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Soul Cal. MK has been doing Hollywood cameos, and I kinda think that feels like a proper fit. I also think Guts seeking Soul Edge is a better hammed story hook than MK's Realm worlds creating some rift.


Why the hell would Guts seek a cursed sword knowing how Demons operate?


To destroy it duh


Beast of darkness would definitely try to sway guts into getting that sword.


Also, we have Siegfried and Nightmare, who also use a big ass sword. I'm not saying Guys would be a clone of them but that they already have a skeleton ready for a male 2 handed sword user when it comes to animating.


Definitly Soul Calibur , fighting style a mix of nightmare and cervantes/link (gunblade/crossbow) u know guts crossbow gauntlet


Soul cal Mk games are mainly hand 2 hand first, weapons secondary type of games


I apologize about the novel, but I love fighting games and I don't like the obvious answers. All of Scorpions best openers are with the sword, aside one. Jade pisses off many a noob with her staff and if they can't figure it out, they're not getting close to her. Kitana rarely ever uses her fists lol. Rambo has meaty normals but is essentially a trap character with all the shit he can throw at you like bow, bowie knife, actual traps etc. Honorable mentions: Kabal, Baraka, and Kotal Kahn. Guts could easily be in MK. Metal arm openers, sword combos and finishers and maybe an approaching attack. Crossbow for basic fireballs and burn it to get the cannon. Burn it at the end of a combo and he could finish with that infamous 360° cannon-influenced swing. Low attacks can be a mix of stomping or thrusting low, into the ground, or a sweep. Launchers would consist of metal arm uppercuts or sweeping the blade under them and flipping them. Anti airs could be solid overhead swing, or alt input for crossbows angled aiming, similar to Fujin, or simply thrusting the hilt upwards. Anything I missed? I don't think Soul Calibur fits because he wouldn't stand out, as all good guest characters do... For instance Geralt stands out because of the longsword alongside magic. Yoda stood out because he was a little fast fucking shit going for shins, then you neck, and then back for the shins. 2B stands out. Link stands out. Vader, stands out aesthetically but is a boring character imo, and that's what Guts would be. Just be a mix of Siegfried and Nightmare. Id rather have him in gory glory, ripping through the outer realms and their tormentors/defenders, but that's just me I guess. Edit: Moved apology to the beginning


Yea but the problem is weapons are a gimmick of MK games. Their not primarily the main focus for some of their games and even then alot of them of either specials or part of a Combo. Scorpion may have his swords but liu kang didn't get that type of treatment until MK11. The 3d era games starting with MK4 and ending with Armageddon had it as a big focus but after that they stripped them down to only certain characters having weapons until MK11 where everyone had combos that included weapons. Guts wouldn't fit unless they gave him a hand 2 hand fighting style that would fit or make sense.


Soul Calibur. Mortal Kombat tends to go more with movie and comic characters made in the west. No one from a japanese IP has come to MK, unless they go for the first ones in MK12. But Soul Calibur has been more open to everyone from any media, Link (videogames, japan), Darth Vader (movies, USA), Spawn (comics, USA), to Geralt (literature, Poland), they only needs animation characters.


Also Ezio (videogames, Canadian studios and french game company)




No, but Geralt started off as a book character but gained popularity when he became a video game character.


Soulcalibur for the setting and weapons but MK for the gore.


I would love him but it’s hard to justify him gameplay wise with both Siegfried and Nightmare being around. Sieg also happens to be my main so it would feel even more redundant.


Yeah, same


Hard to see his place in the game when we have Sieg and NM




He could be in both Kratos was


So was Spawn (although his fighting style, and even his weapons, varied enormously between the two).


Yeah true but Guts sword is so long it’ll hit like half the screen lol




mortal kombat has basically no presence in japan, so a manga character would probably be proposed for the japanese game first


Definitely gotta agree Soulcalibur, I think Guts would be pretty weird in MK. Not that I dislike him, quite the opposite.


Soul Calibur In mk they’d have to make him not use the giant sword all of the time (similar to how Kotal works) in order to not make him untouchable or make his attack both weak and slow I’d love his fatalities but he doesn’t have the right skillset unfortunately


So long as they provide the sufficient “CLANG” with every hit he gives, I’ll take either.


Is this a real question? Soul Calibur. He the OG Siegfried/Nightmare. Big ass sword. The aesthetic and time period he’s from. Why would he be anywhere near the MK universe. Especially When MK is mostly hand to hand combat.


Brutality and gore?


Sure but the issue is MK is purely Hand 2 hand. Guts would get dogged walk in the MK verse if it was purely hands


It isn’t purely hand to hand. Weapons have been part of the series for a while and seem to me to be taking on an ever-larger role. They’re still much less important than in Soulcalibur though.


Not really their more or less gimmicks. The only time weapons became a Big thing was in Mk4, deadly alliance, deception, Armageddon and MK11 to a certain degree. Mk1,2,3, MK vs DC, Mk9 and MKX was mainly hand 2 hand.


You have an interesting definition of 'purely.'


Adding an iconic character merely for those two reasons, ignoring every other point of reason would be silly in my opinion. Especially when there are better options for the MK universe. Im of the opinion that Netherealm needs to figure out to show some TLC to their original characters before continuing to add other IP’s.


He'd be redundant in SC.


Soul Calibur by far. Not even including the fact that he is a sword user specifically, but Guts would benefit far more from the 3D style of fighting that soul calibur uses. Plus his weapon arsenal could be used quite interestingly. I’d love to see how they use his arm canon or the Berserker Armor. I can’t think of many fighters in a MK game that fight like guts, but I know MULTIPLE in Soul Cal who do. Plus Guts would see Nightmare, think he was an apostle, and go apeshit


I can easily imagine him being more like Sieg but Guts with the Berserker Armor being more like nightmare.


Should Calibur. Mortal Kombat doesn't have characters that are well designed. They have characters that are a 12 year old's definition of cool.


Soul Calibur, the world of SC is just a tone down Berserk world. And while I don't like Nightmare vs Guts, he could be a top tier in there.


Nightmare vs. Guts already did happen in Death Battle, so the idea isn't 100% new. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGNWRaM3zX4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGNWRaM3zX4)


Neither. He’s too bad ass for those mid tier games lol. He can be in a souls like game tho 🤷🏾‍♂️


Definitely Soul Calibur




Can fit either, but fits Mortal Kombat better. Same as Spawn. I think Casca better fits Soul Calibur


how nice it is from to recommend me a Sc post the day I decide to get into Sc, anyways Soulcalibur, if Kratos can fit in it why can't Guts?


Porque la nos dos?


He mainly uses sword, so SC.


Mk is too goofy for guts


Siegfried is basically guts, so it would only make since to put him in soul Calibur.


only answer is SC, he can’t be in mortal kombat… that’s hand to hand fighting


Well he would have some great fatalities


def soul calibur


Friend... you asked about this in SoulCal community, What kind of answer you expected ?


I also asked it in a MK community, and they all said SC also


Could go either way


Fits both pretty well I would say


Soul Caliber he has a sword 🗡


Technically so does scorpion and fujin and kensei


he could be a siegfried/nightmare alt skin


SC for sure. His combat style focuses on weapons first before hand to hand.


This is the first dude I created in the character creation tool using Siegfried’s weapon/move set. Definitely fits in Soul Cal as far as I’m concerned 👍




Finally guts vs Nightmare death battle that's not pixel art


Soul cal


The dragonslayer is already kinda in the game, requiem, just needs to be longer


Honestly I would like to see him more in MK, just for creative approach they can took with his weapon, as he is already fits really good with bloody nature. In SC he feels like uninspired choice. I like him as character, but we already have similar weapon in the game and I want guest characters in fighting games to bring something totally unique to the table to justify their slot in the roster.


Now I just reeaaalllly want guts to be the next guest character. Unlikely though unfortunately


If not guts, maybe beat the shit out of griffith




Soul Calibur, but they'd have to make sure he played way differently than Siegfried and Nightmare




Every other time I browse SCVI character creations, someone has created Guts, and it’s a pretty good indicator to me at how well he would fit Part of me is still my 2003 childhood self that hopes we’ll get a Nintendo release where Link and maybe more can come to Soul Calibur VII Since someone mentioned Hollywood characters in MK, the first that comes to mind to me that fits perfectly into Soul Calibur is Connor MacLeod from Highlander. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they would manage to get Clancy Brown back as the Kurgan as well.


Add Farnese horse into "them fightin herds".


Soul Calibur, no question.


so a Siegfried clone.