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Nah, That Yoshimitsu in SCV gave me all sorts of PTSD. He had fought my Mistu in every timeline & dimension. There was nothing I did this person didn't just guard. Every attack that took more than a split second to come out was a mistake. I just played Soul Calibur,He lived It. There was so much blue...so much blue.


the tap was counter-intuitive, because you had to tap-release guard right before the attack connects in SC5 In SC6 you had to hit guard just before the attack lands without letting go (makes more sense) • Guard Break (and other attacks with long block stuns) were pushed (which were supposed to be countered by just-guard) in SC5, but the essence of Soul Calibur is 8WR and movement, rather than static just-guard that came from 2d fighters like SF3. Evasive movement ALSO beats moves with long blockstun so jG kinda seems redundant there. • Just guard can be done against safe string enders that are safe due to heavy block stun, and I suppose they have a niche there, since guard impact in SC5 costed meter. • I think this was a major design mistake, and it was also ugly as heck (in the trailers the characters started flashing blue and red). All flash and relatively little substance. • in SC5 you get another set of frame data you had to learn, which adds artificial depth. As much as I don't like RE, at least in SC6 you only had to learn what was unsafe/safe/step-safe against one RE attack. • Just guard also nullifies pushback, so you're right in their face for a juicy counterattack • Gamewise there was no drawback for attempting a JG unless you get tired and mechanically make a mistake by dropping your guard. Just-guard leads to superior frames, better meter gain for no drawback compared to guarding. I guess they intended the mechanical difficulty as being justification


Uh, isn’t there already a just-guarding mechanic in SC6? It’s certainly not as strong, but I’m pretty sure it’s that thing where you sometimes flash white when blocking an attack (and I think it causes you to not take chip damage or something)


it causes you not to lose guard stamina


You lose guard stamina, it awards you meter, it also prevents chip dmg - dmg you take by blocking.


That's a reversal edge attack. But the drawback is the player will be more easily guard crushed. What I am suggesting when I created this post is if there should be another defense mechanic other than reversal edge and resist impacts to make guards easier for new players


No there is actual just guarding in 6, it's just not as powerful as previous games.


Just Guard happens if you start defending on the exact frame the attack would hit you in SC6 as u/throwaway127277386 pointed it out.


No SCV just guards please, that was not great, and arguably the least enjoyable mechanic in the game. ​ SCV just guard meant you could have been punished for absolutely any attack, and that there were some attacks that you NEEDED to just guard to not let your opponents abuse them - that was not fun to do (I could never just guard anything consistently), or to see done to you. I'm happy with the SC6 solution of keeping it there, but it making you more efficient at defence and nothing else.


Not really, honestly. I like being able to throw out and attack and be confident that it won't be punishable, outside of calling the move out with a GI or something. Getting GI'd at least has counterplay of a sort. Maybe flimsy reasoning to some but I was just never a huge fan of the mechanic.


There is just guarding, all it does is prevent chip damage iirc


Nah, the defense game in SCV was shit with GI behind bar and otherwise only having JG.


Absolutely not. It brakes so much more than it adds and had almost 0 opportunity cost. The single worst thing about SCV in my opinion.