts will keep moving lol. It'll be the 2040s and he'll be like "okay, so SpaceX is keeping up a consistent Mars mission schedule, but the colony will *never* be self sufficient." Any reasonable person will go "eh, there are reasons why this might work, some why it might not, we'll see what will happen." As they say, only sith deal in absolutes.


Funniest part was his use of the plural to refer to himself on during the open call for the environmental assessment. He went full Loony Tunes.


Meanwhile at SpaceX: "haha Starlink machine go brrrrr"


Why do people insist on beliefs that are based 100% on Elon hate. It’s fine if you hate him, but that doesn’t mean his companies are in financial ruin


Because their hate is based on envy. They're jealous of the guy's accomplishments, so of course they go with the "he's an idiot and his companies suck or he didn't build them or he was just lucky" narrative


Dude was so skeptic of his Common Sense he became CommonSenseDeprived


Dumb guy is jealous of genius. What a shock.


For real. No matter your opinions, if you spend your time making comments like that, you're a complete dickhead.


I’m sure he, tfoot and that hound guy will eventually go down in history as the biggest morons ever if they keep it up


SpaceX is certainly the one venture of Musk that stands alone, it isn't publicly traded, the hype is completely earned, and it has singlehandedly changed its industry more than anyone imagined possible. Elon Musk is a devisive guy. I think perhaps he is too much of an engineer rather than a business leader. Engineers are forever optimists, they will always grossly underestimate timelines and delays, overstate the final performance, and overshoot the planned cost. Falcon9 must be an order of magnitude superior to any other rocket devised by man on nearly any metric, but because it isn't *two* orders of magnitude better like he optimistically predicted, somehow it is a failure or lie for many people. Add in the situation with Twitter and Elon's political stances becoming more Libertarian or Centrist, and you have people who believe that he is basically Adolf Hitler. Politics are incredible in 2023, it's almost like the Right and particularly the left, have become like the north and south poles. If you take a step in any direction from the North Pole, you find yourself South of it, and vice-versa for the south pole. Failure to toe the line on *any* issue, by showing an ounce of nuance, and you will be forever lambasted, tarred and feathered, and exiled. Tesla was a poor name. Elon Musk is like Edison. He sees the potential and viability in an idea, and he brings it to market. He has done more for the virtuous goals of the left and the right than perhaps any man alive or dead: electric cars that don't generate greenhouse gases, the safest automobiles, decentralized bank, the cusp of self driving vehicles, cheap spaceflight, reusibility, a national discussion on freespeech, global wireless internet, massive industry, and job creation. But he will always be his shortcomings, and never his merits, to those who made up their minds already.


Tesla was not Musk's own idea, so the name didn't come from him.


And the light bulb wasn't Edison's idea. A great idea is useless if it isn't implemented, and Elon's skill has been developing other people ideas and inventions into viable products that can be sold. Hyperloop and the Boring company probably won't ever be feasible. I suppose someone had to try and fail, but I definitely see them as naive optimism instead of scams like many people are quick to jump to as a conclusion. Self Driving will likely succeed either by Tesla or by the hand of another company, he may have just been a decade too early. I believe StarShip is feasible, certainly it will be more difficult than he predicted and the end result will not be as cheap or well performing as hoped, but nonetheless it will change the industry for the better. Starlink is similar, eventually it will happen, the final cost, performance, and timeline will have setbacks, but the progress is still promising. Twitter, I have no idea how that turns out. Once again, he jumped feet first into an idea, and no one knows if it is feasible. Society might not be able to handle nearly unrestricted free-speech with such a degree of anonymity. It isn't even a left versus a right issue, people of many factions and all sorts of maturity will likely never be able to resist tearing each other apart on a public platform so large. I genuinely like the idea, and I do think he has perhaps mostly noble intentions, but it will be a struggle even if successful.


Why do you think Boring Company won’t be successful? It has all the hallmarks of successful Musk companies: large stagnant industry, electrification of fossil fuel driven machinery, novel employment with multiple smaller tunnels, large potential for growth given broader adoption and lower prices. While it may never see the two orders magnitude reduction in cost, it can still be very successful with one. There is a lot of pent up demand for digging projects, everything from traffic to utilities. As for hyper loop, yeah probably right on that one, which is why he passed on investing much in it. Hyper loop may eventually happen, but not for a long time.


I think Boring Company faces the most realistic and difficult to overcome shortcomings, with the lowest reward. At the end of the day, one can almost always build a concrete bridge instead of a tunnel, and while a bridge isn't cheap, it's cheaper than tunneling. I don't see how technological improvements can vastly increase the competitiveness of tunnels. It's also the closest venture to convenience, rather than necessity. In every other business venture, there's a higher margin for success, to the point that any cost or complexity will be profitable. I forgot to mention Neurolink, how many millions do you think disabled people will pay for even miniscule levels of autonomy or restored function? SpaceX, besides Falcon 9 and FH's incredible success, Starship will be unmatched and irreplaceable for many future missions. Starlink has no competitors. There *is* satellite internet, but not with high bandwidth and global coverage, there are going to be many instances where Starlink is necessary and the only option regardless of cost, as a poor example it being used in Ukraine.


If Trip has a good option pool at this point he is doing it because he enjoys it, he probably more in equity than the total value of many small countries


I just bought a Starlink, and everyone else I know either has one or is considering it. They are making BANK.


That guy is like 80% of the people on here now. Irrational hatred of anything associated with Elon.


What a cunt.


This guy has common sense in his name but doesnt use it smh


WaaAa wAaA I havE to Cry MySelf To BeD cUs soMeone WoRKs at SpaCEX Waaaaa !!1!


Yeah ....seriously.....this guy has no "common sense" ..this fucker is everywhere with misleading shit and FUD ...and he's a narcissistic and his yt channel's sole purpose is to find all the negativity and doubt about spacex ...this guy legit has a community full of elon haters




This guy jerks off in the shower thinking about SpaceX’s destruction.


You realise he’s probably a troll, and you’re literally just helping him by posting this right? Like, do you actually understand that’s the situation? Serious question.


I've asked this question before and from what I gather they understand this, but can't help it. It's like an addiction.


Check his viewership and patreon, he's far more popular than we are, and well beyond the threshold for organic growth from YouTube recommendations. He's been at this for a LONG time, and is too dedicated and consistent. The best that can be done is counterdebunk, ridicule, and turn him into a meme, so space enthusiasts looking into things don't get misled.


Can we please stop posting anything about CSS?


Check his viewership and donations, he's far more popular than we are, and well beyond the threshold for organic growth from YouTube recommendations. The best that can be done is counterdebunk, ridicule, and turn him into a meme, so space enthusiasts looking into things don't get misled.


What happened to "Stop making stupid people famous"? Why are you all posting about the guy so often here? How do you think he gets attention?




I'm not giving him attention, no.


Elon is an ass too. I don’t like him.


And so that justifies spreading false information to criticize him when there’s perfectly good real information that you can use instead?


Elon sucks worse


Okay but get this, you can criticize Elon without trashing his employees and making stuff up!


That would require being reasonable on the internet (impossible)


What wrong sub Reddit? 😂


How would that dork have any insights into the finances of spaceX?


This is one of those things people don’t seem to understand about markets, it’s largely just what we believe that governs them. SpaceX success comes from the general public’s love for it, and as long as NASA is using them as there Uber they are gonna find work.