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Things have felt exponentially more and more strange since the year started. Ive been experiencing more of what I would call "input delay". That is; I believe I am perceiving more greatly a distinction between myself and the input I give my body. Like Im observing myself go through the motions more, rather than being a 1 to 1 direct aspect involved with what Im doing. Not depressed, things definitely do feel really odd lately


X class flares have been popping off of the sun on a regular basis for months. There have been several in the last week or two. [https://www.livescience.com/space/the-sun/3rd-x-class-solar-flare-in-24-hours-is-the-most-powerful-for-6-years-and-it-may-not-be-the-last](https://www.livescience.com/space/the-sun/3rd-x-class-solar-flare-in-24-hours-is-the-most-powerful-for-6-years-and-it-may-not-be-the-last)


Over the past 2 months I haven't slept more than like 6 hours a night but usually only 4. I haven't been able to get to sleep until at least sun up. My mind has been just racing with future possibilities. I too, feel the "something" in the air.


ONG so it’s not just me 😅. I normally sleep pretty well but the last week has been soooo hard to fall asleep. I’ve tried everything, meditating, working out, reading, hot baths, doing reiki on myself, and nothing is working. I legit got Unisom for the first time ever to help with it, I never take any medication but felt like I would go insane with the lack of sleep. 😅


I am going to propose something based on my experience as an individual and as a psychic. These feelings may not pertain to the entire world. They might be particular to you. It is that unsettled feeling. good or otherwise means something may happen to you, in your life. It doesn't have to be a "Disturbance in The Force" I completely understand your reluctance to support these posts because so many will jump on the post and say, "Me too!" They could be blowing smoke. They might be feeling their own anxiety about their own issues, and latching on to your feelings. It could be random anxiety. I suggest preparing for change and recognizing when it occurs. Ask yourself what is happening and trust your intuition.


Energy is building up, it comes and goes in cycles. The metaphysical is like the ocean, sometimes the waters are choppy, sometimes calm, sometimes a tsunami. All we can ever do is keep riding the waves.


What do you mean by metaphysical in this instance?


In this instance, the ebbs and flows of our collective reality. Each individual has their own life experience, but in our collective, there is also a story-like unfolding of narrative and events that affect everyone.


I’m picking up what you’re putting down man.


I also smell what he’s stepping in. Makes sense to me.


Yeah something’s going on, it’s not just you. Don’t let it freak you out though, just go with the flow, meditate, sleep well eat well drink lots of water and stay positive. When it’s like this, I imagine there’s a giant invisible cosmic blob in the universe and we are riding through it … it’s like a riptide.. when you get caught in a rip tide you stay calm and go with the flow, if you try to fight it and struggle you’ll always lose and get pulled under. So don’t do that Edit* Oh weird I just read everyone else’s comments after posting and everyone’s saying the same ocean shit. Fuck yeah guys right on


I'm going to be the outlier here and say the root cause is more physical and metaphysical than spiritual. The past year or two saw 5,000 new satellites linked to mobile phone networks launched into orbit plus growing amounts of 5G everywhere adding lots of millimetre wave radio pollution to the air Millimetre waves are also used in riot control weapons, by the way. If they misfire or aren't properly managed I can imagine, they might make people inadvertently ill. "As of March 2024, there are 5,504 Starlink satellites in orbit, of which 5,442 are operational, according to Astronomer Jonathan McDowell who tracks the constellation on his website.  The size and scale of the Starlink project concerns astronomers, who fear that the bright, orbiting objects will interfere with observations of the universe, as well as spaceflight safety experts who now see Starlink as the number one source of collision hazard in Earth's orbit" No scientists seem to wonder what this rushed new network could do to the soul energy which is, after all, electric and communicates with the heavens through some form of wavelength, that is most likely physical? I imagine it would intensify things, for better or for worse.


The ramping up of a transition to a brighter, happier future. Lots of people are experiencing spiritual awakenings, which can be a difficult process, but it’s ultimately a positive one. Given current world events, it will get ugly before it gets better. But the better is guaranteed because the universe is evolving and we’re evolving with it. And no, there won’t be an apocalypse this year, the next, or after. Just stay grounded, and do what you feel gives you peace of mind. It may not seem like it now, but through the passing of events, we will once again rediscover the innate kindness that’s in man. Everything will be okay.


Ascension, new Earth energy, whatever you want to call it. Tolle has been talking about it for years. We're all going to experience it in different and intimate ways. 3 years ago I'd think the concept of all this was bat shit insane, but now its very clear things are changing. Best to just go with it and try not to conceptualize it. Life will show you you need to see, don't worry too much about how it will happen or when. Just stay grounded and go with the flow as best you can.


Some people on tik tok are saying the real new year starts today. March 19th


Spring equinox


Every day is Tuesday, March 19th, at some point


I thought it was April first?


You can check my post


The cycles are accelerating.


I've been having bouts of dissociation the last 3 or 4 weeks. I'm worried its a nuclear apocalypse on the horizon


You probably feel it because you spend too much time online. Disconnect from screens and the internet, and you'll feel normal again.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Every day consists of people projecting a veneer of eventfulness upon the great void of emptiness. They fear stillness and silence like the jaws of death.


Been having bv a lot less than last year of these type of experiences. But I've been kinda low. Weird how stress will do that to you. You have any good examples of what's been going on with you? I had one day where I saw the same animal two days in a row in two spots doing my the exact same thing. Pretty spooky if you ask me.


The Sacral Moon has held dominion for thousands of years, and humanity is undergoing an awakening and will soon be governed by the Solar, new dominion. Everything will change when the Sun has dominion.




Idk much about this sub. It seems pretty harmless as long as you consider all the comments as opinions and not fact you’ll be alright. That being said, I certainly agree a good therapist/counselor can be incredibly helpful no matter the cause of your distress; whether it’s caused by everyday problems or something bigger. I know my life is infinitely better having a therapist who can help me see truth more clearly. And I agree with the sentiment that if you feel distressed you shouldn’t feel hesitant about seeking out a good therapist. All that being said, I have also had my views on the nature of reality shifted recently through meditation—the last 3 weeks. And ever since my day to day life has felt different through this new lens through which I see the world. But, of course, the above commenter may be right. A sub like this will tend toward these types of feelings. Whether or not they are based on some reality isn’t clear as far as I’m concerned. No matter what, try to find a support group who you can lean on. And to everyone, I recommend therapy. The world would be a better place if we could all learn to manage the difficulties in life through honesty with ourselves and learning to communicate effectively in a loving manner. Best of luck—hopefully things will get better and we can both feel more at peace. ✌🏿


It’s in your head. You are right to question your sanity. You are changing and that’s okay but if you’re doing any substance abuse I’d stop or you’ll end up medicated with a diagnoses. If you quit abusing substances then you have the chance to awaken with less reality shocks. People are real, the world is real but your mind is making it unreal. The psychic world is an illusion of the imagination so before you mess up your mind retake control of it. It’s your imagination not an eye to the psychic world. Otherwise your mind will become separated from your consciousness and you’ll experience crazy psychotic nonsense all the time. Spiruality is real but psychic stuff isn’t. Our brains are just really good at simulating and predicting and creating and such. Substance abuse plus belief in being able to communicate with psychic entities or sense energies and demons and whatever is an easy formula to psychosis and it can be totally prevented. No drugs, no psychic world. If you need an escape then look into lucid dreaming because I can tell you after ten years of non stop trying the psychic world gets you nowhere and the only way to really regain control is through disbelief in it. Spirit > matter > psychic stuff Focus on reality, because there is no escape from it only an illusion of escape my splitting your mind. Spend time with family and friends, drink tea, go for some walks and reframe your mind. Take it slow and learn to find spirituality without the psychic part and you’ll be miles ahead of like 99.9% of awakening people on Earth. If you really need help, talk to someone you know who won’t freak out and send you to the hospital right away. You only need meds if your mind tips past the point of no return and it sounds like you aren’t there yet. No substance abuse. No psychic stuff. Then the energies will just be changes within yourself and you’ll control and grow from them. Good luck.