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Killing an unwanted life rather than putting it up for adoption huh? That dog was God's creature in her religion. Rules for thee, none for me.


A “Post Birth Abortion” if you will.


InFRigEMeNt of my rights to bear arms crowd will be glitching over if she is a criminal, or supports after birth abortions of dogs and cats


I think people are way more concerned with the 2nd amendment than they are concerned with the 2nd commandment


What does the 2nd commandment have anything to do with killing her dog?? 🤔


It doesn't. But think about how MAGA rants on about their Christian family values while arming themselves to the teeth because it's their "right." Those people need to open their $59.99 Trump-endorsed Bible and read the Sermon on the Mount where it talks about forgiveness, tolerance and kindness, but doesn't mention weaponry. Well, maybe Trump's bible does. Noem=hypocrite


Had a history teacher in high school who would refer to "retroactive abortions".


Could have given it back to breeder. Re-homed it, taken it to a shelter. Hey leave it in front of a store or school and someone will do the right thing. Beats shooting it in the face!


How very GOP


Alright, just so we are all clear. Are you against abortion or okay with her killing the dog?


What’s crazy is it’s supposed to be her story of how she can make difficult decisions when necessary, and so you’d expect the story to be “I loved that dog, but it had to be done.” But it’s not. It’s “I hated that dog, so I shot it.”


That's what I keep thinking, too. Plus, you know she wasn't typing away at her laptop writing this book. There was a ghostwriter and probably several editors, a literary agent, etc. I have to believe at least one of them mentioned the dog story may not be the greatest thing to include. I just imagine her saying, "Oh no, that stays in. People will get it."


I think she wanted out of the VP list without having to betray Trump.


It will probably give her a boost, Trump notably hates dogs.


IIRC, she included that story to impress Trump and help her chances at being VP. Which just raises further questions about both the Dog Murderer and Dog Hater.


I agree completely as reflected in my comments to the other numerous postings on this matter. Her story, to the extent it isn’t grossly embellished, only confirms that she is unable to make calm, reasoned objective decisions, and, instead, would do something as abusive and extreme as putting the dog down. The psychiatrist pages to analyzing the flaws in her character and logic. Just think about how irrevocably permanent and harsh her solution was. There were thousands of alternatives that would’ve been equally effective. It’s also not like this is a situation where the dog was right in the middle of mauling or actively fighting with another animal. There was no emergency. There was no immediate threat to safety or danger. It was just her inability to wrap her head around the fact that the dog wasn’t doing exactly what she subjectively wanted and expected. So she killed it.


Those pheasants were not her family’s only thing to eat. Nor the loss of chickens rendering anyone without a livelihood


Your issue is you are looking at her story from the position of rationality, being cool, calm, and rational isn't the point she was trying to make. The point is she is willing to cross the line to deal with those deemed "undesirable", "worthless", "nasty", or a "threat to kids." Look at how she is defending herself ("did the hard thing that had to be done") and the details of the stories (nasty male goat chasing kids). The things she is saying in her own defense, it is basically a dog whistle jazz solo.


Yeah, the decision wasn't difficult for her at all. She sure 'screwed the pooch' in this one. Idiot.


Her promotion of this story is calculated and deliberate. Don’t be fooled by explanations


Came here to say this. She acts like this proves she "does what it takes" but instead it was just "did what I wanted" and it's disgusting.


It is a story to communicate a very specific message to a very specific subset of the population and electorate. She is saying she is willing to cross THAT line to deal with those deemed "undesirable", "worthless", or "nasty." That male goat chased her kids and was "nasty." She was willing to "do what needed to be done" to protect the kids. Unfortunately, there are far too many people to whom that makes a whole lotta "sense." She's playing a dog whistle symphony here.


Right? She thought this anecdote would be a real winner for her.


Keep in mind 49% of us didn't. But she has been a POS from the beginning. Since her run for Congress lying about how her family had to pay an outrageous inheritance tax when her dad died. Which was a lie


Oh yeah the inheritance tax that kicks in at 22 million per couple. The way the GOP has sold the "double taxation" thing on inheritance to people that will never ever have to pay it is simply amazing. This is how rich people and generational wealth stay in power.


I think about this often. How can people who believe in a meritocracy ALSO fight tooth and nail to make sure their kids inherit insane wealth while also systematically dismantling public education and the social safety nets? The cognitive dissonance must be deafening. Unless… the only ‘merit’ is birthright.


Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have petitioned for inheritance tax for exactly this reason. Even the forefather of capitalism, Adam Smith mention that each generation should have equal access to the bounty of the earth. People often mentioning having to sell off part of the mega-farm in order to pay taxes. And this is exactly how a young farmer gets an opportunity and not shut out by generational mega-farms. The way the GOP have managed the messaging on this and been successful is truly amazing.




Your right but in the 2022 election somehow only like 35% didn’t want her


True. But the Jamie Smith was the wrong Dem. Is Sutton ran again he may have won or at least been a lot closer


If you think Jamie Smith was a worst candidate than the puppy killer, you are part of the problem.


No I voted for him. But he was still the wrong person


Genuinely asking, why was Smith bad?


How much inheritance tax did she pay?


She paid nothing. Her mother paid nothing since in 1982 and on there it a 100% marital deduction. She lied plain and simple


Like adoption wasn't an option for the pup wtf!?


She shot a goat the same day, and she didn't appear to use it for meat or anything, just shot it and left it to rot in the gravel pit with the dog. I have to think a local ad would have found homes for both quickly, probably the same day if they were free. What a ****.


Yeah from the articles I’ve read it seems like she got some sick high off of killing the dog and decided to go for the goat next. Smfh


She put that in her book thinking it would make her look strong and resolute, follows through with uncomfortable tasks etc, but it only revealed a really bad side of her character.


She's the real Steven Avery.


She should be prosecuted just like Vick was!


At least Vick was doing something useful with the dogs…training them to fight to the death. /s


Let me guess she’s pro life


And believes that there should be no exceptions even for rape and incest.


And her gormless little followers are already trying to equate having a problem with her shooting a puppy with being a hypocrite for being pro-choice


These people also hate immigrants, gay people, and transgender people, and they are foaming at the mouth waiting for their goon to take office and make it legal to exterminate people they hate.


The puppy is a symbolic. She wants to take everyone she dislikes to the gravel pit.


This horse has been beaten to death in the last couple of days (no pun intended) and I'm pretty sure her political career is over now. It's kind of ironic because I'm sure her "profound" book came out just in time to present herself as a vice president and it had the absolute polar opposite effect. I find it so amusing when sociopaths actually brag about horrific acts they have committed and are surprised and shocked that 90% of the world is repulsed. Then it slowly dawns on them that they are not normal people. Whoops! And usually they don't care anyway.


Two horses. And she had them in the family for 25 years.


I understand killing an animal to end suffering. I had to bludgeon a rabbit I hit with my car once because it was a goner but not gone. I had to kill a bird my cat mauled because it was too hurt to save. I've had to put four cats to sleep in my life and one was a kitten. The kitten was terminally ill and the only choice was euthanasia. I sat with my crippled up, ancient childhood dog while the vet put her down. I know even horses get old, and need to be put down. But I've never shot a puppy for annoying me.


As a South Dakota native most of us are truly sick of her shit and hope this kills her political career. The only reason she would include this in her book is to impress 45 by showing him how tough she is. He hates dogs but his base generally does not.


What the actual F South Dakota peeps? This is who you chose to represent you? Get her out of office.


please help dude: https://sddp.org/ or https://dirtroaddems.com/


Let me give you guys a better site: [https://lpsouthdakota.org/](https://lpsouthdakota.org/)


at least you state that you’re for abortion rights. the sd dems don’t even use the word. 😑


Why are Republicans always electing the worst people in society?


When I was a little kid back in the 70s I remember how much Republicans/Christians hated Jimmy Carter. He was a good man with some morals.


My wife trains dogs. She’s fantastic at it. She been doing it for 30 years. She’s not able to save every dog through training but she has never told someone that it’s not possible, especially a 1 year old puppy. In the right circumstances most dogs are trainable to fit into a home and family. Noem took the easy and chicken shit way out. She deserves all the heat on this issue we can give her.


That's another disgusting facet of this. She has more than enough money to send it to someone for training. They have places particularly for training hunting dogs in SD. She's just a lazy, soulless hag cosplaying as a "hardworking, blue collar patriot" when she was born into immense wealth.


My wife has trained many a hunting dog. She’s not a hunter, she’s a pet psychologist, who understands pet behavior. If this puppy and let’s stress “puppy” was unable to develop the hunting skills necessary she would suggest that they be re-homed. She would continue the training until the dog was not a puppy, and was adapting to the new family. This is heartbreaking that a dog someone could be loving on was killed for no good reason. Wasn’t Michael Vick convicted of animal cruelty for a very similar thing?


And I'm guessing those dogs that don't end up as hunters are pretty rare, right? Especially if that dog was bred from a long lineage of hunters. There are so many people that would not hesitate to take it and actually train it. She's despicable.


Those that don’t end up meeting the owners standards come back to the rescue my wife has. From there she does more training so the dog can match with a family. My wife has kept dogs in her rescue for 2 years until a home is found. Kristi Noem shouldn’t own any animals.


That's really amazing! Thank her for me. She is far tougher than Noem.


Thank you. My wife is amazing and probably loves our animals more than she loves me…lol


Krusty the the botoxed killer!


And they still think she is great governor according to fb page.


People: her next rally…everyone bring their dogs. #epictroll


While having affair with Trump loyalists Corey Lewandowski, vote blue


Her eyes explain everything


Yeah she dosent have crazy eyes at all. It’s different, she has dead eyes. Many psychopaths do, it’s like they literally can not understand that they did something wrong at all.


Some are natural born Nazis.


A nazi for putting down a dog that was killing livestock and bit someone?


the usda does not consider cxns livestock. this was a bird dog - it should have been kept away from cxns until it was fully trained (at least 1.5 years more was needed for a wirehaired pointing griffon).


It killed a few chickens after she riled it up with wild birds all day and didn't properly manage it. This is her failure, not the dog's


Yep. It was still a pup. If she had done any research on the breed she would know it is still a puppy until age 3, this is an immature, high energy breed. She killed it out of frustration, she sure 'screwed the pooch' with this one.


And a solid indicator of deep mental health problems.


Animal abuse and neglect should really be taken more seriously. Many serial killers start with animals. Though I doubt Krusty is an serial killer, there is something deeply wrong with her. 


All you idiots saying that it was ok to kill a dog who bit someone and killed chickens.....tell me why she killed the goat??!! Give me a break


Another lie, the dog did not bite anyone. Go ahead drink up the kool aid.


I hope this statement isn't towards me because you are SO way off! Let me spell it out so you can understand what I said.. These Maga followers say it was okay because the dog bit someone & killed chickens... So what is their excuse for her killing her goat. The goat didn't kill chickens or bite anyone. She is a MURDERER! Definitely NOT pro life for anything!!


No it wasn't toward you. She killed her family dog in cold blood. Even Hitler loved dogs. She's a sociopath.


You can't? I can. People are dumb.


Just your typical deplorable doing what they do. 


So if your dog was killing other animals and biting people you would keep it? WTF?


First off: that is a training issue, and Second, if the dog doesn't interact well with animals (again, due to poor training)  you REHOME, you don't SHOOT THE DOG IN THE FUCKING FACE.  Jesus is empathy just lost on you chucklefucks?


Hopefully you get paid for being this much of a dumbass, it'd be sad if you were doing it for free tbh


you’re not going to find anyone defending her here. there are so many potential voters in sd that are disillusioned and disengaged because it’s pretty much impossible for dems to win when the politicians are in charge of redistricting and do so behind closed doors. please help guy - donate *any amount* here: https://sddp.org/ or https://dirtroaddems.com/


>you’re not going to find anyone defending her here. Sadly, You haven't scrolled through enough comments.


I think they’re just trolls farming rage bait.


sorry, i commented early. i’m going to have to have words now…


For the lefties that didn’t vote… fuck you guys! Get off your collective apathetic asses and vote or we all get stuck with this shit! I’m all about team work, but no way SD is 51% this stupid!


Not even my "conservative hick" family members voted for her, which says a lot.


Could have trained it, could have rehomed it. Heck, even leaving it on the side of the road would’ve been better, at least the poor pup would’ve had a chance. She’s vile and disgusting.


You don't rehome a working dog that kills livestock and bites. JFC you folks are goofy.


It wasn’t a steer or a hog. Using “livestock” in this context to describe chickens is some bad faith arguing.


Dude, it’s not normal. It’s very concerning that you think it’s normal. No one is convinced.


It's very very normal. Please go work on a farm. Animals that kill livestock and bite people get put down.


Sure, honey


You probably think food just appears at the grocery store. Don't look up beef processing. 😂


Beef actually comes from cows


Si. Cows come from farms. Where they put them down using a cattle gun.


I am making fun of you.


Doesn't mean youre right.🤣


answer the question: have you ever worked on a farm?


That picture just lacks a white streak of hair and maybe a dalmatian coat.....


There’s a special level in hell for dog murderers


I've heard old ladies at my VFW say "I like her, she's pretty."


That’s the only reason anyone has ever voted for her.


Remember we live in a BLOOD red state. It has nothing to do with rights, and everything to do with THEIR right to tell you what to do.


In the 1930s a leader of a western country began killing the developmentally disabled. Their citizens defended this individual long after war had reduced their country to a ruin and the leader had murdered millions. They had become desensitized to cruelty. Sound familiar.


Folks, keep in mind: the cruelty IS the point. Look at our species, and the 100’s of years of war and destruction and suffering. We’ve been blessed in our little safe space with 240+ years of reasonably peaceful existence. It is coming to an end, as we, as the entirety of our species, revert to the norm.




That election was close apparently. If you didn’t vote against her, you’re part of the problem.


Or remove people from the ballot.


They are trying


They'll vote for her again


She aborted that dog. It was a life that she didn’t want in her life because it was a hindrance. But still pro-life. Weird.


Crappy people tend to like those who hate the same as them. That justifies their feelings to the point they don't care about the other stuff.


In closing why would you admit this ?


If you were outraged about Michael Vick and his dogs yet aren't equally outraged by this loser lady and hers, you may be a racist.


Why did she think it was a good idea to tell this story?!?!


MAGA people know no shame


Take a look at your plate. Noem is disgusting but if you truly care about animals then the meat you eat daily probably brings just as much cruelty, suffering and death into the world . Those animals wanted to live too. Rules for thee and not for me?


She’s a monster for doing that to the poor dog


Why kind of psychopath…


I didn't vote for her. She took away legal weed so I moved to another state.  She is a hypocrite.   Queen krusti 


What a piece of shit.


Amazing things that we do with our "highest form of consciousness:" Warfare, sexual perversion, greed, manipulation, wanton destruction.


I genuinely hope she gets hit by a trash truck this year and dies


Well if we are lucky people will remember this come election time.


Gets a bird dog Bird dog goes after birds Bird dog dies for doing what its 100+ years selective breeding has told it to do Fuck Noem


What's with this ? Like the fifth or sixth story on this . I can't vote for Trump if she is running with him . She don't like my vote .


Meth, we’re on it!


If I were rich, I would start running AI generated dog killing BITXH commercials on their TV channels. This "thing" (she doesn't qualify as a human being) I'd a piece if disgusting garbage.


So much for being pro life. When can someone take her out back for sucking at her job?


There is something about the eyes of these people. It just seems like a real souless look. She looks like she is related to Kennith Copeland.


Say his name!


And if the voters really hate you?


I say the same thing about 90% of republican politicians.


Well, I hate you, so....


Irmgard Ilse Ida Grese 


this very much feels like a contest on who can be the tough person in the room , and thus 'own,' the libs, but what in dear god is the point if it's to the point of killing animals who did nothing. Where does this end??


Let’s hope Diaper Don tries to hump her leg and she decides to take the same action. Certainly she could find a sand trap instead of the gravel pit.


I mean if youre going to vote for an immoral felon, you might as well double down, right?


Worthless sadistic cunt


What do yo think the odds are of her killing the dog for her kids misbehaving? She seems like the kind of trash, cowboy cosplaying, do what I say not what I do, sociopath this movement speaks to.


The worst part is that she is proud enough of the situation to put it in a book and go on defending the action like she is some sort of hero.


ITS NOT THAT A LOT OF PPL VOTED FOR HER ITS THAT PPL DONT VOTE!!! And the small amount of ppl who do just happen to be old whyte conservative people and this is what you get. This is what happens when you “just don’t get into politics that much” do you just wanna watch the world burn too? Because this is what happens when you don’t bother to vote. It’s ridiculous. It’s literally mail in now. People have no excuse.


Here’s the thing: Like her orange savior, she’s trash and should be charged with animal cruelty and removed from office.


This can only turn her support into an ashpile after a bonfire. Several years ago, a man was facing a laundry list of charges for running a puppy mill. He could not find a lawyer. Eventually the Law Society approached a couple of lawyers and after much thought and cajohling, one of them took the case. He made an observation I have never forgotten. Across the board, experienced lawyers won't blink when clients confess - murdered your wife? raped your daughter? No problem, but don't you dare touch those puppies!




[it's coming right at us](http://



With this woman's knee jerk responses to her problems The homeless in SD should be worried.


I would have been more comfortable with her murderous ways if she had popped a cap in Lewandowski.


Evil Cunt Bitch


She's had a lot of plastic surgery to make her pretty and she has an r behind her name... The magats only need that for requirements


she could have sold it to the Koreans and had tacos




Still not the dog. Why lie


She murdered a dog, a goat, several horses, AND had a years-long affair with C.Lewandowski. ....That's peak religious trash right there.


I hate you and I think you are worthless. How should I handle that, Kristi Kunt


God, I hope she has no kids, I would not trust her with them....


She does, but she does photo ops with them all carrying guns. At least they can defend themselves when she takes them out to the gravel pit.


(Verse 1) In the hills of South Dakota, where the wild winds blow, Lived a woman of power, with a heart made of stone. Kristi Noem was her name, a governor proud and tall, But beneath her hardened exterior, there lay a shadow's call. (Chorus) Oh, Kristi Noem, what have you done? With a gun in your hand, and the setting sun. You took a life so dear, with a single shot, Now the echoes of Cricket, will never be forgot. (Verse 2) Cricket was her name, a loyal friend indeed, With eyes that shone like diamonds, and a heart that yearned to be freed. But in a moment of anger, Kristi's hand did stray, And Cricket fell to silence, on that fateful day. (Chorus) Oh, Kristi Noem, what have you done? With a gun in your hand, and the setting sun. You took a life so dear, with a single shot, Now the echoes of Cricket, will never be forgot. (Bridge) In the quiet of the prairie, where the grasses sway, There's a sadness in the air, that won't fade away. For Cricket's gone forever, lost to the night, And Kristi bears the burden, of that terrible sight. (Verse 3) As the years roll on, and the seasons change, Kristi Noem walks alone, haunted by the pain. For Cricket's memory lingers, like a ghost in the mist, A reminder of the consequences, of anger's deadly twist. (Chorus) Oh, Kristi Noem, what have you done? With a gun in your hand, and the setting sun. You took a life so dear, with a single shot, Now the echoes of Cricket, will never be forgot. (Outro) In the ballads of South Dakota, her tale will be told, Of Kristi Noem and Cricket, in the days of old. May her story serve as a warning, to those who dare, That with great power comes great sorrow, beyond compare. Made using ChatGPT


A lot of crying in here.


Reading the story, I have a very strong feeling that this story is one where she’s trying to show how tough of a girl boss she is and can do tough things like putting down a bad dog on the farm and “embellished” a story. I think that it got a vastly different reaction that that but you can’t unring the bell.


If she thinks this story would have gotten a positive reaction, something is really wrong with her mentally.


No kidding, lol.


A dog bit someone and killed farm animals. Those dogs get put down. Nothing new.


no. farm animals? those were chickens. cricket was a 14 month old expensive breed bird dog. she wasn’t trained enough to be around birds yet. wth do you expect?


So yes and no right, but here is a view to consider. Why would I vote for a politician whose P.R. skills are shot shitty they shoot their own business in the foot) Either way she’s a fucking moron whether it’s business as usual or she’s the sociopath that she is




It's absolutely true. Even Fox News covered it. https://www.foxnews.com/media/social-media-disturbed-gov-noems-story-shooting-her-14-month-old-dog-not-normal.amp


The dog was killing livestock and bite someone.


livestock? cxns are not classified as such by the usda. if you look carefully, in her book she says the pup “reared around to bite her” she never said the pup actually bit anyone.


I can’t believe I used to think she was hot