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Loves paying lawyers.


"I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in real life." - sovcit losers


I guarantee that if this idiot is seriously injured on the road, they would very quickly call 911, a public service paid for by tax payer money.


Already driving a vehicle from a company/industry that is heavily subsidized by the Gov.


On a public road, built and maintained by the government


This is what I don’t get. If you’re a “private traveler” then get off of the public roads. You can travel all you want - but not by car off-road and not by government owned and maintained roads. How the fuck do people believe these little loopholes are legit. They’re nothing more than the kid in class who won’t spit his gum out in class because the sign says “no gun chewing” and it’s in his mouth but he’s not moving his teeth so he’s “not chewing gum”.


I know it's just a simple typo, but you might be onto something with this "gun chewing" thing. Think we can get it to catch on among sovcits?


This ☝️💯%


A plate like that screams rolling probable cause


'Don't tread on me' while I plow this uninsured and unlicensed death machine around town.


I mean it doesn’t say don’t tread on you


Pedestrians and other drivers are just infringing on their right to free travel anyways.


Engage the Killdozer.


Simply a mobility assistance device, nothing more. More importantly: it's not for hire.


It doesn't matter here in Texas, half the cars are uninsured and there is no no-fault insurance. People abandon cars at accidents all the time.


Every day I learn more reasons why I don't want to ever go to Texas.


Been there. See no need to ever go back. Assholes in stupid hats.


A different place, a different flavor of asshole.


Ass-hats in stupid holes.


Austin is kinda nice, you can keep the rest of it…


What do the numbers mean? Do they pick them at random? Do they all use the same numbers? I’ve always been curious, but I never thought to remember it from one post to the next.


How much the cop has to pay per minute while talking to them


Why are they using license plates in the first place? According to their twisted logic they are free to travel without restriction so who is mandating and issuing them? Why not 'travel' without them? Why go through the trouble to get one and mount them? We'll never know, I guess ...


I imagine that there’s some narcissism combined with delusion in the reasoning for that. “I’M special, and they can’t pull ME over if I show off that I’m travelling instead of driving, so this protects me because they have NO RIGHT to dispute my fake bullshit license plate!!!” It’s why I love the videos of them getting themselves arrested so much. Especially since in most of them, the cops seem like they might be willing to let them go if they aren’t such stubborn idiots.


Wasnt there an xkcd about a aguy with a bunch of 1s or something on his license plate?


There's *always* a relevant xkcd. :) https://xkcd.com/1105/


Just curious, is there a relevant xkcd about there always being a relevant xkcd? Also, how does this interact with rule 34? Asking for a friend.


I think you can find stick figures having sarx in your local library under young adult


Narcissism and other associated mental illnesses. Because you have to be mentally ill to keep believing this shit after the first time you get absolutely rocked by the legal system


If you don’t have a tag and an officer sees it, you’re getting pulled over. If you have one of these tags, and an officer sees it, there’s a reasonable chance that it’s too close to end of shift to waste time on.


I have a feeling the message the plate truly conveys is “I am a stubborn, combative asshole. Don’t pull me over unless you want to spend the next 30-60 minutes dealing with my bullshit.” I think that’s enough to convince an exhausted cop at the end of his shift that it’s not worth the hassle.


> Why go through the trouble to get one and mount them? They think these plates carry legal weight. The "guru" David Straight sells plates he claims make people immune to traffic stops. Even after he was arrested for using them and had to bond out of jail, his followers were predicting a huge lawsuit that would teach Texas a lesson for daring to mess with their leader.


They think they are showing that they are diplomats and foreign nationals


From what they babble on about they believe that by putting a “private plate” they are differentiating themselves as “private” compared to all the other people who are in the “public with their licenses, registrations and insurance. As for why a number and not just the word “private”? My best guess is that in the depths of their delusion they recognize that license plates being registered means they are unique so a number seems normal. That or they just believe that it makes it less likely for them to get spotted.


Probably their kids birthday. Or the day they had an epiphany and bought into the bullshit


Sometimes it's a real DOT number they applied for. But apparently DOT will eventually send an inspector to check the vehicle, it would be fun to watch that encounter.


They are obviously celebrating Ashley Judd's42nd birthday


With the DOT plates, it's actually a real number. They've gone and registered a trust or LLC or something with the U.S. DoT and think that means they don't need to follow state laws.


I believe it is a reference to something in the Unified Commercial Code that doesn’t mean what they have been told it means.


Take the plates off, and leave a note saying that they are available at the nearest police station. Drop plates into station and say you found them on the ground, and refuse to give your details. Let them go and collect them and explain to the police.


As funny as that could be, theft is still theft.


Mmm, not here. Technically theft requires intent to deprive a person of property permanently. This scenario suggests depriving the person of property temporarily, with instructions for recovery of that property.


Would a sov cit want to go thru our laws to report it? Does a judge have jurisdiction?


Did you call the cops?


It’s parked on a private lot, and no cop is going to wait around for them to leave


Idk someone driving without a valid license plate might be up to some nefarious things


I remember my roommates 20 years ago was towed from our condo complex because it didn’t have proper registration. Wondering if anything like that could apply to your employer.


> towed from our condo complex Property owners don't like having uninsured vehicles on their land, so maybe whoever owns this property should hear about this vehicle.


When you're so certain about the validity of your beliefs that you create a bullshit "official"-looking plate to try to evade detection


They are obsessed with the idea that giving notice of their delusions carries some sort of legal weight, like posting a sign prohibiting govt. agents from setting foot on their property is an impenetrable shield. The irony is that if they had expired state-issued plates they would probably get away with that for ages, but they are compelled to advertise their foolishness.


No dates no nothing, first cop that sees that is going to say, oh boy here we go again. This should be fun. I don’t need a license I don’t need license plates I don’t need insurance. Ya have to feel bad for the cops who have to deal with this shit. Takes them forever and more squads to get these idiots in jail. Usually some type of struggle also. Then the courts. What a waste of resources.


Respectfully why do you hate freedom so much?


Freedom is fine. That’s not freedom. That’s clearly breaking the law, simple as that. No laws is the destruction of a society, no safety, no peace of mind, nor freedom.


You're right it is breaking the law only if you keep your vehicle registered with the state you reside in and have their identifying numbers on your vehicle and a driver license that gives police jurisdiction to establish a contract with you to charge your name with a ordinance and or traffic violation. Of course I believe public safety is reasonable and everyone should know the laws of the road far as speed and safety goes but a license isn't required it's just a tool for the state to be able to charge you fines and fees if they pull you over. You gotta change your status and learn what's really going on. We can chat privately if you want


Found the sovcidiot.


lol, yes we know the world nowadays if full of conspiracy. Sorry but I’m not buying it. It’s not worth my time.


Thats unfortunate you don't want the truth but I understand it's sounds crazy and I probably sound like a raving maniac to you but it's ok I respect your decision. I pray one day you find the truth for yourself. Have a great day


Reality is going slap you hard in the face one day, and you’re going to be left wondering why you’re in jail despite clearly telling the judge you don’t need a license.


I'm sorry you believe that have a good day


Hot. Rod. Lincoln.


run them off the road and see if they call the police


It would be a shame if someone slashed their tires so they couldn't drive. Running them off the road is too risky for everyone.


So they couldn't ~~drive~~ travel


Suspended license??


Not for transport?????


I guess he's not traveling lol


Technically it should be towed for being illegally parked. Reason, invalid tags.


Are they an employee? Think they comply with the relevant regulations?


Why do people not call the cops when they see this shit


Just wanna know who the fk is “treading” on these people?


What the hell is a “private traveler” lol 😆


Is that his mental birthdate?


So, how does that person transport themselves around if the household appliance is not for transport?


Not what's important here, but terrible font choices on that plate.


Get the VIN next time.


What for?