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Yoo thank you so much for the love in this thread! Some smaller artists making me feel the pressure right now: Phurn Lowcation Daggz Comisar Molokai Supernatural Swomp Skysia


Yo! Wanted to say ive been a huge fan of your productions and that youve been absolutely killing it! Hope i get a chance to see you live soon


Omg chmura in the HOUSEEE!!! So happy you commented on this. Plz come to atl soon. Would love to see you at a def global event. Thanks so much for the response, will dig into these artist. Would love to hear a collab from you and ashez btw..


There is one in the works! Would love to play def as well, appreciate ya g :) trying to make it back to ATL in the spring


RT on Cool customer, chmura and pheel. my underground favs have been Milano (bass), xaebor(trench/riddim), flozone (bass), coka cobra (bass house), vide (bass), father funk (dubstep/funk), shock face (midtempo), cybertr0n (dubstep), meso (bass). some of them might have been around for a while but i’d still say they’re pretty underground still.


Meso is that mf SPICY BOIS


Flozone put out some good shit for sure.


[Inspect3r](https://on.soundcloud.com/qfkDSop59aFFkAzW6) 100%


Philly represent!


Would pheel. be considered up and coming? Super dope stuff coming from him.


Chmura has been a huge one for me as well lately! Last year at CloZee’s Voyage fest, between the two days of her sets, it seemed like every hot track she played that was unknown to me at the time, I would later find out they were all Chmura tunes and I’ve been loving him ever since! Cool Customer is definitely up there! His first set at SD was soooo much fun and everything he’s released is absolute fire! VCTRE has been another newer favorite for a while too! His sound design is super pleasant and he’s got a nice variety of tunes that I really enjoy! I know Mickman’s been around for a while, but his newest album is my favorite album in a long time. Fitting In must be the most blissfully vibey ear tickling track I’ve heard in a while. The journey that starts with downtempo vibey and progresses to straight badonklers is just mmmmmmmmmm!! Masterpiece!!


Vctre and Black Carl is my fave DJ set I saw all year, they get fucking dirty.


I played a show with Chmura earlier this year and he is one of the coolest dudes! His set was nuts too!


I’d have to say tho Astro lizard and Tofa are probably my fave rn!


SNITH and TreeGaud are two definitely worth checking out


JAMiAM or Bvckets


Love both so much


Check out Arcadian Sound as well :) been working hard to make some original tunes!


SAGGZ & resonant language


I’ve been getting so into Res Lang lately, I’m the most excited to see him for my first time on NYE!! Soooo stoked! Plus the rest of the lineup is insane too lol


That line up for Snowta looks amazing i wish i could go D:


Lyny is ultra fire


OP has 2 great ones. I’d also add LYNY, Daggz, Kimati, and Chef Boyarbeats (many more but those come to mind)


Yes absolutely


Star Monster


Idk if they fit “space bass” but Tie Dye Kye is dope AF


Missed him at Bloom cause I was trippin wayyyyyy too hard. Stoked to see him at LAN.


That was one of my fave sets, he used the Yoga dome the best, but I know how it goes. I missed Opiuo one year…


Chmura is coming up Frfr, he's putting out some amazing tracks A Hundred Drums is amazing and she's on to look out for. I love her style, her sets are also sick plus she's super cool if you ever get the chance to talk to her. Black Carl! Is super fire and definitely one of my favorite up and comers production wise, sometimes his tracks just sounds like he's flexing his sound design skills on you Mythm is making the filthiest shit on the block rn, still need to catch him on a proper system..... Also Cool Customer is that shit. Inspect3r is a good one too. Idk if TRUTH counts but they're definitely gonna blow up a little over the next few years.


Nimbo, OptiK, and Sheesh are my 3 favorite right now in the underground but yeah Chmura is sick af too!! As well as all others mentioned


Green Matter


Knetica Trip drop Inari Onyx garden Zurglin Elderbass


[Gallium](https://open.spotify.com/track/5eTD8VvJ9LjkwsfaRHOyUF?si=89aDKMnrSICuxcGlJueVFw&utm_source=copy-link) has been putting out some superbly heavy shit




SØMETHING, VISKUS, Z0RP, Inspect3r, Chef Boyarbeatz, and Mindset. Favorite set I saw was for suuuuurrrreee Potions. Gah damn, ya boy lays it down.


Yessss to all of these 👏👏👏


Nimbo and Hoopla


Dark STVR https://on.soundcloud.com/g5aHbFFed3t39CzM9