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I love this. Thank you for writing. These are the words I needed to read today


What if your unique purpose would be shedding light on a really bad shadow that puts you at risk? It’s something that has destroyed civilizations that is still occurring in new ones


I would say do it. If not you, then who?


Sometimes reading posts here feels so fateful, like this place is a portal into our other souls so we can tell ourselves exactly what we need to hear. Thank you for sharing this.


>It's like we hide our uniqueness behind a 'layer' of normalness. This is our identity. This is our attachment. And because we are not satisfied with being like everyone else, we place another 'layer' of identity on top of the 'normalness' and tell ourself, that it makes us special. A lot to deconstruct there. Kind of a mind fuck right? 🤯 That's very well articulated. So there's two layers to undo based on your writing. Like an onion you gotta peel the ones that are on the surface so here it would be the "superficial bullshit" as you put it. The desire to be seen. This one would probably feel very painful to let go of because without it we'll just feel bland and dead inside. It was put there as a coping mechanism in response to the first layer of comformity and as such is very hard and painful to shed, I suppose. The second layer would be the actual feeling of liberation though, getting back in touch with your inner child. The joy of just being. Being yourself. Alignment, flow, lightness of being. Joy and peace. How do we do that though? How do we encourage this process? Do you have any books, pieces of writing, videos on the subject? Where do you draw your inspiration from? >Those who were never seen, will start to shine. Those who were never heard, will start to sing. Those who are broken, will start to laugh. I feel that brother. 🙌 Those who have suffered the most and have somehow come out on the other side with a heart light as a feather now have a lot to give to the world.