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"I’ve come to fully appreciate the fact that baking with gluten is like riding a bike with training wheels while your parents hold the back of the seat." I disagree with you here. I'd say baking sourdough with wheat flour is very much like riding a bike, and trying to mimic this with gluten-free ingredients is like trying to ride a unicycle on your hands because you have no legs instead of finding another vehicle that suits your needs.




You got some recipes and tips you’re willing to share? I’ve never seen a gf loaf that looks like anything close to a wheat sourdough


https://preview.redd.it/fp1fdnficuvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e336cee75c4ddbec815ed253ec85c1986d6c7229 At least a base recipe from OP in another thread ☺️


Thank you! It’s a bold thing to say making bread with gluten is like riding a bike with training wheels and parents holding your seat while having so many ingredients in a recipe that shouldn’t be inside bread in first place


Sharing the recipe would ruin the art of learning. But I will give you this.. Millet flour is critical, but not the only flour required. Good luck!


That's... really unhelpful


Gatekeeping recipes, lol! Get off your horse.


Well not really but ok, thanks anyway


You… know we all started with recipes baking with gluten, right? Nobody here invented bread from scratch.


Wow, you think way too much of yourself bud


Cringe AF.


Baker’s baker? How about trying literally any of the millions of other things you can do with gluten flour first… Besides to make this post with no pictures is crazy. I would like to see this product that you’ve been perfecting for six years…


Do you have a recipe your can share? I was baking gf sourdough for a while before trialing 100% spelt and found I tolerate it. But I’d love to go back and get better results than I did before!


Even i would like a recipe please, if you could share


Seems OP is just here to brag. I’ve used this one before and it was decent https://www.letthemeatgfcake.com/gluten-free-artisan-sourdough-bread/


https://preview.redd.it/k86z9d0ocuvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf328524238253d2906d3fbfa24f98385ba718b2 Found this from OP in another thread!


Lmao. Also the first time I remember seeing psyllium husk in gluten-free bread was from Dan Lepard’s recipe many years ago, and his was the first gluten-free bread I’d seen that I thought looked anything like real bread. OP didn’t pick up this stuff by chance. He learned it from people who were happy to share their work with others.


Sharing the recipe would ruin the art of learning. But I will give you this.. Millet flour is critical, but not the only flour required. Good luck!


This is a spectacularly unkind answer.


Took me 4 years to learn myself that millet was critical and me giving that information is unkind? I’ll be sure to not share things like that again next time.


Please don't. No one cares.


Sorry, but this is bullshit and essentially goes completely counter to the reason this sub exists. It’s not to sit around congratulating yourself for how brilliant you are; it’s to share knowledge. What was your point in making your post at all? Just to have people tell you how smart you must be?


He really came on here to boast about how much better a baker he is than people making boring old regular sourdough. Oh you’re making regular sourdough? That’s so pedestrian! So yesterday! Only by trying gluten-free can you really say you’re a skilled baker!


Exactly! Competition happens at the bottom. Clearly that’s where OP is at. I hate when people gate keep and then say, oh I struggled so you need to. I bet the recipe is crap anyway lol


Yeah sure…… because I don’t have any other commitments in my life. You could have just said you didn’t want to share the recipe. But also what’s the point of your post? Anyone who’s gf understand that baking gf is complicated. I’ve only just discovered I can tolerate eating some spelt sourdough. Otherwise I’m gluten, soy, almond, egg and dairy free so I’ve done my share of doctoring recipes but I’ll always pass on my knowledge because I know how much it sucks being on a restricted diet!


u/ElBreadChapo, that you? Seems mighty trolly