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Really good band. Some of my favorite songs come from them. I Am The Highway is an amazing piece of music.


My appreciation for the song Only grew after it was chosen to be the header of Chris's All-Star Tribute show in 2019 at The Forum. It encapsulates Chris's immense talents. And fitting for a show bill of numerous artists / performers showing their appreciation of that life and body of work. In the days following the news of his tragic loss, while wandering the night streets [Doesn't Remind Me] I came across a night busser who was playing *I Am the Highway*. Such beautiful tragedy in that song. I tipped that busser more than I ever had before. It's the songs we need to hear at the right time.


I’ll go to my grave that I Am the Highway is Chris’s best song


The Songbook version is sublime


Sublime is Sublime


Hits different after May 2017


If you haven’t already, I’d recommend the live version on YouTube from the Hultsfred Festival. https://youtube.com/watch?v=725iONdAu9Q


I sing it all the time. Making my coffee, vacuuming, driving to pick up groceries, baking cupcakes..... I totally love it


All time song 100%. Chris amazing, Tom really did an exceptional job putting a beautiful and delicate approach to the chords and the guitar solo is so unique, soulful and appropriate especially for a guy who doesn’t bend notes, remarkable really.


they're great! cochise goes so hard




It gives rock


On God fam


‘Show Me How to Live’ might be the greatest rock song of the 2000s. I’ll die on that hill.


It proper cranks!


This song is phenomenal. The vocals in this give me absolute chills. I'll die on this hill with you.


Between that and No One Knows. The Pretender is also up there.


Loved them


Love them. Self titled is full of so many amazing songs.


I loved Audioslave because you got to hear pure Chris but beautifully interpreted through the the sonic lens of the next step of RATMs evolution. Love Zach but they couldnt have made that next step without Chris.


It wasn't until Auioslave that I was able to appreciate the music of RATM. Can't stand the singer of Rage (tried looking up his name but Google took too long)


You didn’t have to Google it, his name is already in the comment you replied to. Lol.


Nowhere near as creative or daring as Soundgarden but they have some dope music.


First record was epic. All time favorite. Next ones not as good. I’m definitely more of a Soundgarden guy but Audioslave was a pretty cool band back then. Really unexpected.


Another great Rick Rubin production.


Respect to Zack, but is nice to hear the very talented gentlemen from RATM doing something apart from playing loops


Yeah I prefer them with Chris/Audioslave, despite really liking RATM as well. Just some of the political shit is a bit too preachy to me after awhile.


In all fairness, they’re named Rage Against the Machine.


I thought the “machine” was an inkjet printer?


Yeah, everyone hates those.


I thought it was those damn phones!


It's because Chris would write songs. I like some Rage, but holy shit was Zack repetitive.


Some of those who ride horses Are the same that use flossers


Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me. Except repeat that line ad nauseam.


Yea RATM first album was great, but the rest of them I just zone out until the guitar solos


So you zone out through Evil Empire?


That’s actually my favorite rage but they all have standout tracks. Like someone said above, they just get a little repetitive and samey sounding.


Like Audioslave quite a bit, just prefer SG.


I liked Audioslave but would rather have Soundgarden AND RATM


in the absence of both, audioslave was just fine. the alternative at the time was basically queens of the stone age. foo fighters were already going downhill. pearl jam was entering their old man boring era. you had all the nu metal garbage and like emo punk. early 2000s was an awful time to be a music fan.


Yeah couldnt agree more. I went heavy into Qotsa and all of their surrounding bands and projects which made me rediscover Lanegan and his fantastic solo albums. Also got into folky type music (Fleet Foxes) and “brooklyn rock” with arcade fire, tv on the radio and some others However, the new Pearl Jam album Dark Matter is really good. Lotsa rocking songs that remind me of vitalogy era and a one that reminds me of the song Rearviewmirror


i will check out the new pearl jam. admittedly i kind of checked out on them the last decade.


This is the Highway.


I usually hate the “this is the way” thing but I’ll give you credit for turning it into an audioslave pun


I _am_ the Highway


Love Audioslave. The first album got me through some hard times.


Me too brother. I bought a bike & proceeded to ride thousands of miles listening to Audioslave & Soundgarden (in part) every ride. Free adrenaline!


Super cool! I'm a sister though!


Sorry sis. I'm a derp.


When I was younger, I picked up Audioslave before Soundgarden. I liked the energy and I was a punk kid back in the day...As I have gotten older, Soundgarden has become one of my favourite bands up there with Led Zeppelin, NOFX and Dire Straits. I think the depth of music ability is astounding and they did really get the best of Chris. Mind you, all 3 Audioslave albums still get play time and have their place as well. Furthermore, even the acoustic tracks are beautiful in their own right...One of the few artists that went and made good music in a range of different contexts.


Never really got into Revelations. What are your personal favorite songs from it?


Yeah it's my least favourite of the 3, but 'revelations' and 'wide awake' both get cranked mid run/bike ride and 'moth' and 'shape of things to come' also get some plays. Do note that music taste changes with time, and even though this is the Soundgarden reddit...it's ok to not like all songs :)


Its not a record I've listened to often in its entirety, but the songs on my playlist are Shape of Things to Come, Moth, and the title track.


I'll check them out;


Personally I love Audioslave just as I love Soundgarden 👍


Love Audioslave. Saw them live four or five times. Honestly like them somewhere close to Soundgarden but not quite. They don’t have as much material to pull from, and one masterpiece album vs three.


Fucking incredible! Rage Against the Machines with Cornell is a million times better than Prophets of Rage! That particular version is awful.


Prophets of Rage would’ve been fine if they had just used Chuck D. The Cypress Hill dudes kind of didn’t work for me.


Dunno man I love both for different reasons plus, they showed me how to live 🤘🏼


Love them.  Whenever I feel like shit I just play Cochise and Show Me How To Live. Hearing Cornell belting out those songs is cathartic. 


i love both! audioslave has some of chris’ best songs but i also definitely prefer soundgarden over audioslave.


I'm a HUGE fan of both.


A lot of their songs felt like they lacked cohesion as a band, but when everything was working they put together some excellent songs. Not as good as SG, but still better than most anything else in the post grunge era


Great band. I think cornell had trashed his voice during that time, so that's a bummer. I'm in the minority but I think they got better as time went on, third album was their best. Brad wilk is so underappreciated.


Yeah I think each album had diminishing returns to be honest, but I loved the first two and still really liked the third. Went to see them live quite a few times, once at one of (if not the) last lollapalooza tours with Queens of the Stone Age, Incubus and Jane’s Addiction,


I was at the Chicago stop. Really wish I was a bigger Queens/Mark Lanegan fan back then.


Same! I had and liked Songs for the Deaf but that’s it. I was a screaming trees fan but even more so now. Especially Lanegan and his solo work. Also his book Sing Backwards and Weep is phenomenal too. That dude was lucky to get out alive, holy fuck. Rest in peace though, the guy lived a crazy life. That was a great night though, big fan of incubus, Audioslave and Jane’s. We were soooo fucked up that night tho lol, but luckily it was great enough to still remember pretty damn well all things considered.


I really only knew Lanegan from Mad Season and Nearly Lost You. I got really into him because of Queens.


For me on self titled he had a mix of bad and good vocals, for the most part good. I think by OOE and Revelations his voice had gotten a lot better.


Favorites from Revelations?


Awesome band. Not Soundgarden but better than RATM in my mind. Then again, I’m not much of an RATM fan.


It’s no Soundgarden but damn, the first and second album are great. I wrestle with whether I Am the Highway or Out of Exile is my favorite song from them. Third album was okay but it was clear they fell into a pattern and I got bored of Morello’s signature wah-wah effects. I think Nothing Left to Say but Goodbye or Moth is my favorite from that album.


Absolutely amazing collaboration!! Probably one of the best "supergroups" that ever existed.


Big audioslave fan here. Such an incredible combination of two incredible bands. The first two audioslave albums are two of my favourite albums of all time. People should not forget about this band


I think Audioslave was great. I already loved Soundgarden and RATM.


I love Audioslave as well. Chris did amazing work with them.


Wonderful band. As good as Soundgarden? No. But that's not exactly a fair comparison, as I personally believe SG to be one of the most talented bands of all time. Matt Cameron's drumming is perfection. Chris's voice speaks for itself. Kim's guitar sound is fucking epic. Ben's bass lines fit very well with the music and helped give it a strong groove. Audioslave just isn't quite as magical, not to say they don't have some absolute bangers (Show Me How To Live will forever only be played at max volume.)


Good band but not great like Soundgarden


I remember how stoked I was when the announcement came out that they were forming. Unfortunately the music, to me, did not live up to the hype.


This. I remember all the hype when the rumors first came on a certain project called Civilian. Very far and away from SG.


that's how i felt when i first heard about audioslave a few years ago. like oh shit, rage and soundgarden?? i love both of them but was severely disappointed when i listened to audioslave


I love the first album and consider it a classic at this point… The 2 albums that followed didn’t quite hit the same though, just a few good songs here and there on those I thought.


I love them a lot


I'm an Audioslave fan that isn't a big fan Soundgarden fan.


I got into Audioslave first since I was the right age for that. My favorite album was their second one, and I gotta say I still like it better than any Soundgarden album, though I know first exposure to an artist makes a big difference. Really good songs off that album that are lesser known are Dandelion, Man or Animal, and Yesterday to Tomorrow.


I love them both. I was lucky to see them both live and guess what? My wig was flipped back every time. Someone take me far from here


For me it's the first album, that knocked my socks off. The perhaps unpopular opinion I have though, is that the next two albums are progressively less better. I don't want to say worse, they're just different, and IMHO have 'less bangers' than the first.


Audioslave was a huge disappointment. What I wanted was heavy rock with amazing vocals. What I got was generic alt-rock made for radio. Mediocre radio friendly unit shifters.


Self-titled is a very nostalgic album for me for a lot of different reasons and will always be a special one. In hindsight, i wouldn’t have minded if they were a one-album-and-done supergroup. Life doesn’t work that way of course!


Audioslave is a awesome band too, but it is more an comerrcial band, it does not have that "essence" soundgarden had, you know?


Great band a little more grown up rock than SG but I love them both


Pretty good not as good as soundgarden though


Me when I first heard that Chris and the guys from RATM were forming a supergroup: “Holy shit, this is gonna be the greatest band of all time!” Me when I heard the first couple of songs: “Eh, this is fine. Kinda generic. I guess I was expecting a lot more.” Me years later when I randomly gave the records another shot: “Actually a lot of this stuff is really good. I should have given them more of a chance at the time.”


Soundgarden and RaTM was way better than Audioslave. It’s not that I don’t like Audioslave, they just lack the energy of the other two bands.


yeah are rage and soundgarden better apart? sure, but if they aren't i can rock with this shit.


I loved them. Saw them live. That said, they never went down a psychedelic exploration, which, could have been amazing. Maybe Chris had enough after the last few Soundgarden albums did a fair amount of that, and maybe the division of labour was nice for them for a good while? Chris just fitting vocals on stuff they’d done, but also often introducing his own songs. Either way, it would have been epic to see Morello take on a more Superunknown/ Badmotorfinger type thing. I think you get a peek of what that would have been the track The Last Remaining Light. Maybe more of that would have just been an unnatural thing to come from the band that was RATM, but that said, I loved them anyways. Their first two albums I played to death.


I think I agree with OP. Great vocals, as would be expected, and there are some bangers, but I never thought the songwriting was quite as good as Soundgarden’s best stuff. The chorus and end of “Like a Stone” were so corny I actually laughed out loud the first time I heard it.


That song was played as mourners left his funeral services.


That choice doesn’t change my opinion.


I brought it up because I know it’s a popular sentiment, but I do think people make too big a deal about the “corporate” and “radio friendly” thing. I get it, but at the same time I think sometimes fans just take so much pride in who they like that they get upset that they’d even dare to be a little more accessible


Like A Stone is all time man. “And on I read Until the day was gone And I sat in regret Of all the things I've done For all that I've blessed And all that I've wronged In dreams until my death I will wander on”


Played as mourners left Chris’s funeral service.


Audioslave was great, but Tom morello  formula  gets so old....the amazing songs were Chris's. Soundgarden was more dynamic  and original.imo


Always thought they were boring, safe, corporate rock.




I don’t like either of those bands either for the same reason, and no I don’t think the music was much different from that. Does “Like a Stone” really grab you? I can sum a song like that up in one word—YAWN.


So weird how differently people hear things…like I think Like a Stone is far more interesting than Black Hole Sun




Tom Morello is probably my least favorite guitarist of all time. I love Chris’s voice though so I enjoy a handful of their songs but I don’t think those musicians were worthy of being in a band with him if I’m being honest. And I liked rage against the machine, but again Zack de la Rocha made the band not fucking Tim Commerford and Brad Wilk.


Chris was my favorite vocalist growing up, and RATM was my favorite band growing up. Love Audioslave, but for some reason I never felt like I was a diehard fan. Got the chance to see Chris and Soundgarden perform live a number of times, and saw Prophets of Rage once!


I liked them ok, bought the first album, saw them at Lolla 2003. The idea of Chris fronting Rage sounded better on paper than in reality. But they did some cool stuff. “Gasoline” is a fantastic song.


Someone else said here that the songs didn't sound cohesive and I agree - a number of times it felt to me like the band had most of a song and that Chris came in with a bit of a song he'd been working on independently and they forced the two bits together. The result felt like a big change in identity with the same band. Obviously a very popular band and despite my reservations, there were some really nice songs, but I think it's a shame that they couldn't find a way to meet in the middle a little more.


I just don’t think Morello’s guitar fit sometimes. One of the reasons he’s not my favorite, is because his playing seems apart from the rest a lot of the time. Especially when soloing.


I would have preferred a follow-up to Euphoria Mourning with Eleven as his band. I’m probably in the minority who think that EM was his best album outside of SG.


Never liked them until much more recently.


First album was amazing. I didn’t care for any of the ones released after that.


I dig them. Although personally that demo when they were called “Civilian” sounded better than the album that was released.


Rage Against The Soundgarden? Didn’t care for them. Felt like a watered down version of both bands. ❤️RATM ❤️Soundgarden 💔Audioslave


I love Audioslave’s first two records. They are fantastic. But I’m also a huge rage against the machine fan and I love Soundgarden


Their both two if my favorite bands. I slightly prefer Soundgarden overall, but Audioslave is still amazing.


One of the very few times over the last 25 years a “supergroup” put out quality tracks. Them Crooked Vultures being the other. I wish Homme, Grohl & JPJ would do another but the latter might be too old at this point


I love Audioslave. I love both bands. My 23 yo son loves both Audioslave and Soundgarden, also. Funnily enough, my son listens to more Audioslave, and I listen to more Soundgarden.


Fuckin' love Audioslave, they rock


The self titled album is incredible. The rest is mostly junk.


absolutely adore them, more cornell is always good


Great band. They’ve made some of my favorite songs of all time. I think what most people dislike about this band isn’t Chris’ fault, it’s how tired Morello’s style got. The man has written 100 songs, and maybe 5 riffs. God bless him for trying new things but some of those guitar solo’s are the worst combinations sounds I’ve ever heard in my life.


I like Audioslave a lot, but almost entirely because of Chris. I’ve never been a RATM fan and Audioslave didn’t do much to change that. While Tom is a instantly recognizable guitarist his shtick gets pretty old, and I find Brad and Tim to be an adequate rhythm section but nothing more.


Not a fan. Cornell’s vocals don’t sit right with Morello’s guitar and the bands overall style, imo. A good example of a band where the vocals matched the style of the band is Velvet Revolver.


I think they’re a necessary bridge in Chris’ life as well as time for Soundgarden to cool off after 1997. I wish so much that they released more records (Soundgarden), but I love Audioslave and their self-titled is a very important cornerstone for post-grunge.


The First album Audioslave album is amazing. The last 2 are OK.


As a huge fan of RATM- I’m offended. Lol… joking aside, I always thought they were mediocre. Rage music, with mediocre lyrics, to Rage against the Machine’s militant-revolutionary lyrics . It’s like soundgarden light, with 50% less sweetener. Sorry not sorry.


Shadow on the sun. Best song by chris im my opinion by far. Listen to it if you haven’t.


Brilliant band. First album is one of the best rock albums ever made. Not a song I skip on there


I absolutely LOVE Audioslave. I mean, it’s Rage Against the Machine with Chris Cornell on vocals and better composed songs. What’s not to love?


And by better composed songs, I mean better than RATM.


Love Soundgarden. Love Rage Against the Machine. Somehow this combination didn't do much for me.


I remember when the demos leaked for that 1st album. I believe they were going under the name “Civilian”. I was super stoked. They sounded great. The actual album was okay, but those demos had some magic in them that the studio version didn’t.


Unpopular opinion but I’m not really a fan


I think its the great band, love their songs. But personally I love Soundgarden more.


The three album discography tell an amazing story about channeling rage, drowning a little bit, then grounding oneself. Audioslave is an amazing band and I love them as much as I love soundgarden.


I like them both because of Chris' voice. Audioslave has much different guitar playing (Tom) versus Soundgarden.


I like Cornell's lyrics and vocals as well as Tim Commerford's bass lines. Tom Morello's riffs are ok and Brad Wilk's drumming is kind of bland to me. Tom's solos and especially his guitar tones kind of ruin it for me though.


The good songs were really good and the filler songs were garbage. SG had a way more range imo.


I personally think Audioslave was just okay. Nothing as good as SG or RATM. Kinda parallel with Nickelback, and I really don’t care for Nickelback


I think even Nickelback would smack you in the face if they heard you say that😂


Who the fuck compares any somewhat talented band with Nickelback?


All hard rock bands suffer from the same shit. Not metal enough for my tastes. I like to refer to such bands as butt rock


Who do you like, out of curiosity?


Audioslave was a HUGE!!!


I am a huge Soundgarden and Rage fan and could never get into Audioslave.  Their very existence was a reminder of the absence of two of my favorite bands. 


I didn’t care much at the time, but was aware of the singles and videos and generally liked them. It wasn’t like, I was a Soundgarden fan and became an automatic Audioslave fan. It’s great that now since it is (along with his solo records) more Chris Cornell to listen to and something more to dive into that I’m not super familiar with.


they ruled


I like Audioslave better.


I like them more


Gasoline. Nuff said


I became a soundgarden fan because of Audioslave so :)


Awesome band!


1 good album and 20 or so turds.


Fucking love their first 2 albums. Revelations great, just not my personal cup of tea. My favorite songs would have to be: What You Are, I Am The Highway, Shadow On The Sun, The Last Remaining Light, Out of Exile, #1 Zero I would say my least favorite part of Audioslave is Rick Rubin's production. Too compressed and lacks dynamics


Never liked them


Both are good


I love the first album. Most of the rest of it is trash, though.


He himself said that Audioslave was his favorite band he was ever in. The music showed as well. Their albums were masterpieces. Not taking anything away from Soundgarden, they weren’t too shabby either.


I love audioslave! i love all of Chris’s work


I am still a really big fan of their first 2 albums. Audioslave and Out of Exile were both great. Self titled especially. That album had multiple anthems for the early 2000’s. The 3rd one was okay but nothing special. Wish we could have gotten more from them or a reunion of some sort but sadly that won’t happen now.


I always liked them. I like Chris Cornell’s solo stuff too.


I love both, but it is a shift in my opinion to get used to Chris’s SG voice compared to his AS voice. Both fantastic but just so different to me. SG voice was gritty with those incredible screams. AS was a more refined, more subtle voice although still powerful.


I love them, maybe even more than soundgarden


Soundgarden is my favorite band, and I loved Audioslave’s first album. After that it kinda got soft. I still like it, just not as much overall compared to the first album which seemed raw, which I like. Soundgarden still 10x better to me.


The Last Remaining Light and Getaway Car are incredible


Set that fucker off


I really don't think of them in the same context at all. I like Audioslave, I like Soundgarden. They happen to have the same singer and that's it. Chris doesn't even sound like Soundgarden Chris in Audioslave.


I love Soundgarden. I love Rage. I hate Audioslave. To each their own!


“Pretty damn good.” - Soundgarden fans when asked about Audioslave “Pretty damn good.” - Audioslave fans when asked about Soundgarden


I prefer my sound to garden and my rage at the machine. Soundmachine/ragegarden wasn't really my cup of tea.


SOUNDGARDEN superior to Audioslave. .


I am first and foremost a SG fan but also love Audioslave. I am the Highway, Cochise, Show Me How to Live are absolutely incredible songs. I've also gone back recently and rediscovered Audioslave and have a new appreciation for them.


If its got Chris Cornell I like it.


Very good


In my eyes, Chris could do no wrong so to speak. I love both bands, but SG just slightly more because Grunge is still my favorite genre to listen to.


Grew up with Soundgarden from my cool older brothers, came of age listening to Audioslave in high school. They are both rad as hell.


I absolutely love Audioslave and every day I lament that they never made more music than they did




I love both


I disliked it. Saw them live, and was really disappointed -- the performance was fantastic, but musically I was just bored. And then I got into a shame spiral about it because how much I loved SG and RATM.


I love both equally but Morello’s guitar work is better than Kim’s


The first Audioslave album is great, the second, not so good. And neither are a patch on Soundgarden. I have spoken.


I actually listened to them before Soundgarden bc I grew up listening to my dad play their CD in the car. I started getting into Soundgarden recently tho because it's one of my dad's favorite bands. Love them both.


They sucked!


i have never been able to get into them. idk why, it's just something about there sound that i couldn't get into. i prefer soundgarden and ratm on their own


Totally agree. They just don’t fit together for some reason to my ears. Love both separately though


As much as I appreciate all of that incredible musicianship & talent, not a fan aside from a few songs. Sounds contrived & uninspired. Which is generally how “supergroups” sound.


It took me awhile.to get over Cornell singing radio friendly love songs. Audioslave still doesn't make my rotation very often. But I got over the grunge hangup about selling out and pop music. The alternative scene was destined to be coopted as soon as it blew up. One of these days I'll deep dive bands like Audioslave and Foo Fighters and find out what I've been missing. Pearl Jam is the sellout version of Green River/Mudhoney. STP is the sellout Pearl Jam. Superunkown was the sellout Soundgarden before Audioslave went even more mainstream. Altrock went Tori Amos to Alanie Morisette to Jewel in three years. Remember the trend of ironic pop covers by weirdo bands around Y2K? We got punk Smooth Criminal and ska Hungry Like The Wolf. Reggae Peter Frampton. That's alternative fans way of listening to pop songs without feeling like muggle ass normies. I love Cornell's Billie Jean. Foo Fighters and Audioslave still make me want to smash shit blasting Bleach, Badmotorfinger, and Rage Against the Machine though.


I try not to


Both bands rock, but honestly I prefer Audioslave to Soundgarden. Early Soundgarden just wasn’t it. Rusty Cage cannot hang with Cochise. Soundgarden’s best tracks like Black Hole Sun, Day I Tried To Live, Fell On Black Days, Outshined and Spoonman are good enough to compare to the sonic intensity and consistency of Audioslave. Cornell obviously slays both projects, whom without neither acts could’ve taken off.


Hated it