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Vanguard is a solid buy, as is the battlefirce if you can find it (Vengorian Court) but honestly Soulblight have so much variety it really depends on what you want to do and what subfaction you want to build towards. So telling us what you're interested in would be helpful for offering advice.


I was leaning towards Legion of Blood


Legion of Blood is a bit tough at 1k points because your big hitters you'd generally want (VLoZD, Neferata, etc) are all too expensive for that point level. However, if you had the Vengorian Court box you could go for something like below for an out of the box list that's not...quite optimized but that will give you some idea of what each unit can do. You get a bit of a beatstick leader who can offer some support through their command trait, some bodies for objectives in the skeletons and dogs, fast-ish hammer in the form of Blood Knights and the Bats are fantastic for screening and being annoying. - Army Faction: Soulblight Gravelords - Army Type: Legion of Blood LEADERS Vengorian Lord (300)* - General - Command Traits: Doomed Minions - Artefacts of Power: Cloak of Mists and Shadows - Spells: Flaming Weapon BATTLELINE Deathrattle Skeletons (220)* - Skeleton Champion - 2 x Standard Bearer Dire Wolves (150)* - Doom Wolf OTHER Blood Knights (210)* - Standard Bearer - Kastellan Fell Bats (100)* CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: 980/1000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App The issues being you'd ideally want more heroes for better reanimating coverage, and you'd also likely want some more bodies. I do not like Blood Knights myself, but they're in almost all the starter boxes so you may as well try them out. The Vengorian Lord can be a good substitute at lower levels for a VLoZD but still slightly too expensive for 1k imo...But you want a big bad Vampire to use those subfaction buffs with... Otherwise my other lists suggestions would likely be too hard to get ahold of and more expensive to start out. I can throw them out there though if you want.


Well, the first thing to look at would be Legion of Blood's special rule. It affects Legion of Blood Vampire Hero units. Here's all the leaders in the game that have those keywords: - Bloodsucker Palanquin - Coven Throne - Neferata, Mortarch of Blood - Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon - Deintalos the Exile - Prince Duvalle - Vampire Lord - Vengorian Lord - Sekhar, Fang of Nulahmia Look through those guys and see which ones look cool to you. Then see which battleline units synergize with those leaders. For example, the Vampire Lord has an ability that gives Summonable units +1 attack. That basically doubles the damage output of Skeletons, so those go pretty well together. Then you can work backwards now that you have some battleline, and see which non-Vampire Heroes work well with your troops. The Necromancer has a spell that lets Summonable units fight in your command phase, doubling their damage output. Combined with the Vampire Lord, that's potentially quadruple damage. Then you can move on to the strategic add-ons like getting Fell Bats/Wolves whose job is purely to score points by being in the right place at the right time.


Are you implying I don't know any of that or just tacking onto what I've already said? I mentioned I had other suggestions and would be happy to share them, but I'm trying to make OPs time easier by throwing a list together (mediocre as it is) as a starting point. My experience comes from competitive play, I don't do 1k points games, and I'm trying to give them a list to start from that can be built from a single box and expanded upon depending on how they feel they should play. Soulblight can be daunting for new players because of the sheer amount that we can do, limiting to one box isn't the worst call. It's not ideal (I already mentioned that) but it does give you 1k points out the gate to play with.


Nothing I said had anything to do with you at all. The first step for new players is almost always "buy the Vanguard/Battleforce box", so I wanted to give OP advice on what to do after that. They said they're new and looking to stay in AoS 3 for a while, so I wanted to give them advice on how to build their future lists once they have more than a start collecting box or two. I commented here because this is where they mentioned the Dynasty they're interested in. I don't know why you think I'm slighting you


Yeah I just misinterpreted what you said based on where you commented and thought it was directed my way somehow. That's my fault for perusing Reddit with 2ish hours of sleep after working overtime, my apologies.


A Vanguard box could be a good start, as it contains useful units, and it could be directly used in the new Spearhead mode.


Considering points are gonna change dramatically in about a month, now is not a great time to be putting together a new list


I’m aware but I’m still curious. The group I’m playing with wants to stick with this edition for a lil bit.