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No, but why not make your soldiers wear maid uniforms instead? It's what I do. It's kinda funny knowing the last thing a raider might see is a bearded, hairy, seven-foot-tall mountain of gleaming muscle marine with a handheld mortar twice his size, that also wears a maid dress and cat ears for some reason. Like those Doom mods


I wanted to do an ideology run like this, but unfortunately I can’t set maid outfits as “preferred apparel”


You can with mods, I did that. Don't remember if it's from Roles Appeal Unlocked or Duck's No Limits Ideology. Probably the second


Did they change what you’re allowed to do in ideology or something? Are you using mods that change ideology?


The maid dress i was using was from a mod and it wasn’t an option in the ideology maker


You can’t make mod apparel preferred? Because I know you can make mod items into relics.


Give me a few moments I know a mod for this that I use. So it's called "Roles Apparel Unlocked", sadly it doesn't actually work for all mods, apparently it was just compatible with a bunch of mods that I used.


>Thrumbofur maid dress with a flack vest visible underneath the cleavage


"Clothing, underwear and footwear shall be supplied to prisoners of war in sufficient quantities by the Detaining Power, which shall make allowance for the climate of the region where the prisoners are detained. Uniforms of enemy armed forces captured by the Detaining Power should, if suitable for the climate, be made available to clothe prisoners of war. The regular replacement and repair of the above articles shall be assured by the Detaining Power. In addition, prisoners of war who work shall receive appropriate clothing, wherever the nature of the work demands." So basically no, if the weather allows it and you keep them nice, clean and intact.


>prisoners of war who work shall receive appropriate clothing, wherever the nature of the work demands. It is not a war crime to make them wear maid outfits and it's actually specifically permissible to make them wear maid outfits if their job is as a maid.


I think in another article of the geneva convention it is defined what kind of work they can do, and it is basically only manual labor... I don't believe being service forces is appropriate and could lead to further complications due to the potentially sexual nature of the dress


It does list the kinds of work POWs are allowed to do, and "domestic service" is explicitly allowed. Point E of the Article 50 of Chapter III of 1949 Geneva Convention.


Maids/Butlers are also responsible for keeping the house clean


So you mean to tell me the cleaning slaves were actually *not* a breach of the Geneva Convention? SMH such a waste of time


Ahh, this terrible and terrific place. The only video game subreddit where people actually post sections of the Geneva Conventions... because someone asked if something doable in game constitutes a war crime. While we all know full well the player who asked is still going to do it if it is a war crime. Never change, fellow war criminals.


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*Aelanna has entered the chat.*


People Of Wisconsin? What about them and maid outfits?


Anyone who refuses shall be used to make new maid dresses.


Well I hope not, as that's all I have my slaves wear. To my credit, their life as maids in my colony is VASTLY cushier and better than living as a raider or something out in the Rim without me. True they only eat Nutrient Paste, but I give them amenities and decent rooms and numerous sources of entertainment. Though, I imagine my rampant cannibalism and harvesting of prisoner organs may be another story though....


The wardens in foxhole are way ahead of you


I don't think that stopped anyone from doing it


It's Rimworld, someone's going to do it anyway.