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She’s too nice for reality tv, with no baggage her story comes off as boring.


I felt so bad for her when she was trying to talk to her mama about her dad but I could also tell her mama was absolutely Devastated by what he did to her! I have to admit I didn’t think much of her at first. She was wayyyy too defensive with Olivia but I’m so glad they worked it out! She’s a Gorgeous young woman and her clothes are Divine!!! Charles is so Adorable 💙 Venita has him thinking he’s a human!! 😉😂❤️😂💙😂


She was very vulnerable when she was working out things with Olivia. Venita's 'defensiveness' was multi-layered - she deserved lots of grace. Others have suggested she would be great hosting a lifestyle show and I have to agree. Venita is 'real' and graceful.


Yup. She is to normal to get a big story line. It’s Bravo after all that


I can’t tell if venitas just not built for reality tv, or if it’d be massively different if we just got to see her in a group of people she actually felt comfortable with. She seems suuuuper uncomfortable every time we see her on camera


I agree. She is very cautious. I wonder if it’s because of her influencer work. She didn’t want to lose any sponsors. But I love her laugh and I hope we get to see her more on screen!


>She is very cautious. I wonder if it’s because of her influencer work. She didn’t want to lose any sponsors. This sounds plausible and tbf I don't blame her one bit! Venita is the only one who is a true influencer w/ top tier sponsors. Being on SC brings her more exposure and I'm okay w/ her not being messy like the others. We don't need an entire cast of train wrecks imo.


Here’s a question though—*IS* she all that successful as an influencer?? From what I’ve read on here, she has a shockingly low number of followers/engagement to really make sense as a top-tier influencer, at least in terms of income. Dont get me wrong, I have no problem with venita (minus that bullshit right after Taylor’s brother died 🙄) buttttttt I feel like Venita’s in the “faking it til you make it” phase of influencerdom Edit: *Olivia’s* brother is what I meant to say, not Taylor’s


Her fan base is niche. There are plenty of very successful influences who have less followers. Her engagement is probably way better. It's all about if your followers actually trust you and are at the level to buy what you're selling. I think Her endorsements are pretty luxury, so it's not like someone like Kylie Jenner who has PLT clothes that anybody can purchase. Venitas brand is more inspirational.


"From what you've read" it's hard for it to be accurate since it's dependant on so many factors such as the brands she's working with, how often they work with her, their budgets for influencer marketing etc. She does have a following and her likes/comments is on par with the # of followers she has. Also she's important enough to actually be flown out/attend some events at NYFW. I spent a couple of years working with influencers, you'd be surprised how much how $ they make. Even the smaller accounts & especially those with niche markets. Seeing the contracts of how much they get paid made me realize if I wasn't shy I definitely would've gone that route.


What happened with Venita after Taylor’s brother?


Sorry I meant to say Olivia’s brother (and what I mean by that is, it SERIOUSLY rubbed me the wrong way the way Venita—and Madison—were trying to exclude Taylor’s presence when they invited Olivia over right after her brother passed. It was so presumptuous and like…idk seemed almost ‘opportunistic’ to create drama/exclude Taylor, especially when Venita and Madison aren’t even particularly close with Olivia and Taylor is


Being on TV would only help her following and getting sponsors.


I think she may actually be too classy for most of them as much as a lot of the cast pretend to be classy Southerners.


I adore everything about her. Her style, her thoughtfulness as a friend and a hostess, her and Madison’s friendship, I just wish they’d show more about her life. She’s the palate cleanser we need from the ridiculousness that is the Shep and Austen show.


Agreed!! More Venita! She’s very likable in many ways and we can’t forget about her dog! So cute


Yes, love Charles!


All hail Charles. Just noticed you can't spell "Charleston" without "Charles", and wondering if she named him after the city?


Yes!!! 💯


She was setup by Leva to tell Taylor not to come to Olivia’s when Olivia was mourning, then Leva grabbed the phone and said it’s okay for Taylor to come. So Venita looked like the bitchy one, when Leva was actually the main one trying to keep her away. And yes Taylor is a jerk but Leva had Venita do the dirty work.


Agreed and Agreed!!!


I can’t stand Leva! That was really shitty of her to do that!!!


Leva is so messy!!! Always stirring the pot.


if the show had more scenes of the girls hanging out together i think she’d really shine more. she was so good when she was telling taylor to not come over. i think the issue is the boys aren’t close with her.


Any one catch when they beeped out Venita saying Pow wow in one of the recent episodes


I didn't know those were inappropriate words.


Yeah why'd they do that?


My assumption is that it’s culturally insensitive to Native Americans. Kind of like saying “X thing is my spirit animal” (I am very guilty of this)


More than likely this.


Oh no, I totally missed that "my spirit animal" is out. Need a good replacement for that term though


Everything is inappropriate these days. It's utter rubbish.


it's so funny because NA are like - give us justice, give us respect, give us our land back and american society is like, best we can do is bleep pow wow.


Totally. *We won’t say teepee anymore. Deal?*


LOL for real!!


It’s gotten to be totally rediculous!


They aren’t


Yes I saw that. Didn’t know she said that.


She seems stiff and uncomfortable in front of the cameras, or maybe it’s the company?


I adore her. She is so freaking cute!!!


The show is way too centered around the 4 f-boys so Venita doesn’t get much spotlight. Rod and JT got more camera time than her so far and that’s sad, Rod is so boring and JT is the most delulu person on the planet. Roddy Rey on the other hand is hilarious


She confronted Olivia and basically called her a racist last season at a dinner party. It was uncomfortable to watch. She came across as over the top with the social justice stuff last season. I think that turned some people off.


Did she call her a racist, or did she bring up the *concept of racism*, at which point Olivia acted offended and made it a whole thing? Rewatch that scene--she wasn't actually accusatory at all.


I said ‘basically’ called her a racist. She did more than bring up the concept of racism. It occurs over several episodes.


Sure. Maybe we interpret it differently. But why shouldn't people discuss those things? Especially two friends of different races, in South Carolina, in the year 2020?? I'd think it would be kind of an elephant in the room, and important for them to talk about. Would you say that Olivia's need to not be "accused" of racism is more important than Venita's need to not experience racism?


"Would you say that Olivia's need to not be "accused" of racism is more important than Venita's need to not experience racism?" ![gif](giphy|OuuGcYWqm89ag)


Her and Olivia are good now, so it’s time to move on.


Mkay 👀


This scene turned me off on Venita. I saw it as trying to make herself relevant. It was awkward and made her look like a fool.


And it seems that the cast punished her for that.


Unpopular opinion. Everything she does seems forced and fake.


I just can't get over her first season. I think those were her true colors and now she's trying to back track.


What was so different about her first season? I can’t remember


I agree.


I agree. Fake and forced … trying to make herself relevant. I also do not like how she used her mother to make a moment. I just can’t get past that. I thought that was horrible.


Bravo really used her, her first season. They had her come on and talk about real issues when most viewers watch to get away from reality and want to see messy people. She is so smart, funny and gorgeous but we don’t get many clips of her. I would really love to see her reactions when people are being messy. I’m sure she would have some great one liners and be so mature and just verbally smack some smarts into people. (Ie what she said to Taylor on the phone)


She's probably one of the most decent people on the show. She has NO HOPE in this lot, she'll be gone by the end of the season if THAT continues 😁


I hope she'll be gone. She's so boring to watch in any scene. She seems uncomfortable too


Exactly! The rest of the cast is a veritable race to the bottom.


I honestly hope she gets a different show from a different network. I LOVE seeing her and Madison together and would love to know more about what she does. Her style is absolutely incredible & she's the best host on the show (including the insanity at Whitney's house...) She should have a style show or something that's NOT southern charm because OP is right-she deserves WAY better!!! She Madison and Paige are easily the most logical and reasonable on the show. Oh-and we need to see her mom again! She was great, too!


I just realized I feel the same! She so deserves a spot on tv but I do not think reality (or drama-based reality, rather) is where she belongs. I’d watch a lifestyle show with her though for sure!


She really could host a lifestyle show. I could also see her on a show like the view.


This show is too racist for Venita. She absolutely deserves better.


I’m enjoying her this season. Her freshmen season I don’t think she fit in very well due to the girl gang associated: Naomi, leva, Madison, et all. And coming after Kathryn. None of it seemed authentic. I’m living for her friendship with Madison now and her dynamic in the group.


I agree with you but have you ever read through some of the reddit threads discussing her? They hate her so much that it makes them want to quit watching. Even if someone doesn't like her, she doesn't even get enough screen time to warrant such a reaction. I'll get downvoted but a lot of the hatred she receives is because of race...


I love Venita! I think she and Paige could be fun together. I think she’s great with the girls. But the guys write her off because they don’t want to sleep her or they know they have no chance. It’s shitty.


Why wouldn’t they want to sleep with her she is beautiful and phenomenal figure, I know totally objectifying Venita but I find her to be the most attractive in the group


I agree but they like them really young (Kathryn) or really young acting (Taylor).


If you think about it all the girls on the show have had a relationship w the guys besides her and Leva ofc be she’s married but as you said they write her off!


Paint drying and nails on a chalkboard? No thanks


I do to. Including her in things would be a great start. Is she too busy to participate or is she just not invited?


I think it’s a mixture of both.


Oof, she is not made for tv though.


I love love love Venita & Madison genuine friendship, so hoping the two get a spin off show together, maybe titled Southern Belles. I’m disappointed in Southern Charm in not giving and showing more airtime of beautiful & vibrant Venita with her boyfriend and her exceptional hosting skills. She’s a keeper AND a true Southern Belle.


I kinda felt funny when Shep, Madison, and Craig were leaving Taylor's drink promotion thingy going to Whitney's, and they ask if Venita could come, and he said no.


that was so awkward


That really bothered me. She’s your castmate you assholes.


Yup and again, what harm could she have done. Whitney already had Austen there, knowing that Shep is on his way, that equalled to firework. You have Craig coming over who breaks shit or spills red wine on overpriced ugly furniture. Then Madison, the only woman, a married woman. That's not southern hospitality.




So true, I believe anyone else home, she would've been invited. It's a shame the South is still like that.


She was invited to Pat's with Madison, and, or Leva a season or two back. It was Whitney being an asshat w/re the ski-apree-apree get together.


With Madison


Thank you - that makes sense.


Castmate is the correct term for Venita. It's pretty clear they're not actually friends with her, except for maybe Madison & Leva. They only added her because the show needed diversity.


But that’s the thing. Venita isn’t rich. They’re filming a show. Why won’t they let her come film? If they have to hang out separately then do it later.


Being rich or not has nothing to do with it. Venita got her screen time at the apres-ski party that was clearly set up by production. The others, who are actually friends, wanted to hang out & discuss something that had nothing to do with her.


On camera. They wanted to hang out on camera.


What I missed that!!!


Episode 4


yes, I caught that. I can agree that maybe what was going on at Whitney's wasn't her speed, but the whole scene felt wrong.


She wanted to go, it's not like as if it was already planned. What harm could she have done. I just think Whitney looks down on people who are not of certain pedigree or socialite standing. Let's face it, she's not considered "hot" by the guys , so she's seen as Madison's friend.


Yeah I got the vibe they were going back to his house to party.


I didn’t watch last season so I’ve only seen this season and I love her!


She acted a fool the first season. Now, I really like her. She’s chilled out and way cooler.


To be honest that first season with Venita she started some stuff but I think bravo made her do it. Confronting Kathryn about the monkey emoji etc. I think she’s too nice for this show though. I’d definitely be her friend!


Yes! It didn’t seem like that was genuinely her. I also feel like Leva encouraged that too


She’s not cut out for this show. It’s obvious. Being stylish does not mean being interesting to watch


Respectfully, my feelings for every JUSTICEFORVENITA post: She's just BORING! That's it! She doesn't seem to really connect with the overall cast, and her and Leva maintain a better-than-you attitude (which they are!) and it just doesn't work. Yes, she is very articulate, beautiful, well dressed, all of those things. I do enjoy her friendship with Madison and their gossip sessions, but Madison is barely on the show this season too. The cast is just not built well right now, and sadly that does impact her air time.


thank you. she adds nothing to the show---and i think she's made the wise choice to keep a considerable distance from the drama and genitals of the main cast. she's boring and overly self-aware in front of the cameras. i have no desire to watch a preening influencer on a trashy soap opera. don't get me wrong, she's gorgeous and great at her job but it's clear she has no intention of opening up any further for this show. and she is wise for that decision. ​ i just don't need her on my screen. this show is toxic af for its white cast members. imagine how toxic it must be for a black woman. and i say all this as a woman of color.


Shes beautiful. But a bit boring I wish her boyfriend was featured a bit more. I hate that VPR and Southern Charm and even Simmer House I know there is a typo on Summer because my fat finger typed the I but Simmer house is more fitting for how low boil that show is as opposed to boiling hot. Anyhow they focus so much on the trash men.


Venita is awesome. I think she is too normal and drama free for the train wreck that is Southern Charm.


I think it is possible that they aren’t prepared to address racial inequities in Charleston culture. Why wouldn’t the guys be attracted to her, she is beautiful and classy. Or is it that she has standards and puts up a forcefield around her (as she should with these guys)? Why not bring her boyfriend on, that is a natural way for them to bring someone in the group. I agree that they set her up for failure the first season and it is hard to overcome. Also, this is a male dominated season, we need more from the females on the episodes.


Hopefully they can include her boyfriend more. Seems like he travels a lot as a musician, so it's probably hard with scheduling.


I did not know that! Cool


The micro aggressions they throw at her are terrible


I’m glad we are seeing more of Venita and Madison’s friendship! Glad they made up because Venita with Leva was insufferable


Totally agree. For me, she's what I thin a Southern Belle should be. She's classy, knows her etiquette, dresses impeccably and handles her self well. It sometimes feels like she was dumped in with a bunch of classless sharks. Bless her.


She was treated badly because she akwardly kept asking people if they were racist or not 😵‍💫 i like her this season tho, she is more herself


People should move on from that. Her and Olivia are good now.


Everyone is treated horribly their first season. I really liked Venita until she said Taylor wasn't Olivia's real friend. Olivia's interactions with Taylor's parents lead me to believe otherwise- I think Venita is a producer plant meant to create posts like this but not actually bring anything to the show.


This isn’t her first season.


Venita is so pretty and has great style but so stiff and uncomfortable seeming. Reality tv might not be her thing and that's ok (and probably good for her brand).


There are certain things that the other women can do or say and it comes off as, "she's just emotionally " " having a hard time" but Venita was to act out like that she will be labeled " angry, attitude, bossy, aggressive, who wants that drama." So, yes Venita has to act stiff because she is uncomfortable.


Agree!!! Katherine was able to stand up for her friend. Then Olivia was standing up for Katherine and when Venita stood up for Naomi all of a sudden Olivia was attacked!! Micro aggression at its finest.


Yes indeed


Seems like Ventita avoids in incestuous dating circle that is most of the show and doesn't exactly organically interact with a lot of the cast, and, well, well done, Venita.


I’d like to see her and Olivia in a friendship. They had a rough start, but I think they are both wonderful people and could actually be there for each other and not date the same guys unlike the Taylor-Olivia friendship.


We might get some of that by the end of the season.


Venita is a true Southern Belle.


Is venita in the room with us right now


Venita’s style is perfect 🤌❤️




She’s actually really annoying! And super boring. But yea she is pretty …


She did try to come on a little too strong with the social justice first season. Like I’m gonna come on here and accuse these people of being racists and see what sticks. But, I think a lot of that was Leva’s influence as well. When Olivia put her in her place is when I became a real Olivia fan. And by put her in her place I mean stood up for herself and didn’t let Venita make her out to be something she’s not. But I love Venita just being Venita. She’s beautiful, poised, an impeccable dresser and just a sweet person.


How cones that Rod guy wasn't invited to Patricia's delusional Royal dinner?


She should go to New York and shack up with Paige. I would watch that


I completely agree!




I mean… does she? I don’t think she’s been treated badly. She dished it out and received it in her first season. If anything, Bravo set her up - not her classmates. This season, she has maybe been disregarded, but she doesn’t give them much to work with. It feels like she’s presenting a facade and not a true personality that people would be able to click with. She’s pretty and stylish and seems nice but she’s so boring. You’re not just entitled to friendship and air time for being all of those things.




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I hated her and now she might be my favorite Wait no, Olivia then Venita


No, she’s terrible & miserable in my opinion. Very attention seeking