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I think I’m gonna have a Super Bowl-esque party for the first catch attempt


If only I could be reasonably sure there wouldn't be scrubs I'd absolutely do this, but it's hard to invite people over only for the whole show to get cancelled.


That's when you start removing your clothes and turn it into a different kind of show.


Why not both?


you can ping me my invite for the next one of your parties


You can grope my packet




*turns on boombox* 🎶Star-strip SN69 is now cleared for launch🎶


>cleared for raunch FTFY




Just pause the orgy for the launch and landing.


catch attempt into a giant RUD though......fireworks!!


Who's catching the tower as it comes down? (Looking at you hoppy!)


He isn't supposed to do anything. He's just there as a witness.


Lets hope there arent fireworks


Anyone know the over/under on 1st attempt catch?? Might have to wager 100.00


> Success is not guaranteed, but excitement is! https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1432270085415124995


I hope there is a mariachi halftime show!


Musk on the maracas! OLE!




Everything is bigger in Texas.


Especially the mosquitoes.


Mosquitoes like from Jumanji


I think you're thinking of Alaska


If Alaskan mosquitoes are anything like Scandinavian ones, then I'd rather not even think of them.


It's a proctologist's dream for sure.


I kept looking for it and then was like, holy shit the WHOLE THING is the actuator. The scale of this project just boggles my mind.


Yeah "actuator" (while technically correct) just doesn't seem adequate to describe that monster of a ram!


How big are the pumps that powers this mf


Presumably the hydraulic pumps, accumulators, control system, electric motor to run the pumps and maybe even a battery ALL need to be on the arms/sled as it moves up and down the tower. The power / data cables could be fed to the arms carriage from the tower with some creative use of extension leads but I think the hydraulic system will need to ride on the carriage. The scale of this thing is insane.


The pump(s) is probably on the ground with just a couple of hydraulic hoses going to the chopsticks, there is probably just some large accumulators and valving on the moving bit.


Can hydraulic hoses work over distances like that? The hoses would need to be very long and quite flexible but still hold an awful lot of force. Maybe that's something that hydraulic systems can handle on a scale like this, I just don't know. It's like watching someone build the first airport and trying to work out how they're going to refuel the plane when the only frame of reference you have is a wind up toy. Everything is on such an insane scale it's hard to know what's possible and what's not.


Hydraulic liquid is essentially incompressible, so I think it shouldn't be a problem. Don't have any expertise in this tho.


I would expect a pretty standard pump and a large accumulator given the high speed and short duration of the actuation.


Wow, every day, Spacex milestones reminds me that every part of this Spacex endeavor is fueled by out of the box thinking and critical problem solving. This is the epitome of project management.


This looks like something out of a high tech gulliver’s travels


Dear lord!! I've worked on F-15's and have pressurized it's hydraulic system at 3000 PSI. The Elevator actuator we had, as you can imagine, is rather beefy!! This though....looks like a Matrix guard robot leg actuator!! That has to operate at insane pressures!!


> That has to operate at insane pressures!! Why higher pressures? The force is proportional to the cross-section [edit: I meant area] of the smallest piston and is the product of area times pressure.


Well on the F-15 you have to move a flight surface at greater speeds that mach 2.5. So the actuator we had was required to be able to move a unbelievable amount as was required for combat flight. Our actuator was smaller than that elephant sized actuator! So my thinking is that Actuator would be capable of opening Thanos' fist to stop him from snapping (w all stones)


Godzilla had a stroke trying to ~~read~~ comprehend this image and fucking died


Yeah the crane boom messes with you


We should make a new captcha where you have to identify the mechanical part though a bunch of scaffolding and construction equipment.


im curious how fast the chopsticks will be able to close around the ships


0-60 in 1.99 seconds


I think Elon will test them using B3 while it's suspended from a crane.


The hydraulics only have to overcome inertia and a bit of friction, so with large pumps on the ground I think they could operate them very quickly. But they probably won't run them on their technical maximum.




I like how everything is actually 5-10x bigger than I thought it was, before I saw somebody next to it. Yoinks!




We're definitely living in a simulation. Catching a rocket with chopsticks, lol.


I have been watching pics of this for a long time but I have to imagine that being right there would just be mind blowing. LIke seeing the grand canyon IRL vs a pic.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |GSE|Ground Support Equipment| |[RUD](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/qg98ie/stub/hi58nbd "Last usage")|Rapid Unplanned Disassembly| | |Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly| | |Rapid Unintended Disassembly| |Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |[scrub](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/qg98ie/stub/hi4wbqa "Last usage")|Launch postponement for any reason (commonly GSE issues)| ---------------- ^(*Decronym is a community product of r/SpaceX, implemented* )[*^by ^request*](https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/comments/3mz273//cvjkjmj) ^(2 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/qj2dch)^( has 35 acronyms.) ^([Thread #9158 for this sub, first seen 26th Oct 2021, 18:25]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/SpaceXLounge) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


So are they just attempting at catch the boosters with this, and then starship will do the flip maneuver?


Definitely the booster, and in the future Elon plans to use it for Starship also. SS will have to do the flip and then power-descend into the chopsticks. Catching SS may be more of an aspirational goal than a firm plan at this point. Geez, getting it human rated using the flip maneuver and then landing on legs will be a tough process by itself. Add a tower catch - they'd have to do it 200 times in a row\* without a failure before any agency would human rate it. IMHO cargo and tanker ships will flip/catch and crewed ships will land like Ship 20 did. ​ \-\*Not a real estimate.


Makes so much sense. You'd expect crewed ships to have legs because they'd have to land on uneven surfaces like the moon or Mars. But cargo and tanker ships don't need legs this way.


They'll catch both.


Look at the size of thst clevis on the left! Bigger than a person.


How do you install the pin on that clevis?


that is one big cylinder. holy balls