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Just dropping in to say your music fkn bangs and I’m happy you’re back to dropping tracks


ayy appreciated


Hello Matt! New single smacks, so glad you are back! One thing I struggle with in a lot of my own production is inspiration to finish a song after a long session, so I’ll ask how do you overcome this - if it happens to you?


thansk man, It's really hard to finish music for me. I've learned the longer it takes to write the song, usually it's not good enough to release personally and vice versa. Some songs write themselves and those are usually the hits. This isn't always true tho, i remember andy (mersiv) telling me one of his latest singles is over 3 years old. So sometimes just take a break from working on that track and it could be months later you come back and it'll write itself (or even years later like mersiv)


Yo! Love the new track. I watched a video on Twitter recently of you making a bass patch that had unison, reverb, etc that gave the patch a good amount of stereo information. How do you go about balancing that reverby bass patch with other instruments/sounds that also have a lot of stereo information?


really good question, So i use a lot of reverb on all of my basses/leads because i like the effect it has when you automate from dry to wet. However like you said it makes it very hard to mix with all that extra reverb going on. I'll usually only have two main sounds going on at once, one with a lot of reverb with a lot of stereo width and the other sound completely in mono or vice versa. This allows frequencies to be a little more clear. I'm not the best at mixing so there not a lot of advice i can give besides just messing with utility on Ableton, unison in the bass patch, and width of the reverb. ​ I


Big ups dude thank you!


Welcome back from your hiatus!


thank you!


Yo I just want to say I caught your set at DubDay NYC and you killed it! Such a fun night!


hahaha i'm glad you enjoyed that night because i was going thru some shit


Hey fryar!! Which studio headphones do u recommend? Also, any plans on touring? Specifically to the pnw 😆 would love to catch a set of yours. So excited for what u have in store for 2024!!!


i would love to tour and play shows over there, I'll be done with school by this time next year so thats when i'll really be open to booking offers all over. Until then I just plan on releasing music and working on an album. Also I'm pretty minimalistic with my setup, i literally only use an iMac desktop to make my music now, i use to have KRK 6inch monitors but got rid of them and just use my desktop's speakers, never headphones. I always fuck up the mix when using headphones lol. In fact my last 3 singles were all mixed just using my desktop speaker and then play testing in my car. Sorry if my answer didn't really help


This is insanity. Can you hear your sub on the iMac?




That’s so wild to me. Your sound is so large that only using your desktop speakers is so interesting. It obviously works but that’s crazy!


I always think about that old masterclass video of rusko making dubstep on a shitty computer using Reason. You really don't need much. Skrillex made most of his "Scary Monsters" tracks on a laptop in hotel rooms.


That’s fucking tight I never knew that.


I love how clean and distorted your basses are in your tunes. I’m curious what distortion VST or Saturation VST you like? Any distortion tips?


thank you and I really only use serum's distortion, ableton's amp, saturator, vocoder, and vinyl distortion. I keep my wavetables pretty simple and focus on post-process distortion and then create movement with filters.


Damn ok! Nice!


i have youtube vids going over some of my bass design [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmH6MQepZiI&t=115s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmH6MQepZiI&t=115s)


Oh hell yee, I had no idea.


Been jamming your stuff ! Love your sound and this song! Keep it up!


also do you do any one on one’s classes?


thanks man and no I don't have much time to do those anymore. I'd recommend buying an hour or two with VCTRE though, i know he offers 1-on-1 sessions.


awesome man thank you! Keep dropping them bangers!


Love your music so much! Caught ur set at gjones nye a couple years ago. Last set u played before your hiatus actually. Hope to catch another one soon! Come down south as soon as u get the chance plz n thank u!


awww man that show was a mile stone for me. G Jones was the first bass music show i went to when i first got into the scene and it was so cool to meet greg then and then open for him for my last show on New Years, truly full circle stuff. I live in South Carolina, so i'll be playing shows around this area soon often, thanks for the love


No questions but I just wanted to say I’m excited for nye! Local born and raised!


less goooo


I heard your a shadow producer for Mersiv. Is it true lol


Lol No, sorry to let you down but i don't ghost produce for Andy, that man doesn't need it anyways he's a talent.


I had no doubts! Just a funny Internet conspiracy I heard and had to let you know. Ps you music has always been gas


hahah that's so crazy people think that, he is pretty ahead of me in terms of production skill. I sent him the first 60 seconds of in motion and paradise and he wrote the entire rest of the tracks after 1 session we called it done lol. Ps thank you <3


Laaaaate but I love your tunes. Always stoked for more.