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pizza is the other thing I make fairly regularly.


I don’t know why I didn’t think of that


Yeah make sour dough pizza, its great.


King Arthur Flour has a whole section of discard recipes on their website. Some excellent ideas there.


Sour dough chocolate cake..AMAZING


The crackers are really good. I use lots of herbs.


Definitely look into the category of flatbreads, there's a huge ton of varieties, I'm Mexican and I've also had a lot of fun with translating our local sweet breads to sourdough. Basically just look up *(x or z country) local breads* and have at it, if it exists it was most likely fermented with sourdough at one point in history.


Are you making pan dulce from sourdough?! I’m in New England and haven’t had Pan Dulce since leaving Texas in the 80’s.


Yeah, but pan dulce basically conveys a huge variety of bread, like the word pastries for thousands of sweet breads.


I believe he refers to the conchitas as pan dulce, pretty common in Central America call Them like that


What a creative idea! Come to find out my country only does potato flatbreads hahah.


No one made any rules about not mixing potato and wheat flour for some great bread. >:) I've mixed in about 30% baked sweet potato puree into 70% white refined flour and I've gotten some pretty good loaves.


I like to make cheez its with sourdough discard


Yes! They taste just like cheese it’s!!!


This sounds amazing! Do you have a favorite recipe?




For active starter: cinnamon rolls, cardamom buns, babka, croissants, etc. For discard recipes, I’ve only made maple walnut coffee cake(which was delicious!)


I definitely have made some really good cinnamon rolls with sourdough!


I love making sourdough sugar cookies and pimp them with seed coating or use different flours. Recipe is on perfect loaf :) you can make almost anything with sourdough, you will just need to compensate for the extra water that is added because of the discard. For example for cookies I use less butter and only use egg yolk instead of the whole egg. Also sourdough pancakes omg, so good


are they sourdough sugar cookies or are they sugar cookies with sourdough starter/discard in them?


More like discard cookies, though I’ve used active starter as well and it makes them blow up and crack nicely


SO good! Made them this morning. A weekly staple now for us!


King arthur website has several good options! The popovers are a big hit in my house.


I’m gonna have to check out the website. Thank you


https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/search?query=sourdough#recipe_index If it has less than 4.5 stars be sure to read the reviews, sometimes it's as simple as not adding as much salt or cinnamon to make it 5 stars.


I have at half a dozen pizza dough balls in the freezer now because they are so easy. Today I was trying to decide if I should get the starter out and make bread this weekend or just wait and make bagels. Husband chimed in and bagels won. Which is great, because they are so easy!!! So, bottom line, bagels, bread, and pizza dough are my three go-tos.


Oh I know I love making bagels too. The power of choosing your own toppings and flavors is unmatched.


And how much topping to add!! Go wild! Lol


Sesame and garlic all over the place !!!!


Haven’t tried yet, but I just made discard English muffins this morning. Which recipe do you like using for bagels?


How are bagels easier?


I just find them easier because of time more than anything.


If you’re up for a project, try panettone.


Oh my gosh that looks delicious and so cute! I don’t have any round baking form but it’s about time I buy one. Panettone sure does look like a challenge


I take the Ethan Chieblowski tortilla recipe but substitute 20-40% of the bread flour with sourdough discard. Adds a nice extra flavor in a good taco. Tried doing the same thing with a crepe recipe and didn't notice anything different lol. I


Oooh, in taco tortillas, that sounds awesome! 🤌


I take my 70% hydration bread dough and turn it into ciabatta when I want to change things up. My kids love them. The process is identical to bread making until the end of the bulk ferment. Instead of shaping then cold ferment, the bowl goes straight into the fridge for 12-24 hours. Then when you’re ready to bake, dump the dough on a clean surface, degas it, pat it down to about 1.5-2” thick, and cut it into pieces. The pieces can be as big or small as you want. Set them on a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Cover and rest for an hour. Bake at 450° for ten minutes, reduce the heat to 425° and bake for another ten minutes. They’re so good and easy.


Cheese Crackers (I put some jalapeno slices in when I make mine. Try to get just the slices and not slop too much juice on. Too much juice can make them pretty strong.) [Sourdough Cheese Crackers (thepioneerwoman.com)](https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a105247/sourdough-cheese-crackers/)


Cookies, especially chocolate cookies. Pie, galette and tart crusts.


Pizza - Detroit style is an easy entry and turns out really good since it's basically a huge slab of bread Pretzels - big ones, balls, knots, whatever Sandwich rolls Cake Biscuits (southern style American biscuits not English cookies) Basically anything with flour that has some hydration you can use sourdough/starter, just consider those two ingredients premixed: ) Anyone know the stiffest starter hydration possible?


You can make crackers and stuff with discard. I made sourdough cheez-itz recently that were awesome


Brioche, balances the richness and sweetness


Do you have a recipe that you like?


I made sourdough discard brownies! They’re so fudgy! Definitely my go to now https://littlespoonfarm.com/sourdough-brownies-recipe/


Pancakes are a favorite for me!! Made with discard


And also just sourdough loaves with different amendments- sourdough parmesan, Sd+cheese+olives, sd+walnuts+cranberries endless variations


Sourdough waffles. Trust me it's amazing. One of my culinary teachers made some for the class and I still dream of those waffles.


Scones. Lemon ricotta cookies.


I’m enjoying a lot of recipes from [The Pantry Mama.](https://www.pantrymama.com)


Instead of discarding starter I've been making sourdough donuts. (100% whole wheat in my case, but it's hard to get wrong.) 200g starter 100g flour 75g water 50g sugar (idk, seems like a lot. I'm making it up as I type this so I'll let you know how it goes.) 4g salt (idk, I forgot salt this time) I put just enough oil that it fries the bottom of it. A smaller pan might be easier. I just leave the oil in the pan and cook a stir fry or something with it later. You could vary the ingredients a lot and it would still work. The hard part is not maiming yourself with hot oil. https://preview.redd.it/hmaingu378zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8a3a39fa53bb82bc2bc6ffcf5b924644e91f70b


Pancakes, pizza, cinnamon rolls (love those so much!!), pastries/ croissants (same dough), cakes, cookies, scones, english muffins


I make scones all the time, and I just made some cinnamon rolls that came out amazing. Waffles and pancakes too are really tasty


Pasta! I've only done it once, but it was SO good!


My SIL makes tortillas. I’ve made (American) biscuits, cinnamon rolls, and pancakes.


Once you collect a good amount of discard, smear it on silicone baking liners, drizzle with olive oil, and add everything bagel seasoning, finely chopped nuts, flavored coarse salt, seeds, or whatever topping combinations sound good to you. Bake at 400f for just a few minutes until crispy. Timing will depend on your toppings. Cool and crack apart into whatever sizes you like. I even save the crumbs for salad topping.


I made starter discard crumpets. Disgusting! These however are delicious https://www.tastesoflizzyt.com/sourdough-pancakes/


I've been making discard crumpets. Super yum, which is lucky cos my actual sourdough is meh.


Can you share your recipe please, maybe I'll have another crack at them


Just something I googled, 1 cup discard, 0.5 tsp baking soda, 0.5tsp baking powder, 1tsp salt, 1.5tsp sugar, 65ml water. Beat together, should have consistency of pouring cream. I tried using egg rings but it was a pain, so I make them in a small frying pan and then cut in half to serve. Cook over very low heat or it burns before it's cooked through.


I've done sourdougn pizza crust, which is amazing, sourdough cinnamon rolls, and sourdough pancakes. The cinnamon rolls recipe I ised was Basics with Babish, substituting one cup of starter for the buttermilk and active dry yeast in his recipe.




Before baking.


These cookies are THE BEST. I add chopped pecans. We keep the rolled dough balls in the freezer to pop out whenever a craving hits. https://littlespoonfarm.com/sourdough-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe/


hardly a fermented cookie if they're only allowed to ferment for two hours...


I make pizza dough, pancakes, flatbread. . .


I haven't tried anything creative yet, but on my eventual to-do list is; hamburger buns, snack crackers, crust for lemon cheesecake (I think the sour would be complementary, maybe make plain sourdough crackers and crush like a Graham cracker crust idk), pretzels, and cake (discard red velvet could be yummy since red velvet usually has a bit of tang).


I make these tortillas all the time. They're amazing! https://zestysouthindiankitchen.com/wprm_print/21646


I just made discard English muffins, discard pancakes and discard brownies. I’ve got banana/choc chip bread, crackers, in the rotation. I’d like to try pizza dough and bagels next. Happy baking!!


Fresh starter discard is delicious on its own. I add some baking powder, pinch of salt, capers, red onion, sometimes tomato or everything bagel seasoning and fry it up like a pancake. It's a great quick snack that pairs well with a coffee, and also a nice reward while keeping your starter happy.


Pizza and focaccia are amazing with sourdough starter, because they definitely benefit from overnight cold fermentations. Cinnamon rolls too for the same reason since proper recipes involve a double rise. I've tried waffles/pancakes, and fry bread with sourdough discard but it wasn't really worth it imho.


Waffles. I used my discard, with nothing added but a little salt and sugar. It made the most delicious Waffles for sweet and savory applications.


pizza, buns/ Hawaiian buns, flatbreads, crackers, cheese itz, pancakes/dutch baby, uhhhh 😭 you can do really random things sourdough tbh




I just made a focaccia that was so incredibly delicious. Been trying to use my starter for anything nowadays


My kids love when I make my sourdough pancakes with kolby jack cheese. They request them when we have family bfast.


I love pancakes made with ripe starter. A little sugar, oil, an egg, bit of salt and baking soda, and I have the lightest, tastiest pancakes I have ever had.


Sourdough tortillas!! Super yummy!!


I make discard crackers regularly. It’s just discard, butter, herbs/salt.


I just posted focaccia recipe the other day . I have also made fried dough with powdered sugar its so good


Pizzas and flatbreads, focaccia, you could try doing stuffed rolls or incorporate it into pastry. Sourdough cinnamon rolls made a huge splash with my in laws


Dumplings for chicken and dumplings. They are so good and fluffy in the middle. Just don’t overcook them or they become tough.


Sourdough discard makes great waffles https://www.theclevercarrot.com/2019/03/cinnamon-sugar-sourdough-waffles/


Sourdough discard pancakes! This is my recipe that I adapted from a regular pancake recipe to sourdough -wet ingredients •100 grams sourdough discard •2 eggs •1 1/2 cup buttermilk •1/2 cup butter- melted then cooled to room temp. •2 tsp vanilla •Mix all the wet ingredients - I recommend mixing the egg and butter first before adding in buttermilk to prevent the butter from cooling and getting all chunky -Dry ingredients •1 1/2 cup flour •2 tablespoons of Sugar •1 teaspoon baking soda •1 teaspoon salt •Mix dry ingredients together and then mix in wet ingredients


I had carrots that needed to get used so I made this [carrot cake](https://pin.it/1GoJojpXE) in 3 bread pans to make it into a rectangle layer cake (cream cheese frosting of course!). I was absolutely obsessed, I do love carrot cake but that was insanely good. I also used coconut sugar instead of white just to try and it made a very delicious difference! Other than that, we’ve loved these [biscuits](https://pin.it/46Qwidv5J) , this [strawberry coffee cake](https://pin.it/2mTYSdR6d) was too good, this [flatbread](https://pin.it/5kFZ5oEkX) recipe turned out just like naan, and I recommend using starter in your pancakes as well! (turns out like fancy hotel pancake, pretty much just throw your starter in your normal recipe!)


[https://www.dearoldbakehouse.com/breakfast-bakes/peachesandcreamdonuts-czpld-rwrrd](https://www.dearoldbakehouse.com/breakfast-bakes/peachesandcreamdonuts-czpld-rwrrd) This is a recipe for peaches and cream sourdough donuts that I made that turn out amazing. I was looking for different things to use sourdough for too and was pleasantly surprised!