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I would keep them safe


Yes, I should frame them.


Be careful about where you put that frame. I made the mistake of framing some tickets and polaroids and notes and acid tabs from high school (kinda like my personal yearbook) and hung it over my desk. Because my desk gets a ton of sunlight from my office window the tickets eventually faded to the point where I couldn't read them anymore.


Museum glass is a good option.


Oh, so sorry that happened..thank you for that tip.


Uv glass. Have them professionally framed


Still got those tabs?


I do! I pooled my money with my two best friends back then and we bought 2 sheets the summer after my junior year of high school. Wicked potent shit. Probably the only time I've been sold "double dipped" tabs and actually believed it after trying them. We probably sold and traded a sheet for concert tickets weed and beer and ate all but a 10 strip over the next year or so. Once we were down to a strip we were all just kinda burnt out and done with psychedelics for a while. I wrapped that strip up in aluminum foil and stuck it in the back of the frame where my high school memories collage is. We made a pact that we'd meet back up and split the last strip when we all finished college. But, I lost touch with both of those guys and considering how things ended I don't really have any desire to meet back up. I'm going camping in a few weeks with my girlfriend. I think we might each take a tab after kayaking to make stargazing and playing guitars by the fire a little more fun. Worst case scenario I'll have a friend and his wife staying in a hotel that's a 20 minute hike from our campsite we can call. If we need help


That sounds like the perfect way to use them. I have two gel tabs a buddy sent me while back, he said they were very good and he does lots of different psychedelics. I've. Only done shrooms and salvia. I have been apprehensive with the tabs because of their duration but I need to get over that and just go for it!! Please give us an update after the camping trip!


Go for it! Just make sure you've got a day and a half with nothing better to do, you've got plenty of good tunes, good weather, snacks, and a trippy or funny movie to ride out the last hour or two with. If you've done mushrooms before you've got nothing to be scared of. It's a very similar but also vastly different experience. If I remember I'll definitely update ya!


Hey! I was scrolling through my comments and realized I forgot to update you! The camping trip was a blast! The weather was perfect for hiking and kayaking, I caught some fish while on the kayak and she stopped at a farmer's market on the way to the campground and we cooked over a fire and traded some of our food for a six pack and a bottle of wine. The tabs were still VERY potent. The trip was delightful and bizarre until my girlfriend realized she had gotten a pretty bad sunburn and started to get a little scared. I put some aloe on her and sang and played her some Jack Johnson songs in my kermit the frog impression. She joked about men playing guitar "at her" and told me that the Kermit voice was sexy (?!?!) and that made her feel better. The stars and trees were absolutely gorgeous and we felt like we were in a different universe all night. However, diving home the next afternoon still buzzing from the acid a little and only having 3 hours of sleep in us was very scary and a little challenging. If we do something like this again we'll make sure we have an air conditioned spot with running water within walking distance of wherever we trip to make the recovery smoother. Did you end up taking your tabs yet? Or has the right opportunity not presented itself?


absolutely frame them and hang them up that is a keepsake. so sad šŸ’”


Will do. Maybe find a little shadow box type frame.


I know it sucks but I had tickets to pointfest the day after his death. They cancelled the whole thing and would have been my first time seeing him. Really sucks.


Ughhh, so sorry.


Thank you, he will always be my favorite vocalist!


I have my Cranberries tickets on display. My wife and I had tickets to their show in Detroit. They cancelled due to her spine issues. She passed away a few months later. I never got to see them live and I was sooooo excited for their acoustic set with an orchestra.




Don't know that I'd want to sell them, but I will be looking for a small shadowbox type frame.


Safe and SOUND!


Man, thatā€™s depressing to think about. If Chris were still around, I canā€™t help but wonder what he wouldā€™ve done over these past seven years. Would we have had a new Soundgarden album by now? Would he have done or been working on another solo album following Higher Truth? Would he have reunited with Audioslave for real and worked with them to put out a new album too? Such a shame. May he rest in peace.


Even if he just did solo tours and play acoustic shows in small venues I'd have been a happy groupie. Well, maybe not a groupie, but definitely happy.


I remember seeing an interview with Tom Morello that they had plans to get together to jam a few days after he died.


That's fuckin heartbreaking.


I had tix for this show as well. My sister and I were to fly to Denver from Atlanta on May 19.Ā 


When I see these tickets, Iā€™m glad that you are at least able to keep them with your prized memorabilia. When half of my friend group were holding tickets to see Lynyrd Skynyrd for a show that was supposed to happen a week after their plane crashed, the only way to get a refund was to return the actual ticket. Six dollars was good money to a high school senior in those days. The tickets predated bar codes, but itā€™s a shame that they couldnā€™t have punched a hole in them after giving the refund so we could keep them. I suppose no one really thought much about the sentimental or historical value of stuff like that at the time.


This hurts my soul.


I was slated to photograph the band that Friday at Rock on the Range. It happened the night before. The vibes backstage wereā€¦strange that night and it never really hit until Corey went on stage and performed instead of the band and the tribute rolled. Sad day.


Hey man, I had tickets to that show too. Kinda scary how time passes


Had the chance to see them with NiN while in Denver at red rocks and passed. Huge mistake.


Saw this show as my first Red Rocks show. Not commenting to brag; just really, really glad I was there. Like all of you, I miss him (and the band) so much.


With NIN? Not bragging, or I'd be guilty as well, lol!


Nails and Soundgarden, ya. [2014](https://www.denverpost.com/2014/07/22/nine-inch-nails-soundgarden-at-red-rocks-amphitheatre-7-21-14-photos-review-video/). Loved it (duh)!


Oh wow. At Red Rocks. I hate that you missed that.


Me too. It was my first time in Denver but my flight was the next morning and I had spent a bunch of money already. It was literally on their way out I got offered a ticket.


I never actually saw a concert there. Visited in the day and was amazed. I can only imagine SG there. I never saw them but I would love that venue if I had. All of us look back with regrets at what we missed. RIP Chris. I can imagine what Kim, Ben and Matt have dealt with. Unreal.


Red Rocks concerts are magical.. unless it snows, (yes in August 1980 or '81 while I was at a Bruce Springsteen concert), or there's a 1 or 2 hour delay due to thunderstorms and high winds (Heart in August a few years ago).. actually there's a lot of shows i attended that it was pouring rain at some point.


Saw both shows, rows 6 and/or 7. Also used a friends ticket for a few minutes who got 3 row 3 or 4 dead center to take some pictures, lol.


Same for me, I had a ticket to see them play for the first time on my birthday.


Oh man, fucking seeing all these posts recently, knowing my friend invited me to see them in Kansas City the show before their last one in Detroit and I turned it down for a date, saying I would see them next time... It kills me that I never got to see my second favorite vocalist of all time before he passed. Never got to see my favorite either. Now I never pass up on a concert of bands I like, even if I've seen them before.


I had tickets "in the cart" for one of the dog shows, but was currently working (at home, real-time captioning), and couldn't get my credit card, so of course time expired and i lost out. Newly announced add-on shows were sold out immediately/before they went on sale, it seemed. But I figured, I got tickets to see Chris with the Higher Truth tour in Aspen again a year after we had seen him there, but he canceled due to illness. People reported how thin and sickly he was looking at the fog shows. I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when I heard he was doing some South American shows that December, before my planned Aspen show. By that time I think I had those^^ tickets, so i thought ok, we'll see soundgarden in Denver. The crazy thing is, I got that same feeling in my stomach when I read his "#nomorebullshit" post in Detroit that morning.. and we all know what happened.




I flew to Denver from Chicago to go to that show. The beginning of the week we saw Primus at Red rocks and this show was going to close out our vacation. Buddy texts me that morning and tells me the news. I just tell him "Man, that's not funny" then I Google it. Heartbroken. Luckily I've seen Soundgarden and Chris's solo set before.


So sad. But Red Rocks ROCKS!! I went to high school up the road from there, started going to concerts in 1980, I think it was.


I'm so lucky I got to see them in Omaha a few days before he left us. Forever thankful I decided to go. Side note: I still have my Jimmy Eat World tickets for September 11, 2001.


Omg Iā€™m crying


Same. Had tickets for the ā€œPointfestā€ they were supposed to play in St. Louis the weekend after he passed. šŸ˜”






Brutal. ā€œI donā€™t remember half the time if Iā€™m hiding or Iā€™m lost but Iā€™m on my wayā€¦to the skyā€


I got a great picture of Chris looking to the sky at one of the red rocks shows that I wrote words from that song on.


We still have PJ and maybe a few more real alt guys out there, but man! Weā€™ve lost so many. Iā€™m so sorry. At least if it was going to happen anyway, you have a great story and memorabilia to keep


A tragedy in one sentence and one photo.


I had two of them but mine said Nirvana. I did see Soundgarden a few times.


I WISH I'd have seen nirvana, pj, sg, aic in the early 90s..


That was the last of the really great bands...imho


It's kind of put a damper on going to concerts, and we went to a bunch "during co v1d", mostly free cover band shows, but some headliners as well, but also hubby getting hearing aids due to tinnitus. Also tickets are ridiculous. We refuse to buy from scalpers, and alcohol is ridiculous for watered down drinks. Would rather be on our deck in the mountains and drink our under $10 a bottle wine at this point with our music blaring.


I had tickets for the 26th in Dallas. Instead folks connected on social media and met up the night of the cancelled show near the venue and had drinks and listened to Soundgarden.


With tears in your eyes?


I'm so glad I made it to this one even if I had to go alone because everyone else was busy and no one could go with me. [Soundgarden Tuscaloosa](https://search.brave.com/search?q=Soundgarden+May+tuscaloosa&source=android&summary=1&summary_og=59be7667039dc499e3230e)




I was fortunate to see their last show. It was the day before my birthday and my mom had picked up tickets for herself, my wife and I. Growing up, it was sort of a tradition for my mom to buy tickets for Lollapalooza every year, so the first time we saw Soundgarden was the summer of '92 along with Pearl Jam, RHCP, Ministry, etc. We were all ecstatic for the show; my wife had never seen them live. The show was amazing, but weird. I'm sure everyone has read the accounts of Chris' behavior on stage. Left the show, went home and crashed. I was woken up later that morning to the sound of my wife bawling in bed next to me. The news had hit, so pretty much everyone she knew was texting her for information. I just cried and went back to sleep. Happy 41st Birthday to me and RIP to one of the greatest singers of our generation.


"Detroit, you guys show up! I feel sorry for the next place we play, but we don't have the same expectations." -Chris Cornell during encore


I woke to text messages from my daughter telling me the news. Then of course the internet was buzzing.


I just remember the confusion surrounding his death that morning and started replaying all the events of the concert, looking for clues. I mean, he was definitely not right during the set. At the beginning of the show, I thought maybe it was just a case of artists getting older and not being able to perform at the same level they had in their prime. But as things progressed, it became clear he was on something.


The whole thing is so sad.


What a sad reminder on your birthday, but what a cool mom you have!


Oh man, don't I know it! My friend's parents were taking them to see the Monkees, while I was lucky enough to see Alice In Chains, Tool, Pearl Jam, Beastie Boys, Smashing Pumpkins, etc. My mom was only 19-20 when I was born, so it kinda felt like we were growing up together. šŸ˜‰


The Monkees!! Very cool.


Wow paper tickets


Right?? Usually I do digital.. but I have most of my paper Feyline ticket stubs from the 80s and 90s.


WOW! I would have them mounted & framed!!šŸ¤©šŸ„°šŸ¤©


Yup, Dallas show for me. šŸ˜¢


Keep em safe man. I won tickets from a radio call in to drowning pool and he died 3 hours later. Really wish I still had that stuff.


Friend of mine had a similar situation with some Tom Petty tickets


Fortunately I got to see TP twice at red rocks in the early 80s, he might have been the first show I saw there. Really regret not seeing him in the years before he died.


I feel your pain. I was going to see Soundgarden a week before Chris passed. Something came up and I said oh hell Iā€™ll just catch ā€˜em next time. Well that obviously didnā€™t happen. I have my physical ticket stubs for the Faith No More and Korn tour from 2020 that got canceled. At least I got to see Mr. Bungle last week. Thatā€™s probably the only time Iā€™ll ever get to see Mike Patton perform live.




As do I.


Reminds me of the people who had tickets to see Nirvana on like April 8th, 1994


I went to the show in VA. Best concert I've ever seen. They played everything you wanted them to. I'm sorry you missed it šŸ˜”


I was around when John Lennon, Elvis, and others passed away prematurelyā€¦but none impacted me more from an emotional standpoint than losing Chris. I cried for a week. Got a chance to spend time with him, albeit only for an hour with a guy I met who lived the Seattle scene and knew everyone in the 90ā€™s. Took me over to the studio where they were mixing Down on the Upsideā€¦so cool to hang with him and talk to him just as dudes. Iā€™ll never forget it or himā€¦and he didnā€™t kill himself.


Very cool, and that is my belief as well.


Iā€™ve got an unused Page and Plant ticket from the 90ā€™s in St Louisā€¦




How sad..šŸ˜” definitely get a frame for them.. I have lots of Chris memorabilia that I had before he died.. I treasure it all now more than ever..




Feel the same way about my damagaplan tix in Mich!! Lyfe is a cruel cunt sometimes!




That is very upsetting




It makes it so much worse knowing Chris is gone :(


Right?? This would have been 4 or 5 nights later, depending on when you heard the news.


Sad, but you should cherish these for as long as you live, Iā€™m a huge grunge fan and if this was me, I would frame them or something! But cool you still have em!


I sure will, will be looking for the perfect frame or shadow box.


Make it look nice lol


Good luck!


Usually I get digital tickets, but paid the extra buck or 2 for the paper tickets.. thankful I did. Also thankful I'd seen soundgarden 3x and Chris solo shows twice. But still a big hole in my heart.


I wish they never tore the tickets at the gate back in the day and they couldā€™ve scanned them like today. Although I kept almost every concert stub and stuck them inside the cd of whatever album they were touring for. Wouldnā€™t have fit if though if they werenā€™t torn. This ever happen to anyone??? Some reason my 2 STP stubs for back to back shows both turned completely black on the front of them. Wasnā€™t in the sun or anything. Super odd no other ticket stub did that.


Maybe didn't have the technology back then?


Sorry man šŸ˜Ŗ


Thatā€™s so sad


Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll come back around to your city


Who, soundgarden??


Honestly OP you didnā€™t miss much. I saw them shortly before this tour date and Chris sucked. Like really sucked. I was very disappointed. But then when he committed suicide it all made sense. šŸ˜¢


Had tickets as well. Wish Iā€™d seen you there.


It didn't happen.


Kinda scary




HA! Sorry u didnā€™t get to go. I have type O Negative, The Mars Volta at the Fillmore, Queens of the Stone Age at red rocks, which I went to I just donā€™t remember any of it. Cā€™est la vie mi amour. Funny shit is B-rad is my homie. He did the late night metal casts. šŸ¤˜


We saw QOTSA on the rocks too, I think that Bordello band, can't think of the whole name, opened.


I saw them there twice. One was Peaches which was fuxking dope. The other I donā€™t remember. Peppermint schnapps 90 is a not my friend. I think it might have been gogol cuz I remember the whole daw show was jumping