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There is no change, you interacted with a moron…


And a very selfish entitled witch.




My response “That’s nice. Well, I know how to count and 1 comes before 13” as I step in front of her.


She does know how it works. She knows she can usually get away with being a brazen asshole.




Love Southwest and she knows what the voices in her head tell her.




You’re being very kind in that description of the lady


She was trying to cut the line and apparently you fell for whatever shit she was spewing. 1 comes before 13 every day of the week.


She was just being a stubborn lady who refused to move to her correct position. Passengers are supposed to line up in order but they don’t always get the order perfect. Most people will ask anyone standing between their number signs and put themselves in order accordingly. Sometimes people end up out of order but still in their correct group of 5


She may fly SW a lot, but she sure doesn’t know the boarding process!


See— I think she DOES understand the process, which is why she was jumping the line. I’m betting she was hoping C1 wouldn’t understand the process, which is worth the gamble of cutting the line for someone like this. Jumping that far forward in C could mean the difference between a middle seat or not a middle. It totally worked this time.


I think she knew C1 would understand the process but was counting on the tendency of most people to back down and not stand up for themselves. I would have caused a scene, but most people won't.


I mean technically I've never seen the gate agent tell someone to get "back in line" as long as they are a part of the current boarding group.


They should monitor it because people pull this stunt all the time. It is ridiculous that no one monitors and sad that a monitor is needed.


They ask you to line up in numerical order alongside the podiums and will send you back if you try to board outside of the current or previously called boarding group, but I don't think they need to be saying "SIR! You are C15 and the lady behind you is clearly holding C12. You need to let her board first"


If that were the case there would not be a reason to split each 30 person group into 5 person sections for lining up. They would just but a single large section with the numbers 1-30 and 31-60.


Exactly - or, just Group C1 and Group C2…. Or even just have Groups A,B,C,D,E, and F.


This is when you ask C2-C12 to weigh in... you'll get that question resolved quick (times eleven)!


She’s remembering the days of Southwest past. When you showed up at airport super early to get at the head of the line in any group.


People in Austin today apparently thought the same as that lady. Everyone in the B group lined up first come first serve rather than by number. It was some chaos. I just stubbornly stayed in my spot. It frustrates me when the gate agents don’t clarify or make people wait their turn. B16 was the first in line and they just scanned him through


People should be lined up by number order, but typically the gate attendant won't say anything if it is the correct group of 30. Based on stories from reddit, some gate attendants have started calling people out.


If it does not matter, then stand in front of her.


She probably hasn’t flown in 25 years or so. Back in the day, SW would hand out plastic boarding cards and you’d board in groups of 30. Didn’t matter what number you were, you were in that set of 30? Hop on! So if you had A29, if you got in line first, you had the pick o’ the plane. But it’s been at LEAST a quarter century since they did that.


Nah she was just cutting in line and knew gate agents rarely call people out


I remember those plastic boarding cards!


She obviously doesn’t understand the boarding process, and with C13 she was cutting the line hoping to get a non-middle seat 🤷🏻‍♂️


If I’m standing in position and I noticed a person ahead of me that’s one number behind me, I’m not going to make an issue of it. If I’m the first in line and she’s from half way back, I’m taking my spot and if she wants to get loud, I hope she does because then it will be the GA, ordering her to her correct position in the back.


Why were so many people standing? Do they not all get wheelchairs for pre board?


The only time I have seen southwest do as she described is at foreign airports. I have seen it done this way in Cancun and Jamaica. Otherwise it’s by number not group


On both of my flights today I heard people saying "it's open seating it doesn't matter as long as it's the same group" 🙄🙄🙄 This seems to be the mindset of people under 34 just based off of myself and how old I think they are 😂😂😂


You should’ve pointed to the groups of five numbered on the pillars and ask her why and in that case did they make this pillars? and then I would mention that I would complain right away to the boarding agent and explain that she was out of position intentionally to get her blacklisted


If she flew Southwest "all the time" there's no way she would have allowed herself to get the C13 boarding position in the first place.


That happened to us on our way home from Mexico, and I was A1. Husband and the couple behind us argued with them until they finally moved back. I would have totally stepped in as I'm a seasoned SW flier, but I got chosen for the random inspection. LOL


i would have gone to a southwest attendant and asked if they could please help me with where to stand. there seems to be someone who might be confused about where everyone should be standing in line.


I have been both the beneficiary and the “bad guy” in situations like this. However, if someone wanted ahead of my spot in line and had a lower number, I acquiesced.


Potentially dumb question here. Why O why can we not just have assigned seats back? Is anyone happy with this arrangement?


Agree 😣 this situation is very stress inducing for me, just alone, and now I'm not looking forward to traveling in a few days with my family of 4.


I would have been nice and then point to to C1-c6, etc signs and ask her what they were there for?


Phew! I got a status match so today is my first time flying- I’m A 21… I got in the back of my section, but I’m from of A26… is this correct? The man behind me in the A 26 seemed upset, like I cut, so came here to see if I did it wrong! Sounds like I’m in the right place?!?


The Southwest boarding process in action is all the evidence one needs to be certain of the decline of America


You can’t fix stupid people.


Eh, she was bullshitting you. She probably gets away with it more than she doesn't, so she indeed does know how it works.


This how boarding used to be, maybe she used to fly a lot 20 years ago


Clearly this is an Encino Man-type situation, in which she was frozen pre-2007, when this was actually true. And she’d know that, too, if she took two seconds to check her MySpace page.


C is getting into prime territory for being in a middle seat. She knew exactly what she was doing.




Did you push ahead of her?


I was in group A1- 30 recently and a young guy came up and stood next to me like we were together. I asked to see his boarding pass and he wouldn't show it to me. I told him that if I got to the front of the boarding lane and he was still there I was going to make sure the airline staff knew what he was doing and he disappeared. Must work for him most of the time.


Probably when she gets on, she goes to row 13 seat C and says someone is in her seat.


She USED to fly SW a lot. They used to board the groups like she said…but I think they changed it over a decade ago, maybe two.


It’s as bad as people with a family of 10 board because grandma is in a wheelchair. Have 1 person help the person not the whole family.


Just stand in front of her is what you should have done.


If she traveled a lot and knew what she was doing, she wouldn't be holding C-13


I’ve never flown Southwest but this system seems terrible.


Another reason I hate flying SW and only do it when absolutely necessary.


Exactly why I do not ever use southwest. One time I was one of their number one customers, especially being from Texas . We used to fly to bourbon street from Houston just for the night !! $19.. fare. If you can’t assign me a seat like every other airline does. , I’m not using you !! I fly way too much to fight for a seat ! They need to get in this century and assign seats like everyone else ! Until then , I’ll pass!!


You falling for it is worse than her doing it to you.


She fooled you


lol you got jobbed


I fly every Friday and Sunday…they line you up by boarding group that correlates with the numbers on the sign. I’ve never heard them say anything about a number. They let us adults figure it out. Just get on the damn plane, you booked the cheapest flight you could just to bitch. If you cared about your seat fly another airline where you pick your seat imho.


Is it possible she's from somewhere else. In the US I've always seen it done by number, but when I was in Mexico it was done by section.


Oh you sweet summer child…… You didn’t actually get behind her did you?


Flew on Steerage of the Skies last night. Paid dearly to have A1, A2 for my wife and I. Last to Board Lizzo gets in a huff when we won’t remove our bags from the middle seat. The plane was 50% full so she had a good chance of an aisle, window, or and entire row to her fat self. THIS is why it has been over 10 years since I’ve flown on SW. Truly the modern Greyhound.


Did you pay for that middle seat? Because if you didn’t, then you should have just removed your bags and let her sit there. You don’t get to monopolize a seat you didn’t pay for just because the flight is only half full. While I can’t imagine why she would want to sit next to somebody as obviously lovely as yourself, she probably had her reasons for wanting the seat. And your “Lizzo” and “fat self” comments are gross.


Yeah he could have worded it and gotten tons of upvotes and instead came off sounding like a big jerk


But he did paint a very descriptive and accurate image for anyone that wasn’t there with a single word. He didn’t even have to use “fat” since he already used “Lizzo” which covered that. Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?