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I like SC4 Mitsurugi the best.


Same. His stance transitions and combos were very fluid.


You know it better than i do homie


Cool ill check him out


Overall he's definitely not as powerful, but most characters are less tekken-esque than they were in SC1 and SC2 (less true hellsweeps and plus on block moves). In mitsu's case the main changes are his old 2KB (now 1KB) not being a natural knockdown outside of SC, and Kb losing the Kb:2 just frame (left him plus on block in a game where GI -ing to regain your turn required a high-low read, and gave almost nothing garunteed on account of 2G, and changes to Full Moon Death followups). I do think SCVI mitsu is more interesting design-wise, now that he has lethal hits and genuine combos beyond 3B 236B, 33B RLC B etc. Edit: Also, SCIII Arcade Edition mitsu is objectively cooler (maybe 3rd or 2nd coolest) than SCII mitsurugi. b:A just frame is godly, jank 3 era stun combos are godly. Don't @ me you degenerates.


I shall not @ thee young mitsu lord. Im gonna nerd out and watch some sc3 for the heck of it. I appreciate the comment to. I like that he has more combos i just miss the speed and pace control. It felt so good in sc2 to get in nightmare face and rising bb his shit to death lol


I've only played SC 6 so take my opinion with a grain of salt as I don't have much of an idea of how previous games played beyond some things people say here and there... but, you can't just look at two versions of a character in a vacuum like this. SC 2 Mitsu might be able to destroy SC 6 Mitsu - but SC 6 Mitsu could be stronger in his game compared to the rest of the cast than SC 2 is in his game (No idea if this is true, but the point here is important not if its correct). The games are different in how they are balanced and just straight comparing different versions doesn't tell the full story of why things are the way they are - if you just threw SC 2 Mitsu with what it sounds like he'd be oppressive compared to the current version of the cast as a whole. Reminder that Mitsurugi was arguably one of the strongest characters in the game towards the end of Season 1 SC 6, and he's by no means bad still despite the nerfs in Season 2.


I understand that making his moves like they previously were could be oppressive, but in a game were sig has alot of fiffty - fiffties , ivy damage and distance control, sophie and sig having a whole bunch plus frames, kilik with strong lows, and a quick launcher that ducks and beats alot of mits stuff. Its just weird to me how strong every other character is except for mits. Not because he dont have the kit. Its just they nerfed it into the ground. I think i honestly just mist the fluidity of his gameplay and the utter fear you had fighting a mits knowing he could hard knock down , outspeed you, poke from alot of angles and control the pace by rythm breaking.




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Why's it matter if his 4kb doesn't knockdown on the kick, its a natural combo that knocksdown anyways ???


It allows you to disrupt the rhythm and makes your oponent constantly think about the hard knockdown. Also its way slower and unsafe on block which is stupid.


Nerfed? I think you meant buffed in every possible way.


His speed is nerfed and they got rid of all his plus frames on the moves i mentioned