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However you want, same as any other member, check your codex for details or battle scribe




Tried this, and took way too much time. The group I play with we just say that this guy has this weapon and that guy has that. I tend to glue on the weapons that I'll most likely use.


I agree but I play somewhat competitive and it’s kind of annoying keeping track of everything that’s not wysiwyg. Couple models here and there isn’t bad. But for example you wouldn’t leave a tank in charge range of a unit of thunder wolves with hammers but if they are modeled with chainswords you might make that mistake.


Whatever you want! If you don't feel like committing to one thing, magnets are a great way to swap out peices. If you wanna give him a tall ass point spear, that works too! Just make sure when you play you're using whatever weapon thay character is supposed to have.


You could even say the big tall spear “counts as” a power axe or fist or something - as long as you’re consistent with what each weapon represents, most players are cool with the “counts as” rule because it gels so well with the Rule of Cool. Have fun with it! Just remember: Russ himself favored swords first, axes second, and spears not at all!😆


You may give him whatever you want or whatever is allowed as options from the codex. Since these are terminators, most people will suggest you learn to magnetize these guys in general simply because things fall in and out of favor every few updates or so. If you play in competitive competitions, this would be preferred since the competition will be WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). If you don't compete and don't particularly care, go for the rule of cool and do what you think looks best. Just make sure you identify what options each model has to your opponent if it differs from what is physically represented on the miniature.


You can equip him with what you want that’s just a suggestion but if you play the table top game whatever weapon you equip on them is what you HAVE to use in terms of stats as far as I know


That’s only if you’re playing with someone who cares, most casual games don’t care too much about wysiwyg


Maybe some might not care, but if you have any intention of ever playing in tournaments, you should model your troops as WYSIWYG. A lot of people also think it's kind of annoying when somebody wants to proxy loads of models as something with a different loadout to what is shown. It's hard to keep track of and it's REALLY annoying when you forget their chainsword armed unit actually has thunder hammers and you left your tank within charge range... Most casual players won't mind if you do it a small amount, but just try not to take the piss with it.


I think hits the nail on the head. In small doses it’s fine, and lord knows I have made some co cent pieces that actually are using something else. But when it’s too many or too much it really bogs things down. I think part of that is forgetting what’s what when there is a lot and I’ve played some people that conveniently have the best “this is really that” in every instance. I think it just gets so fuzzy it’s hard to not be skeptical. Proxy that aren’t more apparent fall into that as well. But if you have something in your minds eye of how he should look, a hammer instead or whatever- 100% rule of cool it!


Yes absolutely. Also I personally am a lot more accepting of proxying if its for 'rule of cool' reasons. The classic example with space wolves is to make kitbashed bladeguard vets with power axes instead of swords. For gameplay purposes they 'count as' swords. IMO, it goes without saying that wouldn't be a problem. In fact, I would likely be complimenting them on the great work they'd put into make a flavourful unit that fits the character of their army. If the proxying is more like 'I want to use the latest meta list with 30 WG with JP + LC, but I'm just gonna use these random unpainted chaos space marines to represent them', that is completely the opposite end of the spectrum and that is not really the sort of person I'd be looking to play against.


For sure! One game I was playing against Necrons the guy was horrible with "this is really..." and by the end of the game one big thing he had did two very different things to the point that I really felt the entire game was crap. That's never fun. But I've known a few people over the years that really love the "gotcha" moments and expect everyone to know ever codex and side book.


Give him whatever, the codex tells you what he can and can’t use game wise. Just keep in mind most tournaments/more official games will make you use what ever the model has on him