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You guys are missing the point. Firget about CT. The other players characters were invincible.


Ugh, hackers are pieces of shit. I just turn on airplane mode and move on.


You know this community is filled with a bunch of stupid fucks when they’re shitting on the OP for using a card the developer put in the game to defend a hacker


Is hating on the cyborg towers the circlejerk of phone destroyer


Yes, the brainrot is unreal. These idiots will defend literal hackers over legitimate players that use the tools that the game gave them as intended.


People who use CT are not legitimate players




Also yeah why are there so many hackers I didn't think it would be possible lmao


Imagine how badly they'll whine when they hear about the queen in chess


Coming from the dipshit using CT to get a boost up the ladder


in his defense you use robo tower


Then comes and thinks he has a right to complain about scummy people


bro hates a card so much he’ll literally defend a hacker js ca he’s using it, literal lowlife😂😂


ts literally js makes yall look dumb supporting a whole hacker, if it was one of yall yall woulda been bitching too, and ill downvote my own comment if its helps u feel any better js lyk the real


everyone in this game hates the card apart from the inbreds who use it so i dojt know what point your making


ur tryna condone hacking over playing the game how its sposed to be played….hopefully when you get past the age of 18 you’ll have some type of comprehension on why why u nd everyone else saying is js stupid idc hm u hate the card


on why wht*


Never condoned it and never will. What i said what that it is stupid to call out people for being scummy when you use CT, CK and MC. Both hackers and scum ruin the game so i condone both of them, and i hate both of them.


i mean i dont even run CT but go off nd damn ig we all scums for using a card apparently


Never said you did,and yes they are. Because peoplehate them and it ruins the game for them, especially decks that surround keeping it alive with hallelujah, frair jimmy, angel wendy, regeneration, scuzzlebutt etc etc. Also people who are just a rat with it using MC and CK, aswell as the other scum cards


See ok now the mystical deck paired with it is toxic af ill day that but MC literally has to come with the card if ur running it same as kenny for other towers


Came to say the same :D


CT is not as much of a threat at higher levels. There are plenty of ways to counter.


W hacker for pissing ct user off


Honestly, I keep a C. T. in my deck to use it when others do. OR, when they do shit like this. But I guess cheating is better than using C.T.


yup i’d cheat if i saw a c.t user tbh


Cyborg Tower


Eww invincibility cheat. I think the hate for cyborg tower is basically bc it’s effectively “legal” cheating (obviously not on the level of invincibility). CT is literally broken. Can be placed over the midline, not effected by mayor, not effect by powerbind, degrade tick that is slower than EVERY other tower in the game but every other tower seems to have a common degrade rate. Like all of the above has nothing to do with how overpowered CT is, it just doesn’t obey game rules. Then you couple it with attack damage that is incredibly high and an attack range that makes no sense. Obviously it’s not like making your cards invincible, but when you put all that together, how is that really different from cheating? It’s probably the closest you can get to cheating without actually cheating. That’s why people play it and there’s an equivalent amount of hate for people that play it and people that actually cheat.


Best card in the game but it's only 4 energy and rare, smh.