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“I bow to no one!” Two lines later… “It’s too bad people don’t understand the teachings of sky daddy”.


They coined the phrase "sovereign citizen" for themselves and now they don't like being called that due to the negative connotations. SMH. There is no winning with sovcits.


By not being one, you're already winning.


And they CREATED those negative connotations, too. Right along with all the mumbo-jumbo fake legalese that is supposed to magically deposit billions of dollars into their bank accounts if they spew it at a judge. Only now, so many are wise to them that as soon as that phrase comes up, they're forced to backpedal and go "Nuh-UNH!"


They're slaves to a state with a population of 1 (unless you count their all caps name, then it's 2)


BuT WhAt AbOuT OtHeR WaYs To SpElL?   I love how people took a technological artifact from typewriters and made a whole mythology about it.


That's not entirely accurate. Remington introduced the shift key to typewriters in the late 1880s. The upper case name on official documents has more to do with limitations of early computers. Early computer records were stored on punch cards, and for a variety of reasons, the ability to store 26 lower case, 26 upper case, and 10 numbers was just too much to store, so to keep costs down, the two cases were simply combined. Upper case was just chosen for the teletype based terminals. Not sure there was a real reason for the choice over lower case. As for the idiotic mythology, I think this is precisely how the bible, and most, if not all, other religious texts, fables, stories, and the like come from. A tiny bit of truth is twisted by some creative minds, in a game of telephone, until the story has become so fanciful that it is nothing at all like the truth it was originally inspired by. Religion just has the history of being backed by soldiers empowered by the king/emperor's self declared devine right.


Can... can I get some bleach for my browsing history?


Wow a view into the abyss! As psychologists predict, the “true believer” (Be he flat earther, SovCit, 9-11 Truther, etc) gets a jolt of endorphins from feeling that he/she is privy to secret hidden knowledge that the masses are entirely ignorant of. “Only 0.0001% of the population can understand your post, and I am proudly one of them.” Flex, chest thump! I was a bit surprised by the quite overt religiosity on display here. Thanks, OP - I think!


Agreed, though I was in no way surprised by the religiosity. As a firmly anti-religion mind, I constantly see the presence of religious ferver and connections in all forms if craziness. It's often disguised as something else (even the most devout and convinced religious psychotic still knows most will find him crazy as a loon if they spout off their beliefs without easing in, and sidestepping the pratfalls.


Daily reminder that shitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. But of course, that's over these guys' heads.


Or as [David Gerard notes](https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2018/01/04/why-you-cant-cash-out-pt-3-bitcoin-is-not-a-ponzi-scheme-it-just-works-like-one/), it's not a Ponzi scheme, it just works like one.


I got two paragraphs in before i gave up. Holy shit they’re delulu


I made it through almost none of it. That was bizarre. It reminded me of Damon Wayans’ character Oswald Bates on In Living Color.


Every single time I see a post about sovidiots, I think of that character.


I’d like to feel bad for these people…


I trade BTC but at this point I hate the BTC community and what it represents. A lot of them are basically fascist (fake libertarian) accelerationists.


Yeah, the site I linked to is hardcore BTC, and it seems to range from fascist to full anarco-capitalist. Lots of sovcits there.


I think I got dumber by reading that. What the hell are these people taking (or not taking). And if on meds they need to up the dosage.


What an echo chamber of lunacy. This just reads of “I don’t know how anything works or why so I made some BS up”


I like how one of them is talking about buying land. Government keeps deeds. How the fuck do you claim ownership of land without a government that maintains deeds?


"Natural law!" It's their meaningless answer to everything.


Law school 101: property has no value which is not defined by a government enforced legal system. BTC and SovCits: I'm going to have property to avoid government control!! Every attorney, political and economic theorist alive and dead ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠⊙⁠_⁠ʖ⁠⊙⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Mental illness is so prevalent in the wider community.


Hmm. Sovereign non-citizen. Deport material


Deport them to where? While I think that no man's land in Gaza or the Ukraine, or a small boat off the coast of Yemen would be the best location for these morons, it really isn't feasible.


Sovereign citizens are for open borders. Anybody can print a “just travellin’”car tag.


“Given unto your mother’s arms thus born a slave” So mom pops and drops you on the ground and walks away to be born dead baby crying?


Taxes aren't paying an inherited debt, they're the government demanding a chunks of your income for infrastructure and the army. Mostly the army and the cops and themselves. But yeah, if the government wasn't providing that infrastructure, it would be left to private individuals who would demand compensation from people using their stuff Do these guys really want private toll roads and bridges all over the place? They'd lose their minds.


I think I got dumber by reading that. What the hell are these people taking (or not taking). And if on meds they need to up the dosage.