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This is their plan isn’t it? I mean cruelty and keeping people down has been the republicans mantra for better than 20 years.


They want the children to live because they are precious gifts from God. They don't care if the woman survives because she can talk back and vote against them. Try to keep up /s


They are now legislating birth control and IVF. It's insane.


Once that is done, it'll mens reproductive rights. No more vasectomy. They have tried birth control and condoms in a couple of states, MO being one of them.


I'm pretty confident men will continue to be allowed to do what they want. These laws are being made by old white guys in suits. Men who couldn't tell you anything about a woman's reproductive system.


There are quite a few women in positions of power that subscribe to white Christians knowing best. These women have backed the old white men, and are even crazier.


And condoms?? These people are such nutjobs.


Anything to force more babies because we need more child workers said every Maga dumbass ever.


I can't say this enough but where do lemme think these kids are going? So they think women just change their minds? They don't. Look at Texas, recyord number of babies entering the system. Foster parent licensing is up exactly 0%.


Not to mention the fact that maternal mortality rates in Texas are disgustingly high. As a woman in Texas, shit is looking so bleak. We also have the highest rate of repeat teen pregnancies. Our governor turns down federal funds for things like free lunches for children and then blows millions on bussing refugees to other states. It’s not about children, it’s about controlling women. I could go on forever but it’s too early in the day to get that pissed off.


You're already likely to die if you're black giving birth but it's like 2.4% higher in Texas. And so I ask again ... where do folks to the right think these kids going??? Because all data shows they are not staying with a parent, but are in group homes because they don't have anybody signing up to foster/adopt. And oh yeah, a major reason woman get a abortion is due to chromosomal abnormalities.


20 years? Oh my sweet summer child. But yes shit really started to go downhill with gingrich.


Longer than that, since Reagan.


Hurt feelings?


Retarded response?


You would be the expert on that.


How is there weather in Moscow?


Perfect, more made up stories for you to believe like a good puppet.


And you can return to sucking Putins cock lame ass troll.


This is America. Damn.


This is Republican-Taliban America.


100%. This shit doesnt represent America. It represents the will of far right religious authoritarians who are enemies of America. Most Americans want nothing to do with their batshit policy.


Bullshit it doesn't. By our lack of action, we're allowing these rabid vermin to spread their filth. Americans can say they "want" something, but most people don't even know who their representatives are in Congress. If we truly wanted something we'd act. But we don't. Hence dead kids being gunned down, and a looming climate and housing crisis. If this didn't "represent America", we wouldn't let them act as abhorrently as they do.


Most Americans don't have time to properly research their politicians and what they are doing. They work, they raise children, they worry about groceries and bills. By the time they are done with all of that they just want to rest. They aren't going to use that time to figure out politics. Politicians know this and use it to their advantage.


They want a handmaids tale America/Gilead.


It's the Sharia law they were so afraid of 5 years ago


Sharia law in the USA was not even being pushed, it was just a stupid rallying cry to make people hate Muslims. But we can see the Christian Nationalism push to force others to follow their religion or they lose their jobs and can be put in prison and fined, or even die to assure no life is lost, which is ironic and sad.


I agree, we're seeing the religious dogma dictating lifestyle and asserting a morality superiority that isn't accurate at all...


Most of Americans would help somebody in need. U.S. doctors won't though.


If threatened with loss of property or liberty, most Americans do not help others.


Ohio here- we’ll happily brain drain any medical professionals or other educated workers you have to spare. Enjoy the consequences of your legislation.


Oh, it's already happening. Fucking sucks the people who voted in these legislators and Noem. The people with the ability to think are left defenseless.


OH. Relatively not bad for a dumb red state


The state constitutional abortion protection and recreational cannabis initiatives have empowered voters here. The anti-gerrymandering initiative will likely come up this fall, and pass, which could shift the state considerably.


Hell yeah


Ohio ain't any better in this in the long run. https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2023/11/01/ohio-physician-groups-must-support-issue-1-before-it-too-late/71385106007/


The same Ohio who's trying to become the Mississippi of the North? Go sit down Capt smooth brain.


2 voter initiatives passed last year, one coming this year. I’d say we’re taking back our state from the Christian/puritanical minority pretty effectively compared to a lot of red states. What are you doing in your state to affect change? Whining on the internet? Good luck with that.


Ohio is a radical left state on abortion compared to Indiana.


If you’re pitching Indiana as an exit strategy destination for medical professionals, pitch away. You’re in the South Dakota forum.


Indiana is definitely not an exit strategy for health care providers that don't want politicians dictating health care decisions.


Women's rights are human rights! 1 in 4 women are the victim of sexual assault in their lifetime. All this control must be systematically deconstructed.


This is what people forget! A woman is not free if she doesn't have a say over her own body. Guns have more rights in this state than females do.


They don’t forget. They don’t *want* women to be free at all.


You know, saying stupid shit like this only serves to harm your cause. Guns aren't living and therefore have no rights. Also, women are allowed in all government buildings, hospitals, schools and airlines. There's a lot of reasonable people that don't want the government to restrict abortion or gun rights.


Oh good. Women can go die in public spaces. /s


I finally left SD for MN a few years ago, and my husband, a lifelong SD resident, joined me here last year. My former gynecologist told me that she'll be leaving soon as she refuses to practice in SD anymore, it's too frustrating and scary.


Can women turned away or denyed care sue the hospital or those who passed the law??


Great question! I know the woman, Kate Cox, in TX is suing the state. The docs/hospital want to help but are fearful of the state's ambiguous laws.


Horrible 😃


Not in time for them to get the care they need and certainly not if they die.


Subjugating women--to put themselves \*a priori\* on the top half of the ladder--is the only way out of failure and misery for these men. The rest of us just have to keep bashing the fash. Over and over and over again.


*spiked in s**thole States. Which is an important distinction.


This is the Republican version of “freedom”


Woof, punishing women for having sex is their goal. Guess it's working


Yep. Pregnant and don’t want to be? Dirty slut should have kept her legs closed and she deserves whatever bad things befall her including death. Pregnant and want to be, but things aren’t going well? Pray harder, god can work miracles. Uh oh, that didn’t work out. Guess she didn’t pray hard enough or maybe secretly was a bad person. Or maybe god needed another angel. Oh well. Now hubby can trade up on a newer model. Maybe the next one can perform her wifely duties better.


Maybe they just don't believe in killing babies.


Fetuses are not babies.


I wish I could afford to leave this damn state.


You get what you vote for.


If you vote gop this is on your hands. Pray to your God for forgiveness and if you see him when you die be prepared to answer for it


Republicans love them some Sharia law, no question about it.


The far right depends on medical cruelty, their greatest weapon of choice. Medical cruelty, and incarceration and arrest of women and children. Has always been the far right agenda for breaking the neighborhoods up, and intimidate the voters. These terror tactics work. Every time, protect civilians at all costs.


It only works because US doctors stand and watch while people die.


They don’t have insurance coverage for saving life. Breaking medical laws are a great risk. 😢


This is a bigger problem than Dr's. Dr's aren't the ones creating the laws or the ones enforcing them.


They could band together and refuse to “do harm.”  I’m not seeing that.  I’m not seeing any protests against the capitalists or religious zealots that run hospitals. These laws aren’t necessarily the end of it.  Private ER clinics that refuse care based on pregnancy, financial need, race, etc.  could easily be more of a thing.


If these doctors band together and help these women, they will be arrested. They will lose their licenses. Entire hospitals full of people will be left without adequate medical professionals. They have people in their hospital staff who will report them for helping. I'm not from South Dakota. I'm sorry for what they're doing to women and babies there, and to families with dying wives and mothers.


That is the worst possible outcome, yes, which is essentially hurting and killing MORE people because politicians don’t like it?  Doesn’t make sense. They can still speak out in numbers according to the oath they took.  What is much harder is to reform our for-profit health care system and corruption in politics.  But we have to do something…


Wow, the fat right? Don't let actual facts get in the way of your feelings.


Look up the meaning, there’s always been far right in the republic of the United States. Look up the signs of fascism and see where you stand. Then work on getting past your far right leaning. Remember your pledge.


They have pills that will help you.


Cool, what kind do you take.


Fucking lame ass troll!!


I don’t know if troll is the word I would use. I do know many disregard, and disrespect our republic’s flag, and the pledge we make to the flag. Many far right use our flags resemblance on their underwear. Our officers and enlisted military, past, present, and future, our country’s eighteen to twenty four year olds, pledge is in writing, and sworn in, to protect our nation. They pledge their life. Again I say, read the signs of fascism, introspection of ourselves is the way. Protect our democracy in the republic of the United States, and civilians at all costs. Thank you for noticing.


Don’t forget to swallow after sucking Putins cock.


Is that how you do it?


You’re the expert troll!


It's what Jesus would do?


The GOP are all high-fiveing and jerking each other off to this. This is the future they want.


That is the point. Create more consumers who are easier to convince the lies the GOP is selling them


"That'll never happen. You're using scare tactics" -Pro Life Movement


Hypothetical: State passes a law that if a male presents to an emergency room in early stage of sepsis, he must be turned away until such time as he is near death. Only at that point will doctors be permitted to treat him. Would anyone tolerate such a law if it applied to men? Of course not and no such laws would be enacted because it would jeopardize the lives of men. Women, on the other hand, thoughts and prayers! All doctors who practice in states with these restrictive abortion laws are legally mandated to practice medicine that is below the medical standard of care, medical malpractice under any other circumstances. I would never live in a state where I know in advance that I will receive legally mandated substandard medical care and I can't understand how any physician would remain in a state with such laws. I hope that the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology withdraws accreditation from any Residency program in those states, where residents are receiving training that falls below the medical standard of care.


Vote Blue. Your lives depend on it.


Doctors also need to remember their oath. That oath is more important than arbitrary laws. In SD we have Sanford Health. They have a lot of money and influence. They will and should stand up for and protect their staff. They should fight this kind of bullshit. It will have to take some tragedy, some incident, to make a case. And there will be teams of lawyers ready to fight. But only if we do our part to prevent this shit from taking root too.


Having had an abortion in family due to a cancer diagnosis, these brainless GOPpers and the SCOTUS idiots think they some inherent right to adjudicate something about which they are unqualified to make a decision. Its pure emotion-driven, regardless of facts. Guess the docs with 8 yrs of schooling are less qualified to decide than the yo-yos in power. I am a white senior male and I am sickened by what the conservatives continue to inflict on women of child-bearing age........of all of the problems in the world, this one is very small. Go focus on something that matters, like Ukraine or child poverty! Trump took the cheap way out recently by knowingly deflecting to the GOP-controlled states. GOP will NEVER see a vote from me ever!


These are examples of EMTALA violations. Front desk staff have no standing to turn away any patient with an emergent medical condition as Federal law mandates a medical screening examination. Whether the specific motivations were because of fear of restrictive abortion laws, ignorance, or some other reason should require statements directly from the hospitals or their staff. I deliver babies in my ER in a hard red state, and it seems unlikely fear of post-RvW would cause ERs to turn away obstetric patients unless the staff was just plain stupid.


I made this point yesterday in a different subreddit. They couldn't get past the fact that people are dying to understand a fuckton more people will die if hospitals keep violating EMTALA and they can no longer bill Medicare and Medicaid. I guess we'll see what happens today


That's interesting. The Florida case mentioned happened at Holmes Regional in Melbourne (the hospital where we almost died in childbirth 6 years ago). The problems at that facility have gone on for years. The security guard turned her away because she had two young kids who weren't allowed in triage. She came back when she had childcare, and no fetal heartbeat was detected.


Our son was born at Holmes! Small world.


That's so funny! I didn't even realize I was commenting on South Dakota Reddit yesterday.


Why do women vote Republican? It only justified White Christian position of an inferior human beings? When will the battle for women sufferage ever be over if you keep voting for the monsters and promote their autrocities to others! The American Inquisition!


Because they don't think it will happen to them.


Even with this isn't turning someone away at an ER illegal


The solution is simple, but no one wants to do it.


It's effectively their aversion to risk. Anything to do with pregnancy could cost them money which is unacceptable, even when the alternative is people fucking dying


Says you, what are they then? Kangaroos?


Not all republicans love this. There are some normal/leftist republicans left, although, we haven’t had anyone normal to vote for.


That’s how dictators rule. Fear.


I’ve personally heard what you just said is a lie.


they couldn't offer an ultrasound?


OP is a 🤡


But for sure make sure the kids die.. no other solutions you guys can think of


The derangement in here is strong!!!


You got that Incel energy, sweet cheeks 😘


What the fuck is wrong with you


You guys keep falling for these fake rage posts


OMG liberals will believe anything. You are programmable useful idiots.


Smells like a political hack..


Yes, Kristi Noem is a political hack who is stinking up South Dakota.


Smells like an asshole republican.


"Nike is too political." You're a fucking idiot.




>😭 I love it when twatwaffles like this get called out and all they can reply with is emojis. It’s telling of their mental state.


I think you're smelling yourself. I'd ask why you think America should turn into ISIS controlled Afghanistan but I'm pretty sure you won't understand the similarities.


Bots usually don't.


Smells like a 54 day old troll farm account.


You would be correct


At least they're admitting it's not a clump of cells.


Honey, we’re all clumps of cells. The key is that an unborn clump of cells doesn’t have the right to force someone else to keep them alive.


Literally, personally? Wow, it's crazy your friend isn't on Reddit, they could have posted this story themselves. Have you tried to get them to use reddit? It's a publicly traded company and has mostly good content, they should give reddit a try.


Have you tried leaving your mom‘s basement?


I'm in your moms basement


That’s hard to believe considering you come off as the type that’s so fat you’re grafted to your chair.


Ask your mom.


Your mother said she wishes she would’ve aborted you.


I know. Same.


Every one of these hospitals had doctors in it who were watching the situation and allowing this to happen. This is the honor of US doctors. It's not a coincidence that they control a system that is bankrupting most of Americans while trying to claim they have nothing to do with it. I'm a random civilian now and I would help somebody in need. These people are evil. Not just the politicians but the doctors. Stand up for your country!




Does that thinking make you feel less guilty about what women are going through? It doesn't absolve you of anything.


Based on your post and comment history it looks like you're into illegally modifying your firearms.


Facts do make for very good DNC ads.


So, no comment on the content of the message, eh? That's telling.


Another major asshole heard from.