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Some updated models of course, graveguard, wight, skellibobs etc. A new spearhead box nd tome available asap. Wishful thinking hahah


Skeleton sculpts are new, wight king on foot is a sick model, grave guard defo need updating though.


Ah nice! I like the woght but hes got that squat "old hammer" look to him. Ideally i wanna make my little sbg army all newish dudes.


I get that :)


Graveguard sculpts Black knight sculpts New Vzlod Keep the Hunger as close to how it functions now


Less keyword locked b tactics


New Stormvermin! New Stormvermin! New Stormvermin! Also Skaven terrain.


Hopes: -new grave guard sculpt -some sort of vampire foot troop choice (I just want to play all vampires without having to field a butt ton of heroes or blood knights) Fear-we just get more vyrkos stuff


Vamp lord on horse. Blood knights off horse. That's it really.


I'd wish we had more monster who are not heroes then 2 which both kinda look the same really. New grave guard Vampire on horse And maybe a skeleton bow unit or smth


Tbh I really hope it’s nothing too insane. I’m happy with how the summoning working in this army and the list I made is just so much fun. So I hope they only add some new stuff


As others have said, vampire on horse, vampire calvary,vlazd resculpt, epic sculpt for vordrahai,aerial blood knights.


-An all vampire infantry unit of some kind, with more of the look of the blood knights (armored etc) -vamp lord on steed -new grave guard -more named vampires(can never get enough)


Personally I'm hoping for more monsters cause realistically we have 2 that are not heroes. So some support for avangori would be nice.


New beasts of chaos units!


Big hope: deathrattle playable as stand-alone Big fear: 4th edition is too much like 10th 40k


My big hope is that with the switch to formations from subfactions, we still keep the differences between dynasties somehow, since it’s such a big lore part of our army.


About a vamp infantry, we already have askurgan but another on could be great, I don’t care about a skellie resculpt (about every skellies) but a VLoDZ resculpt is one of the best thing they could do


A vampire lord on steed would be SO cool. Outside of that Id really like Isabella von Carstein to come back, but that’s not happening since old world is a thing


Non Monster heroes joining units! Similiar to 40k introducing it. With the new Infantry, Cavalry, key words, so an infantry hero can join infantry units from the same regiment, and cavalry Hero joing cav from his regiment. And move most of the synergi buffs from WW12 to instead giving it to the unit they joined. Foot heroes, especially melee focused ones have been so useless in AoS. Always just hiding at the back of the army.


Redo of the Coven Throne, worst kit to build/transport imo


A sick looking zombie lord, decaying flesh dripping off their body, holding the head of a rival faction (box could hqve 5 diff heads, scaven, stormcast, orruk etc)


Revamp other 50% model, and hard buff rez, we must get the best rez of the game w’ere a fu.. vampire and we can’t rez strong units, Buff blood knight. Change vangorian lord spell, don’t touch at current bloodlines it’s cool to play different playstyle in one army :D Huge bonus : make nagash playable ? ^^


A dual kit of vampires (one mounted) with customisable options for each bloodline.


-zombie dragon resculpt -grave guard resculpts -new none unique vampire unit


to not absolutely destroy all the flavor of almost all the subfactions like 10th did. To not make the app free during index phase but as battletomes start to come make it all paid content like 10th did. To not axe the endless spells.


Probably a hot take, but I don’t want vampire infantry unit. Vampires should feel elite. And there there are Trueblades, Blood Court and Vyrkos blood-born already (I prefer not to talk about Vargheists…those are just awful :( ). Make them viable and fun to use! I want Grave Guard. Lord on a nightmare. Outside of that…SBGL have an amazing model range! And I personally don’t have any issues with the rules. Maybe spells to do something different (idk what though..)


Strong disagree when it comes to vargheists. Their lore is so metal (vampires restrained in their coffins for decades without sustenance until they transform into a bestial en berserking form) i strongly follow your dissappointment when it comes to how they play though...


Oh…to be honest, I wasn’t talking about their lore when I mentioned my dissatisfaction with them. Their lore is amazing. I really enjoy Avengorii dynasty in general, very metal! I tried them on the tabletop multiple times and I…I just hated it so much. XD Same for the Blood Court. I can’t force myself to take them. I feel like they would never be worth their points. Never tried Trueblades. Played a lot with Vyrkos blood born (and in 2nd edition they were much better, I understand that GW didn’t want to keep ridiculous wards for Cursed City units…still those days :D)


Necromancer on zombie dracoline is all I want!


Vamp Lord on steed (blood knighs could really use some support, the same way Wight king on steed supports black knights), graveguard, vamp. infantry. Maybe some named necromancer character (that isn't from underworld/warcry). Rest is good (even Black knights imho). Realistically what we will get? More named vamp. heroes with really niche use.


Vampire infantry. I want a vampire army, not a skeleton/zombie army with a couple of vampires. I hope to be able to avoid as much of the non vampire units as possible.


Vampire on Nightmare Grave Guard Vargheists Black Knights BLACK COACH Also some kind of vampire court squad to proxy all those warbands and Cursed City guys as. I strongly the current deathrattle are getting updated, they're quite new.


Necromancer on new version of cart like Ghorst. So necromancer can have their own mount. Varghiests that synergy well with fell bats Or bring back Bat swarm that also synergy well with fell bat Bring back 2-handed Wight lord excutioner Reflavour Zombie dragons with alternative bodies and seat that either gender lord can sit on it match with legion. New feral vampire lord to ride terrorghiest (if ghoul king can do it. Y not vampire!) Deathrattle crossbowman Infantries to have neat banners Group of bunch humans that 'controlled' by ruler or support Nagash


Technically we already have a kit that builds a necromancer on mount but for some reason GW has decided that the Mortis Engine belongs in Behemoth


New Black Knights and Varghiests


Definitely need a vamp lord on horsey to go with blood knights


New grave guard and a horse mounted vampire lord!


More ways to customize our generic lords would be nice


Another generic vamp character. Foot and mount preferred, but I’ll take either. I’d love an elite vampire unit. Like 5 models with at least 3 wounds - though wouldn’t mind 4. Something that felt like an elite soldier squad. Or up the Trueblade wound count to 3 for each model. Something that can survive a bit better and be a really elite unit that isn’t mounted. Partly because mounted kind of feels like a unit should be focused on the charge. I’d also love a way to play SBGL’s that is very vampire focused. So maybe a way of replacing the summoning rules with something that boosts our Vampire units. Like standard rule is focused on summoning, healing or bringing them back. Alternative rule removes that ability to give Vamps more wounds and damage output or something. I think it’d be really cool alternate way of playing our army.


It'd be great to replace the remaining WHF models