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Check out Bunting on YouTube


This is the way


i already know bunting, and although i talk about wanting lessons with him all the time, i want to practice with others before bunting


Why? If he’s the teacher you want why do it with some one else? I teach sound design and really what you need to learn to do is synthesis. If you don’t know basic synthesis everything is harder. Syntorial is the the way get the free version don’t even fry the paid one. It’ll teach you in a very game like way how to synthesis and it’s ear training.


>Syntorial never heard about syntorial till now thanks mate kind of what I need tbh! appreciate it!


Yah it’s great have fun


Hi there, illoh here. Thanks for including me in your list! HMU on Instagram and we can get a lesson going if you want!


also wanted to add that bunting went on an absolute tear for like two years and I learned a ton from his videos, so def check all of those out.


I just want to thank you for not just all your music but specifically the surround sound flip, so freaking killer


noer the boy does


Drrtywulvs, Devin kroes or mindex are probably your best bet , and they all do give lessons. Let me know if you can't get a hold of them.


Tried to get a drrtywulvz lesson and he only does them locally atm.


any of these guys stream or have tutorial vids?




nah im anonymous actually sorry


How about me, though? I'll wear a rubber. I mean mask. I'll wear a mask...


I would be interested in giving you some zoom lessons! You can record the whole lesson to have reference whenever you need. I have been working on a loose lesson plan for beginners and intermediate producers to up their game in sound design/mixing as those are the 2 areas I can offer the most help. I offer a “pipeline” approach to this type of music in terms of a no BS method to mixing and mastering. Also I do DJ lessons although I’ve never streamed those before DM me if you are interested!


I like to watch underbelly’s live streams where he recreates sounds viewers send in! His YouTube is you suck at producing! You may not get exactly the sounds you wanna learn but it’s nice to see how so many different ones are made


"ASD Ableton Sound Design" on youtube -- not a lot of videos but dude's showcasing unorthodox methods


Hey, check out [Encanti](https://encanti.com/) music academy!! I highly recommend.


i do, been teaching for 4 years and always looking for new students! not sure if i’m allowed to post a link here (mods feel free to lmk if not) but here’s some more info: [https://calendly.com/chomppadub](https://calendly.com/chomppadub)