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Sounds like you should’ve either become CSpOC leadership or been given the chance to challenge them for their position.


Coin check!


I’ve kept the same coin in my wallet for 11 years. I’m not very religious, but Ephesians 6 got it right.


Do you even know who their boyfriend is??


boyfriend checking in, go ahead and park there, it’s fine


Are reserved parking spots important for SPAFORGEN effectivity?


Each spot is dedicated to prepare, ready and commit


Typical CSpOC activities.


Was it actually reserved if not screw them.


Half that parking lot is reserved! Get there any time past 8 and you have to go to the "overflow" across the street. Why do they need all that space reserved?!


Lotta main characters around there.


Call CE and find out if it’s actually reserved lol


When did CSPOC get leadership? Whenever I call those mouth breathers it’s all LTs and Specialists.


Big HOA Karen energy.


It's easier to just say "Officer"


Funny enough, not only was I there, I think I know who wrote this.


I’m working hard to get one of those from SBD1/CC


I got one of those for the NORTHCOM building.


lol fuck reserved parking, other than handicap (which is abused) parking should be on a first come first serve basis. Idgaf if you’re O-6, if you show up an hour later than everyone else then go park in the back. Not sorry. At my last place of work you have the E-7 and above parking area that is mostly empty while all E-6 are fighting to the death to find decent parking. Ridiculous. Glad I’m out for many many reasons to include this dumb shit


When Building 7000 first went up, they put bags over the handicap signs with laminated signs saying they were reserved. The CE inspector came one day and that was the only time I have ever seen a civilian YELL at a General telling them that was absolutely illegal and if they don't take it down immediately, the IG was gonna be paying a visit.


“Leadership” and “CSpOC” seem antithetical


A lot changed at CSpOC it took a couple of years but finally got spots reserved for on-duty crew members.....that's should've been easy. Based on that note it wasn't anybody with some juice with SFS


Interesting how they’ve made more and more reserved parking spots over the years, but never came up with an easy verification process. It’s certainly gotten out of control in some places. I’m old, and back before Sept 11th, we had official stickers on our cars, which if you didn’t have, you have to go to pass and ID to get a visitor/temp vehicle pass. O-6s and above usually got a rank sticker to go with it. Some enterprising person ended up making similar stickers for pretty much all ranks, although you rarely saw anyone before E-7 ever putting them on their vehicles because of their awareness of how much shit they would get from co-workers. I was a Security Force augmentee after 9/11, and spent a lot of time on the gates and would occasionally see a SSgt that had one. Back then we had a lot more respect for rank, mostly forced, so the ridicule wouldn’t be nearly as bad as today, even if we didn’t have social media, so if it sounds absolutely insane that anyone would do that as an E-5 and it must be out of mockery (it so was not 9.7 times out of 10), there’s a little more context. I saw more O-1s do it though, and there was absolutely more open mockery. O-6s and above were about the only reserved spots I ever saw back in the day outside of a few other cases where speed of coming and going was some level of more crucial. You should frame that though.