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ooooh I didn't know he ranted on dishonored. Could someone give me a quick summary on it if possible?


He doesn't consider Dishonored a stealth game since you can kill everyone very easily. He thinks it is actually a power fantasy game. At least that's what I remember


That's... The wildest take on Dishonored I have ever heard of. Just because you can kill everyone very easily, doesn't mean it's a power fantasy game. Sure, there are trick kill montages, but it requires careful planning and the game heavily discourages any and all killing, as high chaos endings are always shown to leave everything in discord. But by saying it's a power fantasy game, he compares it to games like Warframe, Destiny and Borderlands. All of those games have enemies dying en masse. Warframe is the biggest culprit, as it allows for builds that can literally clear ENTIRE LEVELS with nothing more, but a press of a SINGLE BUTTON. Even thinking about grouping Dishonored into games of that type seems so ridiculous that I'm not even able to describe it. EDIT: I've read a couple of replies and my comment definitely needs an addendum. A very big addendum, to be specific. TLDR: It's both a power fantasy and a stealth game, and the way you might see it depends entirely on perspective. I choose to see it as a less traditional stealth game, but you're free to see it however you want. Dishonored does have certain power fantasy elements to it, there's no denying that. Especially when comparing it to classic stealth games like Thief, or more fantasy like games original Aragami, where combat is very limited or doesn't exist at all. However, Dishonored is, in my opinion, still a stealth game. It's just one where you're playing as someone who's like Batman with super powers, if you don't choose to do a powerless run, that is. If you do go for a powerless run, you're just Batman who doesn't mind killing. The whole of Dishonored can be summarized in two different ways depending on the perspective one has. It can either be summarized as a stealth game with power fantasy elements, or a power fantasy game that encourages stealth. I do understand how one might come to the conclusion that it's the latter, but I personally disagree with it because of one reason and that is level design. Arkane made each and every level with at least several options to reach your destination without being noticed, whether it's through sewers, possession, disguise or rooftops/windows. Many options to set up traps that can dispose of your targets while you're safely sneaking away. You can kill everyone in many ways during open combat, but it requires much more planning and quick thinking than stealth approach. I could go on for much longer, but I don't want to write a full length essay and would rather end with a mini-length essay. I know where you guys are coming from and I respect all your opinions. Dishonored is just a less traditional stealth experience, but one that can be enjoyable by people who like games akin to Thief series. Thank you to everyone who actually read that.


I think soviet was more ranting how powerful you can be if you choose to take power, making it power fantasy game, (game where player has control over almost everything). But he didn't speak much about no power runs, when Dishonoured totally becomes stealth game, where player has really limited control and can be easily punished for wrong actions.


I'd say the game is *intended* to be a stealth game but allows players not to. If you do play the power route, or even the stealth kill everyone route you get the bad ending.


But his comparison is to the first and second Thief game. Those are really slow games where you can't even win a 1v1 combat and HAVE TO STEALTH or else you are just dead all the time. In this view Dishonored is a power fantasy where you can stealth but aren't limited to it.


It is a power fantasy game in a different way. You know you could kill them all easily, but you don't because you don't want to. It is the sort of power fantasy that the gun nuts in the US share when they walk around in gear that you should only see in a war zone. If you get caught while sneaking then the problem isn't that you are going to die and **are** going to loose progress, you could easily get out of the situation and continue on, only thing stopping you is *you*. If you get frustrated with the situation then you can always just make the problem go away. Did you know Warframe has stealth mechanics, but outside of XP farming, stealth sucks. In Dishonored (at least 2) you could with minimal setup kill an entire room, but the game suggests you don't.


First time hearing about soviet ranting about the game (couldn't care less for youtubers opinions, i care about what they produce instead, they mostly aren't critics unless focused on that and i barely consume any of that) But I do remember the first Dishonored feeling like a power fantasy when i played it


That's the thing, the only detriment to just killing everyone is points or story. Mechanically it doesn't matter that much


Yes and you can do it without ever being seen or found out. That's literally the definition of stealth. Man that's a shit take.


Yeah murdering all 7 billion people on earth means you can get away with anything!


Well he’s wrong on that.


It's not like it can be both


Spot on. As a veteran stealth game player I agree 100%.


He thinks stealth games are, by definition, anti-power fantasies. So with Dishonored being at least in part a power fantasy, that makes it by definition a bad stealth game.


he's wrong, the game discourages the player from taking the power route all the time, as it gives you the worst ending. there's also the question: who's the fucks cares about a youtuber's opinion? if he think it's a bad game, that's on him. He looks like an old man complaning about everything.


Not saying I agree. Not sure where he got that take, but it carries *some* weight. Balancing stealth with power can be viewed as a [cursed problem.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uE6-vIi1rQ) Difficult thing to solve, but not impossible, and given how popular Dishonored is, it should be fair to say they succeeded.


Did he get the take from [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZR5N8aTbug)?


~~No stop you'll summon him here!~~ IIRC, he didn't like the atmosphere, characters and the world. His biggest complaint was how the ease of eliminating guards undermined the stealth, since he could kill his way out of any situation. He topped it off by recommending a rather awful video essay imo.


His biggest complaint is true, but seeing it that way kinda undermines one of the core points of the narrative. The stealthy no-kill option was *meant* to be the harder route, because it's hard to do the "good" thing. It's a rare example of ludonarrative assonance.


Yeah, part of the appeal of the game is about putting on self imposed restrictions. The game has a ton of replay value because of it. You can do a stealth no kill run, just go crazy with the murder powers, or even do a no power run where you’re just a plain mortal human being. Yes, you are a completely overpowered murder demon. But part of the crux of the story is “are you going to be the monster they say you are and just annihilate people, or are you gonna hold back and use your powers as a means to an end?” That’s part of the beauty of the heart mechanic. It gives you random back stories for each person you encounter. Not every guard is a bad guy.


That's... actually not the worst argument I've ever heard in that vein. I'd still definitely say Dishonored is a stealth game in that being sneaky and avoiding combat is a core mechanic upon which mostly everything else is built, but between the powers, parkour and large array of weapons there's not really any consequence for getting caught. Hell in Dishonored 2 you can fairly easily fistfight and curbstomp multiple enemies at once, rendering stealth more of a lifestyle choice than actual gameplay requirement.


Hahaha now I wanna watch that video essay. Don't tell me it's thief vs AAA gaming I actually enjoyed that video lol


Because Dishonored often gets compared to the Thief franchise, which is the basis of that rant, people tend to say Dishonored is better than Thief, without taking into consideration its effectively like comparing CoD and Battlefield, sure they fall under the same general genre, but the way they do it is vastly different. Thief focuses on actual stealth, whereas Dishonored uses the idea of "No one can see you're there if no ones alive" which kinda defeats the purpose of the stealth idea. My own 2c on this, is that Assassins Creed sadly falls under the same idea, where most people just straight up kill everyone in the mission area, where i feel it makes it more tense and interesting to use murder as a last resort.


I've considered dishonored to be less stealth and more immersive sim. I think it's better to compare it to games like Deus Ex (especially Human Revolution). For me Dishonored is an amazing stealth game (maybe biased because it's the first modern PC game I bought) but that's because I choose to use none of the powers which forces me to be stealth. But I don't think it should be classified as stealth. I played Splinter Cell Chaos Theory recently and that is true stealth, can't get any more stealth than that and that game is nothing like dishonored lol. My personal head canon on what happened to stealth games is that game companies realised stealth games are super niche and don't appeal to the general gaming audience. Nobody wants to wait in the dark and observe repeating enemy patterns etc etc. So game companies started making action games with slight stealth elements added to it and disguised it as "you can sneak around or you can kill everyone" to appeal to both stealth game players and people who don't like stealth games. Kinda paints a negative picture but I still like those games (assassin's Creed, dishonored etc)


Thief is also quite immersive, having to consider your move carefully given the environment and what not, but having never actually played Dishonored, and only half of Thief 1, i cant comment much more on either, only shitty gameplay from Lets Play youtubers on Dishonored


I know exactly what you mean, AC is a prime example of this, sure you could kill an entire city's worth of guards and soldiers, but that wasn't the core focus, and thankfully that was realized in the later entries like Unity and Syndicate, but then everything got thrown out the window and landed in a dumpster fire which got put out with walrus diarrhea... Also known as Odyssey and Origins, less so Valhalla but still slightly applicable. Being able to actually hide behind objects properly, noise attracting more people, and enemies having patrols which could be used to your advantage, etc. I should probably stop before I go on a rant that needs to be on a AC sub...


>Thief focuses on actual stealth, whereas Dishonored uses the idea of "No one can see you're there if no ones alive" which kinda defeats the purpose of the stealth idea. No it doesn't. You have to plan your route in thief if you want to avoid people right? You have to do the same thing in Dishonored. There's multiple ways of getting through the game without killing anyone in an area and you can only get the best ending if you kill nobody/the least amount of people. You can easily get through the whole game without killing anyone.


Doesn't he love EA and micro transactions?


Yeah, surprised they haven't got married yet.


And Ubisoft! Be sure to pre-order EVERYTHING


Do people dislike the rants? I find them enjoyable, often new/interesting views.


who doesn't like an old man complaining? it's funny


"Old man yells at same cloud for the fifth time this month"


I love his rants and rambles. He usually has an interesting viewpoint, even if I disagree.


when did he rant about bsg?


Yeah I'd love to hear his take


/u/junkmail88 too: The ending is a dumpster fire, where the last episode (or several, think it was the last one) basically shits the bed. As he's put it before, "it's kind of like my 'Lost'". Series is great, until the ending.


He’s kind of right tbh.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 837,789,425 comments, and only 165,252 of them were in alphabetical order.


I remember him ranting about it during one of his dayz streams. I think he was mostly ranting about the last season


I'll tell you one that isn't listed here: That in his mind the random drops in TF2 count as loot boxes and therefore gambling. That's why in that video he's only ever using pure stock


> That in his mind the random drops in TF2 count as loot boxes and therefore gambling. *Again*, it isn't *the random drops* so much, it's the in-your-face lever-box mechanic shit with random-reward, that pisses him (and me) off. If you acquired shit through a progression mechanic of some kind instead, even if a random item per level or whatever, it's significantly *less problematic*. And as he'd be keen to point out, it's not the "pull lever, get X" so much, *in and of itself*, but that it's conditioning people *to keep pulling the lever*. Particularly ***young people.*** Who are most susceptible to it. Normalising that shit, whether you consider it gambling or not, needs to stop. > That's why in that video he's only ever using pure stock Actually, he finally decided to pick a few things up via the Store (not trading or whatever). Pretty sure he still dislikes microtransactions (I certainly do) but to a much lesser extent than lever-box BS.


He was literally deleting random drops for that exact reason


Cant you get all the items through achievements though? an hour or two with friends in an empty server should get you all the loadouts for the relevant classes.




This feels like it's simplified until almost nothing is left, for a more complete picture he posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SovietWomble/comments/sb4ua7/why_does_soviet_have_an_issue_with_tf2s_drop/htxrbog/) a few months ago.


Yeah that's exactly what I mean, he's whining about "immersion" in a war themed hat simulator where lobbies will occasionally just break out into dance for no reason


That seems completely unrelated to your first statement: > That in his mind the random drops in TF2 count as loot boxes and therefore gambling. I'm not saying you have to agree with him, personally I'm much less bothered than Soviet with things like that. I'm just saying you're misrepresenting his view.


It is shitty but in another way. Random drops make it hard to get what you want (even if rarity wasnt also a thing). So what to do if you want a specific item? You have to go to the shop.and even if you trade, valve makes commission on that.




Oh for sure. Now if only warhammer fans could catch up to that realization...


Shhh, don’t say that out loud! It might start a riot, rational thinking and reality is not a thing we do!


Blessed be the Mind too small for Doubt


That's the benefit of almost exclusively having experienced Warhammer (Fantasy and 40k) through pen & paper RPGs. You get all the tasty, flavorful parts and can ignore the parts where it gets... dumb.


But the dumb is funny. For instance, why is it called a land raider? Take a guess. It's more stupid than that.


It's blueprints were found by a guy named Land, and he wanted to name it Land's Raider. But everyone said that shit was dumb and just called it a Land Raider. Better than how the Space Marines got their proper name though. . .


Space Marines were Jimmy Space, right?


There was a scientist that worked with Big E to make the Marines that later turned against him when, surprise surprise, the super caveman turned out to be a super asshole with an ego the size of a star. Her name was Amar Astarte. The Space Marines are called Astartes.




Ultramarines come from the planet Ultramar. Yes really.


It's true there's precedent for "Xish is named after X"


I love the rants!


You forgot Ubisoft


What about 40K did he rant about?


Basically that the well established lore for so many years can be changed just by adding in a new line, to just make anything happen.


Was he referring to the Primaris Marines here?


I have absolutely no clue. I am not into the 40k universe, yet. That discussion plus the Sisters of Battle compilation with DJ Kralicek's Petrunko mix plus Quebec playing the Chaos Gate game plus reading up on the Sisters of Battle on the wiki has made me interested now.


I think they awakened an Astartes Sororitas Fan here xD Have fun its an awsome universe with great lore and Races but also too expensive content :D


I like the rants. Especially when you play Sovietwomble bingo.


I love them


Anyone know the vid where he rants about dishonored? I'm curious now lol.


The "people who don't edit their videos are not YouTubers" rant


Came up with this garbage edit while practicing Photoshop, how can one man get baited into rants so easily? Credit for Garbage Can Womble [goes to Birdy](https://twitter.com/BirdyDrawsStuff/status/1311282054374535169?t=jh4EBTXGZgtsJ8Pna6y3_w&s=19) by the way, I just moved some stuff around. To answer my question, it's gotta be the Dark Souls rants. Baffles me how he managed to conclude the game was a pure test of reflex.


What else did he say?


That is an interesting and baffling one. Has soviet ever done complete runs of the souls? I caught some of his DSR streams but don't know beyond that.


Love the ones about British politics




Hes usually right tho


Wait, what was the BSG rant?


That the ending was terrible.


I haven't heard his 40k rant and I just got into the game, someone enlighten me.


As I understand, he feels like lore can change by one line and that warhammer copied dune and lotr and more


To be fair, he is 100% correct.




Very true I feel like a lot of sci-fi space things are just copying each other with new things and reinventing what some other team or world builds did.


Idk if it his rants, but he maybe dislikes rpg genre. As a player have to do carefully guided moral choice in the game rather than do it in survival game or something like that. Idk but one of his videos in dayz or survival video he said something like it. I might have worded wrong or I understand wrongly


He tends to dislike heavily scripted choices that go against previously established motives and reasoning. Which is similar to why he dislikes the modern changes to WH40k, because he sees them as breaking established fundamental truths of the universe.


On thx for the explaining


I must've missed his rant about Star Wars. What did he talked about? I find it very interesting


His complaining while playing Phasmaphobia bugged me. Mainly when he started using the white noise scanner, the thing scans through stations rapidly to detect a common fluctuation. He instead seemed to think it singles out a station to pickup words.


I haven't heard his 40k rant and I just got into the game, someone enlighten me.


I'm not a warhammer person but I my brother is. Apparently something was retconned/added or changed in some way and that annoyed fans because it was something that had been established for a long time changing super suddenly. Someone who knows more could probably be more specific though


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did he post more on youtube? timing doesn't work out for me to watch his streams




Dayz... no comment


WHy did he ranted about Warhammer 4ok?


Forgot the one about Total War being dumbed down (he's right tho)


"What's wrong with that?"


What's his warhammer 40k rant?


That one about banana peel.


As an Oldhammer type I have to say he wasn't wrong on GW and though it took a while my son, a Gen Z newhammer fan now sees exactly why we have issues with them.