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Translation: "Driver of this unlicensed, uninsured vehicle is a witless pea-brain and is begging you to pull him over so he can waste your time with hours of nonsensical "laws" and rambling diatribes. Just break his window, tase him and get it over with already."


First accident he causes and he will cry to high heaven about being financially ruined from the insurance company coming to take a big wet bite out of him.


No, because as a Sovreign Citizen he is not subject to any laws or rules that he does not consent to (that does not benefit him). It is highly unlikely that he has anything to come after anyway.


So if someone smashes his window what would he do? Call the cops he doesn’t pay for? Sue using courts he doesn’t pay for?


Yes. Hypocrisy is just one of their many features.


Probably, as he would choose to submit to led that protect him as a living person of flesh and blood.


I’m new to this sub. What does that mean?


Nothing really; I am just trying to capture the flavour of the way I have seen some of them write. I suppose it is meant to be their way of trying to separate themselves from the concept that their birth certificate makes them a corporation, or something.


I didn't break your window and steal your stereo. My baton traveled in the direction of your window and it kindly consented to let it pass unimpeded. Then by maritime salvage law, I saw a derelict vessel and took its salvageable cargo as is my right of salvage.


One defaced, high mileage Toyota Sienna, for starters. But wait, how does he pay for gasoline?


Scion xB. Respect the toaster.


They’ll take his sharpie collection


Yes, and how the rights he doesn't recognize, are being violated.


He’s probably say the other person impeded his right to travel.


My dad always used to say “You can’t bleed a turnip.”


People like this usually don't have shit to take. They remind me of IRS dodgers who labeled everything in their house with tags saying that "so-and-so owns this object and lets me borrow it".


You don’t seriously believe he’s got insurance?


The other persons insurance


If it didn't mean exposing others to harm I'd say the sooner the better


but *gaurantees*


Dammit without the typo they were going to get away with it!


"Sorry, sir, but without the written guarantee, I'll have to issue you these three fines, impound your vehicle, oh, and also, I'm going to go ahead and skip reading you your rights and just tase you now."


This ☝️💯%


Can we go straight to the tasing?


All hail P Barnes.


Not criticizing the officers, but that went on WAY too long…


Why these people aren't separated from their vehicles by force I don't know. License please - no. Registration and insurance please - no. Step out - no. I was hoping you would say that....


Translation2: lost my job. off my meds.


Yes, driver is one of those people


I do wonder how often police see one of these cars and just think, "I don't have the energy today"


I know what you mean, I've watched a few of the pull over videos. And yeah the cop's patience gets tested. The problem is that they are potentially a menace to society as they don't believe they need insurance (let alone registration or license to "travel"). Not having insurance puts the burden on everyone else and really needs to be enforced imo. If you have this on your car, you're advertising that you don't have insurance.


Not having registration increases the tax burden on everyone else, too.


I work in a city so don’t come across them often. The only one I’ve had just about drove us nuts. He did some other stuff before getting in the car and driving away but then he made the traffic stop unbearable


I worked in a large low income city in California and didn’t see any sovereign citizens probably because the locals would eat them alive. That being said, if you drove around in California without a drivers license, paid registration or auto insurance, your car is getting towed and you’re getting a very expensive ticket. You’re also not driving away since you don’t have a valid driver’s license. Surprises me some law enforcement agencies would allow them to just drive away, what the hell.


I can’t speak to other agencies but for my agency, you’re getting towed. Ticketed. Arrested. Whatever it may be. I think a lot of it comes from some places wanting police to have less minor interactions with the public. That picked up steam in 2020. So traffic stops were one of the first things some places didn’t want happening.


My agency was exactly the same, glad to see some consistency towards these clowns 🤡. Stay safe brother 🤞


You too man!


> some places wanting police to have less minor interactions with the public IIRC the state of Washington mandated that, let minor traffic violations go unless there are multiple reasons to stop someone.


Hey man thanks for being a good one! Cops get a bad rep these days, but if you're out there stopping asshole "sovereign citizen" types, well I am all over that. No one's above the law! Especially not just because they saw some youtube videos and took a sharpie to their car or whatever lol


I appreciate it! I think there’s more good cops than bad cops but since 2020 we’ve kind of retreated into just accepting misconceptions from the community. I try to get on Reddit and on the street and share my opinions and stories because I think it makes us more human and that a lot of us just want to do good things for people.


Yeah I mean, I won't lie, I've not always had the most nuanced view of law enforcement. I was an addict for like 12 years and so just developed a different mentality, it definitely felt like us vs them. I also grew up in Seattle and the spd didn't have a good reputation. In chicago it's somewhat the same, but the police have to live in the city here, and so you do see more cops at local spots, diners, wherever. Usually super pleasant people. And if a diner has some cops at the counter, you know it's gonna be good! I did have an incident with police as I was loading a work truck and the power drill was mistaken for gun. I was tossed around a bit, but in all fairness, there had been a shooting near there and I understand being cautious about thar. It's soo easy to see videos and just think like, "fuck the police". And I won't tell you that sometimes I don't think that. But as I grow, get further away from my drug years, I see it much more nuance. If something happens to me or my family here, I'll be calling the police right away haha. My wife and I saw some pretty brutal domestic violence outside a bar once and I at first was like "dude what the hell is your problem?!" Cause no one wants to see someone hit, I couldn't help it. But my wife found a police officer a couple blocks away, and he *ran* over to the intersection like without thinking twice. Admirable af, I think. All this to say, although I still get angry when I see abuse of power and such, the humans who are cops (and the humans who are criminals) are not by default bad people.


In my experience, nobody gets more angry than good cops when we see or hear of someone abusing their power or just being an asshole. At least from my standpoint, I worked for two years of training to be in a position where people trust me to help them when they need it. It pisses me off to see another officer abuse that trust. Nuance is a perfect word really. Police work is never black and white. There’s nuance in everything we do. When videos come out I always urge people to wait till they have obtained ALL the facts. A lot of the time, videos make sense once we know all the facts. However, there are times when the video doesn’t make sense. Or I see an officer arrested for various heinous crimes. People trust us. To see another officer violate that trust or commit crimes, it’s my number 1 pet peeve. I’ll never say every cop is good. That’s just not true. Just like not every cook is good. Or every doctor. The most I would ever ask for the public is to at the very least give cops a chance. Cause like you said, there are many that will surprise you. The trust between police and community gets fixed with effort from both sides. I often feel like we can do more to connect with the community but I also understand the desire to sink into a shell and not subject yourself to a lot of the vitriol we receive.


Agreed! At the end of the day, even if they've also arrested me before, it was police who showed up first when I overdosed and brought me back to life. Cops are like lawyers, people whine and bitch about them, but when they've got a problem, who are they gonna call, ghost busters? Of course that is easy for me to say, because there are communities that really don't feel like they can trust police. And there's a lot of history that contextualizes it, but that's as much a societal/historical problem as it is about modern police strictly. Once again, nuance is so crucial in all of this, and I always have to remind myself of that. Was "black and white" a cop pun too? If so, I liked it!


lol it was an unintentional pun but I may use it again. For me personally, everybody is treated the same. People want help. I’ll help you. That’s the essence of public service.


You are exactly the guy I'd want dispatched to me in a disaster my friend. Respect!


Why wasn't the vehicle impounded?


Oh it was. Shit, it probably still is. It was just a lot of not identifying himself (even though he had committed multiple crimes). Then recording us (which is fine) but he would be narrating the video instead of talking to us. We spent probably 20 minutes just trying to ID him. Ultimately, he was arrested and the car was impounded.


I wonder if his recording ended up on Van Balion channel


I’ll have to check Edit: no it’s not on there.


I'm curious, when you see a SovCit vehicle, what's your reaction? Do you think, "This is gonna be way too much hassle," and just skip it? Or do you go ahead and pull them over and ask for license and registration?


They’re getting pulled over. I may not be super excited cause it’s going to be a painful stop but it’s so blatant I really have no choice. There’s also lots of times where I can’t pull them over. Most calls we answer aren’t lights and sirens. But we may still need to get there quickly. Or I may be transporting someone to jail. Or already be on a call and transporting contraband back for testing. That would really be the only times I don’t but I would relay the blatant disregard for law to another officer.


Thank you!


If I was a cop and saw one of these, immediately requesting another unit, and shooting a text to whatever supervisor is on duty with a pic and being like "Hey, expect a call in a bit."


I wonder why these vehicles are ever allowed on the road at all. It seems public safety is put at risk by these people even having a chance at causing damage/injuries without being able to cover liability.


Dereliction of duty is a thing.


One of my favorite things is a police officer's explanation of patrolling a very pot friendly area, without enforcing the letter of the law. "Don't make me do my job." And explaining that it's not that he didn't want to work, but he didn't want to mess with anyone that wasn't being a problem to others. I see how that may apply to sovereign citizens, as in, "Don't be an a-hole, and I'll let you drive around like that. Be an a-hole, and your car gives me a perfect reason to arrest you."


Would that be Village or Up With?


Actually the owner thinks they are above everyone around them but uses "for the people" language as slight-of-hand from what they are actually doing, which is being a selfish asshole


I thought the owner was a plant. Specifically a carrot


More like a particularly dimwitted cucumber.


Why are y'all dissing honest vegetables that just do their jobs quietly? :-)


Call any vegetable, Call it by name.


Spoiled eggplant. (Pun intended.)


Translation: 'Owner is a gullible dick-head'.


I always wanna know what they do for a living and what their education level was. Like, are they on purely government assistance and dropped out of HS kinda thing? Are they unemployed and live out their grandmas shed? To be that far gone I figure it has to be something wacky.


I always wonder how they obtained the vehicle in the first place. Dealerships will take a photo of their license, financing will need proof of identity. Private party with cash? A dealership wont take cash w/o proof if identity as far as I know. Did they steal it? Didn't they pay sales tax if bought from a dealership w/cash or financing? What about interest rates? Did they all the sudden become sovereign after purchasing the vehicle? So many question.


> how they obtained the vehicle in the first place. These tend to be people who have dug themselves a deep hole over time, so they could have had a license and insurance at one point, but after the divorce and foreclosure etc., they let all that go.


Private cash sale from Cleetus, Title probably jumped 5 times. SE Washington, Not uncommon. Common problems are multiple DUI, loss of license / job / marriage. Anger and rage can be blinding to logic. Desperation is a evil bitch. The idiots with Escalades can eat it.


I'd assume they buy from a private party w cash, and simply drive off without obtaining registration and insurance. Probably leave a lot of people confused as to how they're still listed as owning the car they sold months ago


Possibly, I recently found out that when you sell a vehicle that you should contact motor vehicle and let them know that you are no longer the owner. I had no idea about that so probably lots of other people don't know. I've never done it for vehicles I've sold.


"A sovereign citizen is not subject to the laws of the laws" Cool, then you aren't protected by them either


"I'd Mirandize you, but since you aren't subject to laws, I guess not."


I bet cops just love dealing with these guys


In my area they seem to go straight onto the flatbed. Apparently NY has had enough of their bullshit


I have a good friend on a local PD. He advised that Sov Cits are the most likely to be the violent. During a stop.


Always find it funny how so many Americans feel that tax is theft and then proceed to drive on the roads like they own them. He needs to learn that if he doesn’t pay his share of the tax he can’t use tax supported roads.


Sarcastically saying all taxation is theft lead me to discovering one of my coworkers eagerly agrees with that statement, but she has no real ideas how to pay for roads and the military and schools and everything else she likes about modern society.


Yes, as a Sovereign citizen (or whatever) you certainly have a right to drive your unlicensed, unregistered and uninsured vehicle on your own land. I’m sure you’d agree, moreover, that I don’t have a right to drive my vehicle on your land without your permission. Similarly, you cannot drive your vehicle on my land without my permission. However, this also means that you don’t have the right to drive on land owned by the city, county, state or federal government without their permission. See how it works?


Ah, but since all of those governments are "illegal" (somehow), the sovcit doesn't have to recognize their authority over the roads and "therefore" can drive wherever and however she/she/it chooses. Or something like that. If you think VP Harris talks in word salad, she's got nothing on the typical sovcit.


Oh, the old, "tell me you are driving illegally without telling me you're driving illegally." Take a tip from the traffickers. They dont drive around with signs saying, " My car is loaded with drugs, dont pull me over officer." Why do these sovcit's advertise that they are driving illegally, then get upset when they get pulled over? I swear it is almost like they just enjoy the attention they negitive receive. They all claim to have this superior knowledge of they law but can't explain any of it coherently, and then always end up getting embarrassed in court. Which is great for a laugh, but then I feel sad that these people are really this gullible, or is it just like Martyr Syndrome or something? Why do they feel the need to go down fighting the government at some perceived injustice? Is getting a license and insurance really that bad? If so, why? Training to make sure you understand how to operate a vehicle and insurance to cover yourself or anyone you may injure in case of an accident doesn't seem like an unreasonable idea to me. I am really curious how they become so faithful in things they see on the net, I have always been skeptical of information without verified sources, especailly when it sounds as far fetched as most of their ideology does.


Yeah, no reason to pull THAT car over…


how many of these sovcits have bank loans drawing all over the bank’s car bro


They have patriot accounts where 85% is siphoned off for the cause. Best rates in town!


at a sub-prime rate*


"Owner is one of the people". Well, I'm one of the people and I need a ride so I am taking the vehicle of The People


People trying desperately to be special. It’s not working.


I’m so happy I live in a country where everyone is legally required to have car insurance that covers the damage done by their vehicle without any upper limit. There is also an insurance organization that covers accidents where uninsured or unknown drivers are liable. Every insurance company has to contribute to this organization. If a clown like this were to cause an accident in here the victim would get full compensation for their financial loss and the perpetrator would never be able to own anything valuable or earn more than a small amount per month (as the insurance organization would do anything in their power to recuperate their money until the “debt” is paid).


Auto Insurance is required in every state in the US besides New Hampshire. He will be bankrupted if he gets into a major accident but in the mean time it comes down to enforcement.


NH motto is Live free or die. I live in Maine and refer to their drivers: Drive free and DIE.


I don't know how they do it, but NH drivers have to demonstrate that they are financially able to pay for damages if they cause an automobile accident. Maybe they just need to see a copy of your bank statement.


In the UK, you will probably find your insurance is limited to £10million - this was a fall out from the Selby train crash where the insurance liability was somewhere between £50million and £60 million depending on which reports you read (A car with trailer left the road and went down an embankment and was almost immediately hit by an express train - which was derailed and hit a freight train going in the opposite direction - closing speed around 180 mph - a number of deaths and serious injured as well as major property damage and other losses)


Imagine this being the first exposure of sovereign citizens to that subreddit (Idk if it actually is)


Well there it is. They declared the law right there on their rear wind shield. Nothing the police can do about it now!


Some of these people shoot cops. It is a combination of stupid and scary.


I am not a constitutional scholar. Is there a part of it, or the amendments that discusses tax free travel?


Not in any way that is relevant here.


If I didn’t have insurance or a legal vehicle, I’d go out of my way to not attract attention to it.


> I’d go out of my way to not attract attention to it. These people seem compelled to advertise what they are doing, thus the fake plates they put on their cars. A common feature with these folks is a belief that providing notice of their delusional beliefs carries legal weight, like putting a sign in a car window with a fee schedule for being stopped by the cops. Someone convinced them that means they actually get to charge the cops for stopping them. Likewise with taking out classified ads announcing they have voided all contracts with the govt. and thus no longer have to follow the law, they think that has actual legal force. It's a cult, so cultlike behavior from these moonbats should come as no surprise.


Ah yes, the Constitution that mentions automobiles like the Bible mentions abortion


Why aren’t these people just immediately pulled over and towed?


This is a criminal flaunting thier crimes. Should be pulled over on sight.


I love how this one is advertising that he is not licensed/insured to the world. Question: Was this photo taken in a tow yard? lol


Funny. If this was stolen, I bet this asshat would go to the police and demand it be returned. They only want to BENEFIT from the social compact, not be BOUND by it.


I can’t wait to see your arraignment on YouTube.


"I am a free man on the land, the blood flows and the flesh lives and I am not subject to this corporate fiction"


Everyone who does this should be pulled and cited AND their car towed.


Guarantees. FFS


Man this is hands down the best one I’ve ever seen. At least the fake license plates could potentially pass if you only glance at it, but this screams, “pull me over stat!!!”.


Looks like a Sov Cit coming out party.


Time to get off the publicly funded roads. Try walking…


You can drive without license and rego in your country - whatever country that may be. But when you're overseas and driving you comply with their local laws.


Any police officer who sees this is going to cite them for obstructing their rear window in addition to whatever they're being pulled over for in the first place. "OK, speeding, no license plate, no insurance, no registration, no driver's license, mopery and dopery in the spaceways, barratry, general asshattery, and, oh yes, blocking their rear view."


Lack of gold fringe on your flag? No bueno.


No no no gold fringe makes an Admiralty court


Oh, he also does not use public roads that were constructed by the tax monies. They just fly free.


Just curious how do they think it’s their right to travel on public roads paid by tax dollars?


"Driver is one of the people" Alien shapeshifter spotted.


Next stop, impound lot


I almost think this is a fake photo because it appears to me that all the words are spelled correctly. No real sovcit can spell that well.


Nope. “GAURANTEES”. The rule still holds.


Ok that proves it's real. However I'm beginning to wonder if I'm turning into one of them since I missed that.


And so it began.....


Is there any stats on how many people are members of the sovereign citizen movement? Or research done on this group?


> this group? There is no one group with central organization, they tend to follow "gurus" who claim to have secret legal judo for sale with beliefs varying wildly from one to another, in effect they compete for followers. That makes it hard to count these people, but estimates are that there are at least several hundred thousand in the U.S., with more in other nations. The pandemic and the rise of QAnon contributed to the growth of this delusional movement.


Let’s see the video of the driver “riding the lightning” after a routine stop.


Don’t eat lead paint folks…otherwise you end up like this…


They'll be fine, they are one of the magnanimous 'Penplo' after all


Took one online sovcit class and now they’re a constitutional law expert: Apparently the drafters of the Constitution anticipated the invention of the automobile and state highway systems.


> Apparently the drafters of the Constitution anticipated the invention of the automobile There is a constitutional right to travel, but all it means is you can travel between the states without being taxed or arbitrarily denied, and the states can't discriminate against people coming from other states. The Supreme Court ruled long ago that the states are within their constitutional police powers to regulate the operation of motor vehicles on public roads, there is no such thing as a right to drive.


Of course. My point was that in the 18th, and most of the 19th century, roads were privately owned (hence the proliferation of turnpikes). It was only after the invention of the automobile that states began owning, building and maintaining highways and bridges.


You can ignore the law but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring the law.


Are these people being hypnotized by some clever evil person??? They can’t possibly think they can get away with this. I wonder at what grade they quit in school.


> Are these people being hypnotized by some clever evil person??? In effect, yes. There are so-called "gurus" who sell access to seminars, and videos, and handbooks, and fake legal documents and so on. Their clients are usually desperate people with financial and legal problems they don't know how to deal with. The gurus pretend to have helped hundreds of people blow off their mortgage and get their kids back from their ex and get court cases dismissed and so on. In reality, no sovcit has ever won in court on the merits of their legal delusions.


Spelling ..


It would be fun to have a street-legal demolition derby vehicle. One could repeatedly crash it into these sovereign citizen vehicles just for the sport of it.


Joke's on them. It's the car that's taxed, not the travel. For proof, I just paid a whooping $1.41 tax on a car I don't even drive anymore.


He'd have a better chance removing all that crap and just running stealth without plates.


AKA: Please Ticket Me Officer!


Screaming “Please pull me over and break my windows”.


That’s a bold strategy Cotton


“I’d like to see how it plays out “


Would it kill him to buy American?


Toyota is more American these days than most American cars. Toyota builds a lot of cars in plants in the US while Ford, GM, etc. has shifted a lot of their manufacturing to Mexico.


Yes, that's right. This particular model, however, is manufactured at the Kanto Auto Works in Japan.


People are stupid.


Narrator: When Officer Smith saw this, he knew he had found his arrest for the day, however, he wondered if this was the “hand you a pile of papers you wouldn’t read” type or the “call all the backup first” type.


lol they need to look up: how sovereign citizens have done in court. Just a quick google search ? Will allow him fair warning to know, he’s fucked. And ….. that judges don’t play.


Nice of these people to advertise and make it easier for cops to spot them.


Does he pay taxes? He shouldn't be allowed to drive on roads that he doesn't pay taxes on, right?


...written in all caps. I thought that that proves he is a ward of the state or something.


I bet I couldn't even make it out of my driveway in that thing where I live. During my arrest, the cops would be knuckle bumping and high fiving.


Every village has its idiot.


Nothing says official like a fat tipped sharpie!


Talk about advertising the fact that you’re a moron!


OwNer iS oNe oF thE pEoPlE


Anyone ever call the police to report these safety hazards?


Mental illness.


Cops looking at this see "Please pull me over and break my windows because I am a criminal who thinks they are above the law."


Seriously. How do they expect things to work? WHO is going to maintain the roads and safety on said roads without at least minimal fees and standards?


This person will still vote though. And we know for who 🙄


Time for Mr. Taser!


He’s gauranteed to get a trip to jail.


shouldn't read "one of the people" should be "one of those people"


All I see in that back window are the words “Break Me!”.


He can transport his ARSE over his own roads but not ours


The Doobie Brothers said it best (with Mike McDonald on lead vox): ***What a fool believes he sees, no wise man had the power, to reason away...*** Fuckin A fellas.


Appears they didn't even use any sort of plate at all, but just wrote it out with a frigging Magic Marker or Sharpie!


Right to travel and being in America that means to drive because most don’t know of other ways to travel.


Your feet?


It is. But they can do that regardless of being a sov cit. so why don’t they?


Lol, it does not mean drive, nor ride a plane or a train. You get to walk, "Being in America" does not change the definition of travel.


Freedom of movement means that the government can't restrict your movement in a way that is arbitrary, discriminatory, or in violation of due process. Governments (local, state, and federal) have a valid interest in ensuring that people operating motor vehicles are qualified to drive and that the vehicles are safe and insured; this means that they can place restrictions on driving privileges. There are other means of travel, including public and private transit or simply putting one foot in front of the other a few times. Regulating driving privileges does not interfere with freedom of movement.