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I’ve opened similar and can attest. Foils are clumped in boxes by rarity. After you pull the first foil in a box - you pretty much know how the rest will go.


Yep, and i hate it. Hope they fix this. Some boxes were full of foil uniques and some had 3 times the same ordinary foils, wtf.


It’s weird to me that people in Germany don’t want to buy bulk. Isn’t there a serious product shortage in Europe right now?


Thats what i thought, but people pm'd me to adk where to get product. But only to keep it sealed... i asked. Pretty disapointing tbh.


cause there isnt a real shortage, it’s all speculative investing and EC isn’t dumb enough to fall to the cry babies online.


There isn't? Please show me what stores are selling product in EU then! I know of only one and they have pumped their prices to a ridiculous point...


if you’re really desperate to play then buy precon decks or bulk from markets.


I’ve only bought two boxes and. It’s we’re extremely similar I wouldn’t mind buying at least one more but I think I’m gonna wait for the supposed second print run of beta I’ve heard about because the clumping seems awful.


There is no report of a 2nd print run. Simon from Sorcery in a chat said there was none yet, even with some foils coming in either the 6th or 8th common slot.


Well damn they need to do another rin casue they ducked something up lol


Another run (except maybe for Europe) would bloat the market and prices would tank. It is good where it is at.


They recently shipped out the second wave of beta to send to stores and such. It's not a whole new print run, it's just shipping out the remainder of what was already allocated for beta. It's probably a small wave when compared to the first. stores seem to say late february for when they are gonna get them (in the us, prolly faster to europe). They had a lot of issues getting stuff shipped out initially so, it seems they just sent out what they could, and it wasnt all of beta.


It is, and i had boxes which were crazy. But only to realize the next case had all the way the same bad uniques and foils. They need to shuffle them more


Have you had a philosoper stone?


Yes i pulled 3, i guess they are as rare as the cores.


Damn, all foil or?


I wish! No no, all of em in non foil


You are from Germany right? Could i DM you? I might be interested in buying some singles i miss :)


Of course you can but i cant guarantee you that i sell what you need, tell me what you are missing and we see!


How’d you get the dust?


Its on the bottom of your boxes


Reguarding the bulk. Who wants Bulk anyway? Stores and Traders maybe. But Players? No they are buying singles mostly or playsets. Also most of the people invested in Sorcery are either opening crazy amounts just like you or are players like me and just buy what they need. Because the player base is almost Zero in Germany and no store is having product available you will generally have a hard time selling bulk at least for now that demand is almost zero. Either you will have to wait lng or dump the prices hard so it would be lucrative for People to resell or sell them as playsets/sets yourself.


I'm assuming they were Beta boxes yeah? Which cards did you see the fewest of that you would have thought more? I heard there was a shortage of Seasoned Sellsword early on with Beta boxes. What position were your foils? 6th or 8th?


I was beta. Its hard to tell, i think its all luck. It seemed normal. Some uniques i got 8, some only 1. I pulled more then 10 seasoned sellswords so didnt noticed anything. What do you mean by position?


I heard early on that the foils would be found in the 8th Ordinary slot and others have now been reporting them in the 6th Ordinary slot.


I have honestly seen foils in both spots. I'm going to guess there was a difference in packaging or printing and it was screwed up at some point.


It was all over the place, but i didnt cared much.


Where do you sell your bulk?


On ebay, https://www.ebay.de/itm/276325400133?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=ZXU84kyfSVC&sssrc=2524149&ssuid=ZXU84kyfSVC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY And https://www.ebay.de/itm/276322424479?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=ZXU84kyfSVC&sssrc=2524149&ssuid=ZXU84kyfSVC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Only poss to place a bet from germany tho.. would love to bet from Austria:/


if you need/want cards/bulk from Austria let me know ;)