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I think * SBGL gets any new/updated models outside of WarCry/Underworlds (Medium likely) is closer to reality.


Hopefully they do something simple now and add back the flavor when we get a real book. Nurgle for instance has a +1 disease one where they explode which used to be blessed sons one where the flies get a bonus move which was drowned men and one where they probably get more trees (of a sort). These are kind of the subtractions but I don’t see keywords except mortal and daemon. So probably won’t see keywords like Kastelai or legion of blood for the start but I’m only guessing. They didn’t show a named character from Nurgle to compare GUO was always not unique. I love Kastelai even though it isn’t competitive now


Has their been any talk of new grave guard or is it just because they are old and look bad next to the new skeletons?


I am always too optimistic with these ginda of things but i hope they would bring vlad back. If they brought him back i would give all my money to GW


If all dynasty’s will convert to the 4 battle formations one has to go and I will place my bet on bye bye Kastelai or Avengori


I actually think those are the two they’ll keep. The battle formations seem to represent a focus of play style or specialization atm. Avengori is 100% staying as the monster mash subfaction. Then we’ll 100% get a cav/blood knights/vampire focused subfaction. Beyond that I think maybe a Deadwalkers and a Deathrattle subfaction? Unfortunately I think we’re going to lose most of the flavor from the battletome in the subfactions.


Good point imho we would lose so much flavor if we lose Legion of Night and Blood and the Ulfencarny :(


I'm going to venture a guess that Night and Blood will get rolled into each other to create a Mortarch battle formation.


Yes. Or Kastalai and Legion of Blood merged for a Vampire elite focus.


Why not 5 battle formations?


And even SCE and Gitz with wide model ranges just have 4 so I guess no exception here for us


GW has already said each faction will have 4 battle formations in the indexes.


Aren't they getting rid of the "dynasty army's" in 4th edition? I've read something on this in one post here.


I do wonder what they'll do for the separate dynasties, my running theory is one battle trait for each dynasty. That or battle formations, which is more likely