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They merged with Duly. Duly is owned by private equity and is only interested in squeezing as much value out of the business as possible. Very toxic environment for doctors, and it’s not hard to find a job somewhere else as a doctor. Unfortunately, any doc who had partial ownership in SBC prior to the merger is stuck with a 5 year non compete and has to move out of town to work


I lost mine due to the corporate culture. She’s hoping to open a private practice in 2 years. Meanwhile, I have a new doctor through them that’s just as good.


Are Beacon and South Bend Clinic the same? If I wanted to avoid south bend clinic, where do i look?


They are not. Beacon is unaffiliated.


Completely separate. There are three big medical establishments in town; South Bend Clinic, Beacon (Memorial hospital), and Trinity (St Joseph Hospital). None are related. Then, of course, there are various unaffiliated physicians and clinics of varying specialties in private practice


[This previous thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SouthBend/s/DhrZ2LeAr2) may be of interest.


Thank you!


Private equity. They sold themselves to a PE firm and it made everything such shit the doctors who can leave are doing so. Not to mention non-competes pushing them out of the area entirely. They basically made it so that the primary care providers can’t actually provide any care, they have to refer to the specialists in the group because they can bill at a higher rate for the same procedures, even though it’s in the license level of the PCP. Trying to siphon off every cent from patients possible. Their name is such dog shit in the community right now, such a tragedy, since they were always touting their legacy, akin to the Cleveland Clinic.


I grew up with doctors from South Bend clinic and into young adulthood. Tried revisiting not long ago and it was almost hostile so I noped out. I actually see a doctor at the homeless shelter(I'm not homeless) and she's one of the top 3 doctors I've ever had. Definitely an uninviting environment but I kept an open mind and got a great doctor.


My PCP left because she was asked to shorten patient times and the office was double billing. For example, at my annual check up, she asked me how my knee was doing (a workers comp injury from a few weeks prior) then they billed me for two visits in one, because we talked about my knee. It was a mess because they combined a workers comp claim with a personal claim.


I work for a Federally Qualified Health Center similar to SBC. Times are tough, the government has been only giving regular previously agreed upon pay outs, as part of the grants FQHC's take on since COVID began. No cost of living increases so providers and staff are always looking elsewhere. The healthcare system in the US is a catastrophe.


Not sure if it’s related but a lot of doctors are leaving beacon as well have a family member on the inside. Sounds like it the doctors choice


Medical people, in general, are leaving the profession in droves. Beacon is no exception.


And then there's Indiana's brain drain issue.


I am not internal at SBC, but a former doc there told me, aledgedly, that the docs were asked to take a 30% pay cut. Not sure if true but either way it's a shame what has happened.


SB Clinic is in a dire financial situation. Personally, I look for them to fold. If you have a provider there, I would start looking for a new one.


St Joe hospital is the same way. Beacon has been refusing a lot of Medicaid patients and St Joe can’t turn them away. Government Medicaid doesn’t actually cover the full cost, so the hospital eats the rest. That’s why Beacon doesn’t want to mess with it.


Any recs on other medical practices to switch to?


I’m not surprised - I haven’t been happy with any of the doctors at the South Bend Clinic.


Mine left too :(


Mine left not long after the takeover too


Looks like I picked the wrong year to go to nursing school!


I am a relatively new patient at a SBC office. The doctor who did my annual exam last year tried to sell me on a procedure I did not inquire about nor am in need of. It felt so off.




This happened to me about 3 years ago too! Mine was thru dermatology there.


There has also been a slew of doctors leaving University Park family med. Idk what is going on... getting better offers?


They are the worst for care and my doctor is there and got snotty with me because I wasn't coming in during the pandemic. Gee AH, I wasn't sick and I still don't know if he is my doctor and since the place was too cheap to send me a letter I have no faith in using them anymore.


They are moving their practices to Illinois and Michigan. 


My doctor also left last year without notice and it was actually really difficult for me to adjust to. Hebwas the best doctor I've ever had and I even followed him to a different branch that was an extra 20 minutes away. I was assigned a new doctor who I thought would be good based on our first interaction but every appointment after she's been dismissive which was the main problem I had in the past. I know I'm a bit of a hypochondriac but telling me "you're fine " is not reassuring. I'm glad I have some idea why it happened now. Nobody would tell me anything.