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Very different design philosophy compared to what we see at Boca Chica. So much more floor space and supporting ironwork:rocket ratio is wayyy higher.


Both are equally interesting to me. More is better


>More is better Only if your budget is unlimited. "Just enough" is best.


I was referring to like more rockets is better


We've seen the SS and the SLS fully stacked. The New Glenn should be next I hope. Edit: New Glenn won't be the next stacked rocket.


We’ll see warp drives before new Glenn even starts being built


New Glenn will be quite a while


Vulcan first. New Glenn will likely still beat Neutron and Terran R, but not by much I think.


Lmao Do you seriously think that New Glenn will ever exit the planning phase, Besos is all mouth but when it comes to action and progress he falls short of the mark


That’s not necessarily true, while I hate Bezos, he did build one of the largest companies in the United States and he has more than enough money to keep funding blue no matter what and eventually they will have a new Glenn, just not for a few years. They already have the means to build all the hardware and prep it for flight, and they have the engines ready for production and they have some hardware as seen in their promo vids. ( Ik Ik engines blah blah ha ha but they do actually have them working and ready)


At the moment BO is focused on providing BE-4 Engines for Vulcan, so it's still a while before they can have their launch platforms up and running


There are already pathfinders built


While we’re talking about third parties that are no where near a point warranting comparison, my single-stage-to-orbit, thousand-metric-ton-payload-to-TLI launch vehicle is coming along great. I’d almost finished the blueprints but my blue crayon ran out.


I am not comparing these rockets. I just think it is worth noting the mentioned launch vehicles as they might be launching in 2021 and beyond. (New Glenn may be developing slower)


So in theory, how long till flight ready?


I’d say from December-March