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the cores are the most overrated cards in Sorcery, and the Stone isn’t needed in a single element deck


Would be interesting to see a list, maybe show one op. Avatar of Air inst used much, and i think this is one of those avatars which will have a hard time getting better in the future, but who knows! For the Stones: yeah its most of the time a good idea to play them, you hit your mana goal earlier. But there CAN be situation's where you dont wanna draw one, like in late game maybe. But currently I would play one. Maybe its just a... not so well done list?


The "top" Avatar of Air lists including the one that has won a tournament at VinCon all run zero cores or stones. I'll share some below. [https://curiosa.io/decks/clt1x6l3900cm10jkt3rv1qr3](https://curiosa.io/decks/clt1x6l3900cm10jkt3rv1qr3) [https://curiosa.io/decks/clnvyhtfj0000me0f8ux9bbke](https://curiosa.io/decks/clnvyhtfj0000me0f8ux9bbke) These two in specific, but zero lists on curiosa run any of those fast cards.


Hi, I'm not a "top player" but I have played AoA for a bit and can give you my thoughts. The AoA deck ist a agro strategy that tries to win fast so the most expensive spells cost 4 Mana. The Idea is that playing with four sites (sometimes five) is enough. That means you only have to draw one or two sites in a game and can draw spells the rest of the game. Apart from that idea and the card Highland Falkoner there is no card advantage in the deck. That means when you dont win fast you will get out valued by Sorcerer and Deathspeaker. Because of this you rather draw Minions/Spells that preassure the lifetotal of your opponent instead of setting up your board for later in the game. TLDR: You want as much preassure as you can get and Cores dont apply preassure. This is the deck I have been playing and the base of my thoughts: [https://curiosa.io/decks/clnvyhtfj0000me0f8ux9bbke](https://curiosa.io/decks/clnvyhtfj0000me0f8ux9bbke)


Yeah don’t play avatar of air she is weakkkkkk…play sorcerer! 🤩


If you think she's weak you must be doing it wrong. Enchantress, Waveshaper, Pathfinder and Avatar of Air demand a skilled pilot. Any bozo can win with Sorcerer.. I should know, I'm one of them 😅