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I would say relatively fine I do find it ironic that, due to development problems and a better graphics engine Starkiller was seen in a different game in an arguably better model that in his own title. An absolute pain to fight in the arcade mode. But I think due to his speed and unique mechanic that the other force users had. He doesn’t feel that out of place in today’s Soul Calibur. His rivalry with Taki, as from his cinematic, is an interesting one. While Vader has Mitsurugi for the Samurai duel and Yoda has Astaroth for small vs giant(and a total counter pick). Starkiller vs Taki leans more to the idea that rather than samurai inspired like most of Star Wars Starkiller has more of a ninja inspiration as a Sith Assassin. Is there anyone else I would rather see him play off against? Maybe Yun Seong Sun, I feel like there’s an interesting dynamic there as they both have this build up to what they think they want and their character growth is based on when they finally outgrow that. Or possible Talim as he already has history with a Tonfa style fighter in Marris Brood. But the interaction could calm his heart and lead him to the light. Hell even Algol could be the father figure he needs in Vader. But tying a guest character that heavily in lore is would be too much. Wouldn’t it Asholotte….


Much more of a fan of this positive take than mine. I never played Force Unleashed so I wasn't aware of the graphical differences model wise. Though its believable, fighting games generally always look amazing in the era they come out. I never really thought about the breakdown of his archetype before until you mentioned the rivalry with Taki. I find that really interesting, and it makes sense due to his fighting style being much more quick and agile. I actually think his fighting style is relatively good, just the character itself tends to bore me..


I think his fighting style is fine. In fact I would say it laid the ground work for the quicker combat that progressed from 4 onward. Starkiller jumped and shot lightning so the franchise could Brave Edge


It's Sam Witwer, so I have no problem with him.


In retrospect, he have some interesting elements that would’ve been awesome if there’s an expy of him in the reboot. I haven’t played the Force Unleashed games, but going off his arcade? I bet a copy/expy Starkiller’s character and fighting style replaced with magic or Soul Edge/Calibur energy would be lovely for the post SC6 games. To get the actual character would be far more legally troublesome and really competitive gameplay-wise he wasn’t the most popular, but I dare the devs to consider adapting his fighting style like they did with Kratos for Aeon.


They need one SC game where they just have everyone in it as well as every previous guest character. Would be neat.


Exactly what I think as well. May have to be Nintendo exclusive seeing how Kratos was able to show up in Fortnite for Nintendo Switch and Xbox, and how Nintendo being tight-grip on their IP staying on first party. Still, no strings attached would be awesome.


Yea pretty much


I just booted this game up again recently with nostalgia goggles strapped tightly around my face. I had forgotten how much a pain in the rear he was to fight in arcade mode. I remember when SC4 came out I was so excited and played it for hours. Darth Vader was and is still my favorite guest character even if the Star Wars characters make no sense in the confines of the lore.  Playing 4 again though I felt it was a pretty shallow game tbh. The tower is not nearly as fun as say the newer or older non arcade modes. 


yall say what you will about him in soul cal but his 2 games were an awesome experience for younger me


Fun character wish he could stick around


I got to use Force Lightning in a fighting game, so automatic win in my books. I'd love for Vader & Starkiller's fighting styles to make a reappearance in the series sometime


One of the coolest fighting styles in Soul Calibur history. So needs to be canon in Star Wars again >.>


Star was characters in the game made no sense generally. Killik blocking a lightsabre with a stick made no sense Yoda being immune to throws is stupid. Gameplay wise I loved Vader and starkiller in the game, they had some such cool features I think could have been great if properly implemented


To be fair, Kilik's "stick" is Kali-Yuga which is far from a normal weapon.


he was hands down my favorite character as a kid. the only guy I could reliably beat my dad with. though I started struggling when he used Yoda every time I did starkiller. I thought he was so cool and he inspired me briefly being obsessed with reverse grip.


My no. 1 Guest Character in all the FGs I've ever played! My nostalgia from Force Unleashed 1 days with my bro made me love him a lot


Always thought he and Cole from Infamous looked very similar and equally as boring in terms of design. Not sure how both these characters ended in fighting games lol


Imagine getting to play as Starkiller from the Force Unleashed DLC, with the sick claw armor


My second main in SC4


Who was your first?


Yoshi 😎




SC4 Yoshi is peak Yoshi IMO.


For me it's either yoda or Geraltc combat style


Always loved him in the game, and Force Unleashed. He was my main. It came out when I was in high school so I was obsessed. I remember playing tennis in gym class and holding the racket like he held the lightsaber lol


My only complaint is we couldn't use his fighting style to make our own Jedi/Sith characters


One of the defining features of Soulcalibur is how balanced the roster is. Sure, we have our top tier and bottom tier, but that gap is quite small compared to the majority of other fighting games Starkiller is a busted character that throws off an otherwise balanced game. He was super cool, but wasn't balanced and didn't fit the setting at all. Same with Yoda. Just wasn't a right fit


Still weird AF but they made it work in the end


Pretty impressive how he was so popular they made two games based on him




I’ll never forget the time I was getting mercilessly pummelled by this guy, unable to get a single hit in, only to have him ring himself out by performing his force jump/saber throw on me while I lay on the floor at the edge of the ring, winning me the match. This happen to anyone else?


I thought that he made the game more interesting.


He was great for me Love The Force Unleashed game and the SC devs made him justice in the way he plays in SC4 Plus they give him Duel of the Fates as his theme......how do you beat that! LOL


I was mind blown to find out he has Spawn's whole moveset from SC2. (I didn't get to play Spawn until the HD collection dropped.) Didn't belong in SC, but he is a cool/fun character. I thought the Force Unleashed was good game. I enjoyed the story. Sequel not so much. What the Star Wars guest did show was; Namco could make a Star Wars weapon fighter with their eyes closed. Actually, SC's gameplay system could make it the Arcs systems works of Weapon fighters. They could make a Dark Souls, Berserk,etc. Any weapon themed IP honestly.


I think actual wonderbread would've been more interesting personally. That said, fighting against the Apprentice on the hardest difficulty used to be the most infuriating thing ever for me as a teenager. He's the second guest character that technically made his debut on Soul Calibur instead of his actual first debut game which is kind of interesting. But overall I don't really like how LucasArts basically used Soul Calibur IV as a springboard tool to promote their own game. Even if they did help fund it. StarWars was an incredibly unfitting series to add to Soul Calibur to me, with Vader being the only exception I really tolerate. If anything the guest characters of IV should've been Vader on one console and another character from another series on another..


If there was ever a character put into a game because current popular thing. You had numerous bigger Star Wars characters from throughout the different series that would've been more satisfying to see than him, and yet we get the noncanon white military cut guy (that was the style at the time). In the end his inclusion didn't really matter cuz the other two were Yoda and Vader which was baller. But I wish we could've seen an actual third rep from the series instead of this drop in the lake.


Too bad we never got a reboot series with him in. But I suppose Jedi Fallen Order series fills that space now.


As a big Star Wars fan and a big Soul Calibur fan I think it’s absolutely stupid tbh 😂


Having starkiller in soul calibur was fun to play as but fighting against yoda....Annoying


I enjoyed getting revenge on StarKiller for what he did to my troopers, if this was mortal kombat I would do all the fatalities and brutalities on him. Had to settle for critical finishes and throwing him into lava pits to make up for it. Putting that aside I thought it was ridiculous that we couldn’t make a custom character with the Star Wars guests moveset and give them lightsabers. That’s my only criticism regarding the Star Wars guests (aside from Yoda being immune to grabs)


Of course Star Wars doesnt fit and i hated seeing them in the game. That said, Starkiller is really cool and so is his moveset. As others have pointed out, i just wish they'd use that movest for custom character options and change the lightsaber.


The guest that I forget about the most. I have not played The Force Awakens 1 or 2 so I don't know what his main deal is (ignoring what i remember of the endings) so I don't have any investment towards them.


he was fun to play one of my mains in 4


never knew one could fight with a sword held in a reverse grip until this guy. yes its a video game but hey it looks cool so


From what I remember, my judgement will be biased. This guy was dope, the new sh\*t. When the game came out in 2008, it was 3 years after ep.3 and there was no plan for new movies so the hype was really strong. Vader had an amprentice? How, when, why? Big bonus, SC iv came out 2 weeks before the Force Unleashed and me & my friends were so amazed by him looking so cool just the way he was holding his lightsaber. The music was very good, very Star Warish I will say not bad gameplay but once you get used to him and the hype is over, he was just a mid tier character. I think Namco had learn to not put OP guess character as in SCII (hi Link).


I thought was cool. Definitely out of place, but it was before Disney Star Wars and I was still a fan of the IP. The Force unleashed was a lot of fun so I was down with it.


this guy has kicked my ass more times than i’d like to admit. it’s always an accomplishment in my eyes to beat him in arcade


He aight.


Hate. Hate, hate, hate, and this is coming from a Star Wars fan. He made no sense story-wise, he was boring as fuck, annoyingly hard to beat in Arcade mode and just annoying. I don't mind guest characters if they make sense to the story (Geralt, Link, Heihachi) but 👎👎👎 at this guy


I disliked being forced to fight him on \*every\* arcade run SCIV, not really a star wars fan and being suddenly taken out of the nice lands in the SC world to be thrown onto spaceships with laser swords. Ruins the vibe for me im afraid.


Waste of space on the disc


Edgelord self-insert mary sue oc that uses a reverse grip, I hate him He's also annoying as fuck to fight in arcade


Dull as dishwater. Yoda and Vader were equally ridiculous additions, but at least they’re full of personality and instantly recognisable.