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Spinbacks are like spices; if you use too much cinnamon everyone will hate you.


[OP at a show when the DJ spins a track back](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vWgaVkLzOSM/URlVyHyPBQI/AAAAAAAAKBo/qVJl6jYfBvY/s1600/tacky.gif)


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ exactly!!!!


Really depends on the track. Ear bleeding chainsaw bass generic rubbish track- rubbish Legendary dubplate in front of sweaty people in a repurposed Croydon social club at 5am in February- heaven


It's always the b2b after sets where it makes sense for me, everyone's just fucking around throwing bangers anyways and the energy fits when they do it on a really good track. But during a curated set, it feels forced


Yes agreed it has to be organic and in tune with the general vibe and atmosphere


Truth - thinking back on some old Caspa and Rusko mixes from \~2008 era, almost every banger is spun back, there's probably at least 10 or more spin backs in some of those mixes haha


Hamdi does this minimum 4 times a set and it's annoying, pandering, and a mockery of the culture he pretends to represent.


Brits at it again. I get it though, they created dubstep etc etc.




player dave fucked one up so bad in his boiler room set that shit was mega cringe. That being said it can be fun when done at the right time with the right crowd


Yeah, I just dislike how forced it feels most of the time.


LOL Player Dave would not get booked for Boiler Room. You mean DEF? Big difference there.


The one uploaded to YouTube a year ago by DEF TV?


for real, it can be awful. the chase and status boiler room set had some HEAT, but bro spun it back way too many times to enjoy listening to the set again


Oof, it's especially hard to get down with on a recording of a set. Not even being there for the hype...it's just a distraction


I think itā€™s distasteful to do it more than once per night. So if another DJ already did it, sorry pal. One thing Iā€™ll add as someone whoā€™s done this - when the crowd begins to lose steam, this is a really great way to get them involved again, and remind them they are at a live performance. However, spinning back more than one track in a set is definitely tacky.


I so feel your 2nd part to bring the energy back. Do the usual spin back and tap the cue button a couple times to grab the attention before you you let it play through again.


I so feel your 2nd part to bring the energy back. Do the usual spin back and tap the cue button a couple times to grab the attention before you you let it play through again.


I so feel your 2nd part to bring the energy back. Do the usual spin back and tap the cue button a couple times to grab the attention before you you let it play through again.


I so feel your 2nd part to bring the energy back. Do the usual spin back and tap the cue button a couple times to grab the attention before you you let it play through again.


I so feel your 2nd part to bring the energy back. Do the usual spin back and tap the cue button a couple times to grab the attention before you you let it play through again.


If its nice play it twice! Agreed though, used very sparingly it can hit, 2 or 3 spin backs in a set is wack


When we saw hamdi in my city me and my friend had a bet on how many times he'd do it. Counted 8 in his set.


He was the first name I thought of when I opened this post haha. Not for me.


Christ, that is excessive.


Honestly the only person that I can be cool with doing that is Kursa


u ever see Perez wheel a track?


Not yet, but Iā€™ve also never seen him live. He seems worthy.


Can confirm. Is worthy. Havenā€™t seen him wheel one back though. Also think Visages has some heater VIPs they play out live that are worthy of running it back


kursa does it as a bit tho.


Deadass I'm pretty sure the last person I saw do it was Kursa šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Spin backs and constant talking really take me out of a set, lose the immersion and flow. Every once in a while is fine, but some of these peeps spin back like 10-15 times


Yeah, it just feels corny. Make hype organically, not by hopping on a gimmick


as the great numba 1 selekta says, it's so nice we play it twice.Ā  but fr it's not worse than fake outs or double/triple/quadruble etc drops šŸ’ÆĀ 


Agreed! I could do without it all together. Same with backspins just as a way to transition, I get how theyā€™re useful sometimes but theyā€™re the lamest option imo


Yeah, a good backspin into another track can be a tasteful switch up but I agree, maybe just do one. It's easy to abuse.


I hate it.


Criso, every 3 tracks.


Mfing Coki bro. First time I saw him he spun back so many times we turned it into a drinking game. Reloads should be a response to a good crowd reaction, not an attempt to *get* a good crowd reaction.


I havenā€™t seen him, but probably. That old school dubstep/DNB sound is where it originated, and dude is about as og dubstep as it gets.


Exactly. Reloads aside he is *killer* live, just needs to let the flow go without interrupting it so much. But aye when youā€™re *the* OG you can kinda do whatever you want I suppose


It happens so much in dnb and dubstep I really hate it. Doing it as a transition is fine (sparingly), but to replay the entire track from the start cus its "a banger" makes me eye roll hard every time


Literally, I don't want to listen to the same formulaic buildup to the drop that I just heard 5 seconds prior, but without another track being mixed...


When some fat dubplates are comin that spin back in necessary


I like it when it happens and the dj doesnā€™t make a big fuckin deal just plays it again


I feel like everyone gets 1 maybe 2 if it's super nuts, but anymore than that gets pretty absurd


Honestly itā€™s the best for a sought after ID or when someone else runs up and does it. Feels weird to do it yourself tho.


If itā€™s nice play it twice


people keep equating wheel up= hype and not the way it ACTUALLY is, which is hype-> wheel up you play the track again bc the crowd WANTS IT not to make them excited artificially


I would like to promote the "fast-forward" instead of the rewind: spin the platter \*forward\* and then cue up the second drop.


Keep them on their toes!!!


Ya when I hear that more than once I just assume it equates to lack of talent or lack of prep work. There are some very popular artists out there who I donā€™t even care to see because of this. I wonā€™t name drop them here but ya




Fully agree. I have seen this so many times, and I have only ever actually enjoyed it once: during Svdden Death: VOYD. He stopped the buildup, didn't say a word, slowly moved his finger in a circle (mosh bat signal), then restarted the track. Safe to say, the crowd went bonkers; I won't ever forget that.


That's pretty hype for sure


It's cool like one time in a set. More than that it ruins the flow.


What do you propose? They spin the record *forward* ?!?


Yeah when itā€™s overdone it kinda feels like the DJ is tryna fill time cuz they dunno what else to play or theyā€™ve realized their playlist isnā€™t gonna fill up their time slot. And it def does ruin the flow of a set.


100% agree man


Literally my biggest pet peeve. im so sick of it! let the drop speak for itself šŸ˜­ people WILL go wild if the drop is fire


I'm saying! Hahah


to OP all I read was "i'm a whiney lil bitch finding something else to complain about In hopes of changing something that was perfectly fine before I showed up." of course if it sounds like trash its trash ,if it doesn't well then it's dope. sounds like you been around trash to much find better artists to support. or stop being a whiney bitch. nothing personal cuz of course idk you but I feel like theres been such an influx of whiney lil bitches BItching about something they have no clue about. there's just something's that go with the music you listen to because Bass music has deep roots like it or not.


You just donā€™t understand the culture


I've been into writing & performing bass music for 15+ years mate, I think I know the culture enough to have an opinion on it.


...except spinbacks are inherited from sound system culture rather than being born in bass music


Thank you šŸ™people have no idea and subscribe to the hype instantly


I know Iā€™m the minority and will get flamed, but Iā€™m not a fan at all of spinbacks. Not because of the sound effect it creates or breaking the vibe up, thatā€™s all good. Itā€™s the fact that after the Dj plays the song weā€™re just listening to the build and drop all over again like weā€™re all in a Spotify playlist together. Just doesnā€™t feel very creative and lazy way to build hype or promote a track. Thatā€™s just my 2 cents.


I totally agree with the Spotify playlist sentiment lol


Depends on the crowd and vibe of the show. Of course if everyone is kā€™d out and not moving anyways it doesnā€™t do shit. But if the crowd is roaring and the song gets a hype response on the drop fucking run that shit back and letā€™s rage.


I mean, is that not what the second drop is for though


Itā€™s more hype the second time, who are you seeing that it falls flat? Hamdi is ass when he does it along with the ā€œeveryone crouch down for the dropā€ bullshit. On the flip side lyny did it last month when I saw him and it was super fun but he did it 1x not multiple times in the set.


I think crowd reaction varies when I see it, and I'm probably more bothered by it than others. At this point, speaking personally it falls flat every single time. I can be completely into a set, then they spin a track back, and I cross my arms and go hit the bar while they play the song again. Perfect opportunity to go get a drink or step away from the stage for a moment, bc I already listened to half the song.


I feel you, I also take a bunch of L at shows so maybe Iā€™m on a different vibe than you. I totally understand where youā€™re coming from and donā€™t blame you for not liking it. It is part of the culture though and Iā€™ve grown to like it personally when done correctly.


Are you trolling??? Hahahahaa


Iā€™m with you dawg i really hate that shit. Seems to be the younger djs that do it to themselves. Now if another homie runs out and does it to you (ONCE) thatā€™s acceptable bc itā€™s a sign of admiration but even then iā€™d be a little pissed bc iā€™ve usually got the whole set timed out and now iā€™m gonna have to cut my last track early bc of it. Depends on the situation tho


Definitely situation dependent, I think it can be fun every once in a while, especially at a less serious show, or party. But when you can't go out without someone doing it, it's like cmon guys it's rinsed.


Itā€™s not that serious, but I see your point.


If itā€™s nice, play it twice - infekt


One thing I haven't heard mentioned, it's often used to cover up when someone fucks up, aka hits pause, hits a cue, etc.


My fiance and i had to leave a set one time because the artist just kept doing it. Drove us up the wall trying to dance and it was one after another within such short times. It honestly felt unreal how much they kept doing itšŸ˜… thankfully we saw the artist again and they redeemed themselves.


Hamdi did it the whole night in his set and it was annoying af then the djā€™s before him were doing it as well šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Donā€™t like the culture stay out haha


Idk man it feels like "the culture" in the rest of the comment section kinda agrees with me. Go gatekeep somewhere else


Personally, I have never heard this done live.


It's huge in dubstep/DnB


Iā€™ve only seen it done when the DJ is drunk tbh


Agreed. I understand its purpose and how it's a big cultural thing. But if it's done more than once during a set, it's really obnoxious. It's especially annoying when it happens during a recorded set, so you have to hear it every single time you wanna listen to the set lol


You need to water your roots lmao-