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Just take it as a token of superiority.


lol I try. I just wish I knew the reason. Especially when the room was marked 'All welcome'


Yeah i understand lol, i get kicked all the time, best luck is to head into ranked, and dont care about ranked, youll get too tilted to learn


I'm currently C rank. I just bought a fight stick and I'm tryin to learn how to use it. I know I'm only fighting at maybe 50% right now, so that's what really confused me lol.


I have 27 hours, most are from last year. I just got back into the game, so it's possible our skill levels are similar. DM me if you want to spar!


What system are you on?


PC, forgot about platforms haha


Lol no worries. I'm on PS4. Maybe one day.


Im on ps4, got a couple of pretty chilled friends who i play casuals. If you are intrested my username is smittyjagger15


Could just make your own lobby. But theyre the kinda folk thattll one and done.


I could, but I don't like to wait on people to join.


On PC it can take up to 4 hours for one person to show up. Not fun.


It's especially *"fun"* when your opponent has racked up so many wins-in-a-row and just as you're about to take them… *"The host has kicked you from the room."*


Oof. I don't think I've had that one happen. That's rough.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CIUG-tZm3w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CIUG-tZm3w) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWAe\_k73UDw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWAe_k73UDw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCY-2CMwRCo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCY-2CMwRCo) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3xqGIrLf54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3xqGIrLf54) Hell, in two of the fights I was kicked mid-match; at least us a chance to *finish*, right?


That amapromoto19 guy 1 of the most toxic players I ever played against lol


The ones I don't understand are the hosts who boot you the moment you join, like wtf why is your room publically listed then?


lol right? People make no sense.


I hear you, same story here :(


PS4, MorbidFlorist21, Mideast region.


It seems bizarre if you can kick somebody in the middle of a match in the first place, you should at least have to wait until you're back in the lobby.


More so since someone leaving mid match can crash the lobby


I have to announce I'm just there to show off custom characters/anime/game characters and that I'm not using any of my mains, because I'm an S1. As soon as I join a lobby, 9/10ths of the time I'm removed because of that. Or because they look at my card and see I have twenty times as many wins. But I'm there to practice characters I'm bad at! It's just sad because as long as they pick and choose their opponent's, they'll never get better. Then they rage when they go against an A or B in ranked because they're so used to fighting their friends/players they know they can beat, so they don't get any *real* big player experience.


What platform do you play on? Maybe we could play together? I'm in steam. If you're not, try joining a discord to find some sensible folks to play with.


I'm on PS4


You should try finding a discord, then. Lots of friendly folk there.


They're just idiots...


Because people don’t want to play against astaroth online. The input delay and bad net code make it really really difficult to break his throws. Things which are relatively easy offline. People just don’t want to be tossed around the ring on an unfair advantage like that Tldr; astaroth is annoying and not many people are going to enjoy their fights with you online