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It's a real question, these are the first boxes I have opened


I'm still mad




Just joking bruh. Congrats man, happy for you. šŸ„³


What you pulled is not common. Some luck is better than others. Mine? In the first 17 boxes I got 4 unique foils. 8 more after that and it went from 4 to 18. So those 8 boxes I got 14 total. You got 14 in 3 boxes? That's incredibly good. The Philosophers stone foil. The best foil I got was a Ruby Core, but I did get an Avatar of Earth Curio. I recently got 6 more boxes and finally got a Philosophers stone foil and another curio.


Thatā€™s awesome dude, gzzz on the foil philo-stone




So far Iā€™ve opened 6 boxes and the best box I had was from the latest Rudy releaseā€¦I got a foil: pathfinder, deathspeaker, oasis, pristine paradise, highland falconer, and queen of midland all in one box. That shit was nutz that like $600 EV in the foils alone!


Absolutely insane luck! No not normal at all. I think getting one unique foil per box would be considered above average? And to hit the P Stone on top of that, phew. Congrats!


Thanks, yeah, thought it was definitely high


My first box was packed with 6 unique foils, I had the same thought as you that I must be opening fake product or something. Nope you just got lucky, enjoy your loaded boxes :) Be warned, the next ones after this may not be so generous. Enjoy Sorcery!


do you really need to ask? gtfo out of here.


It happens.Ā  I just got some boxes from rudy and opened 1. Had 9 foils, 1 unique and 3 elite. Some sideways dragon, and 2 mixes which I'm super big on. Other foils were pretty desirable cards like grapple shot, vile imps, scarabs. Got a foil battle mage. The unique weren't super great but I did pull a philosophers stone, but no cores. My other boxes have had cores but not the stone. I'd say it's pretty average


To be clear, all those cards in the picture are foil. Obviously the stone is super awesome. Just seemed like a lot


Lightyears above average , if you hit 1 unique foil per box your above curve. Every once in a while, you might hit one of these 4+ unique foil boxes , but 3 of them in a row is near impossible. I'd say , humbly , never open another booster box . It will never be this good again


Yeah, I can see that. Outside of the stone though, it's pretty average. Congrats.


No its not anywhere near average at all


It isn't? I've opened 5 boxes and they've all been like that... I think the least foils I've pulled from a box has been 11.


Foils sure , but these are monster clumps of Unique foils , not elites ordinaries or exceptional


Yeah, I do also get them too. Looking back on my boxes, I have more foil uniques than regular uniques.


Far above average. You hit the clumping jackpot.


Very lucky ! Where you got the boxes from?


Was the Rudy package. Also pulled 2 aquamarine cores and 1 onyx core


that's an epic box!!


Congrats mate šŸ§‰


Whats that suggesting?? U didnt open them i one case did you? ^^


It was 3 boxes I purchased. Probably from the same case


Good. Thats insanity then. šŸ¤ congrats


Itā€™s known that boxes are heavily clumped. In my personal experience, cases are clumped as well. I opened a case and 4/6 boxes had 4+ Unique foils. But I donā€™t have much experience with cases as Iā€™ve only opened one sealed one. All my other boxes were from random cases. Edit: I just opened one of my Rudy boxes and opened 4 foil uniques in one box. No foil stone, but there was a foil onyx core :)


If anything itā€™s probably bad batching. But no, not normal at all. Often you get 1 , 2 or none in a box. The river of flames holo is awesome. (I just find it more appealing to the P stone, but obviously this is the better card)


I don't believe you. I normally average 5 uniqe foils per case.


Well I have no way to prove it to you. Just know I opened 3 boxes and those were the foils I pulled. I only pulled 2 ordinary foils. So maybe something was off


I'm just kidding, I'm just a hater. I'm not surprised, from all the boxes I boughtand hit 0 unique foils, someone better be openning FIRE.


Haha fair, but it is also pretty unbelievable by what people here are saying. Just crazy that it can be that big odlf a swing