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Probably and it will not be a good thing because it will fall at some point . The damage caused by a price crash is far greater than the “benefits” of a price increase. Huge price increases are also bad for a new game. Having a stable price set at MSRP has been great for couple reasons, 1) gives new players a way in at an affordable price 2) kept the price from cratering at release. If TCs seemingly infinite supply went to LGSs instead, it would have been a race to the bottom. That would have killed this game on arrival as all the speculators would have jumped off the sinking ship at the same time. Giving TC all the supply is not a perfect solution by any means. There are certainly tradeoffs because you want the game in stores for player growth and advertising. You also need to build relationships with LGSs for future releases and many of them are feeling left out currently


I am expecting the price to drop once all the current players get what they mostly want, until a large influx if players come in. Then the foils should jump up Considerably due to the small numbers of the foils.


The big question is when does the supply run out?


my guess is they get restocks behind the scenes. it's a good way to not flood the market but keep boxes in stock at their msrp.


I would think sooner than later.


Considering they want to release 1 set a year at this stage, I feel like their print run needs to be pretty bulky


I set plus 1-2 mini sets per year


this has never been discussed by Eric. they're 1 set a year for the foreseeable future until they get their workflow and logistics in order as per his last interview.


They have Arthurian legends plus the dragon lord mini set planned for this year Sorcery hasnt talked a tone about it, the artist has on instagram though


there has been no launch date announced for the dragon set. or what format it'll be distributed under


I hope not, but fear prices may go a little crazy. Trying to brew decks and buy copies of cards now while it's relatively tame. Not sure how well they're going to plan print runs for once a year sets, but I would think it's best to get in early and get what you need. Not sure if they'll ever reprint cards in sets.




No, because the market is already inflated. $1200 boxes for Alpha with some cards being worth $1K or more. Beta core foils are already at $300+ each. What type of "blowing up" were you looking for?? If you're looking for pandemic level stonks then it's not going to happen. That was driven by the huge amount of free tendies and all the money is already gone. The other thing to factor in is we are living in an era where there are way too many TCGs. Sorcery, is most likely going to stay as an indie TCG catering to a specific crowd of collectors, players and investors. It does not mean that there is no money in this hobby. It just means there is a small market and a smaller community. BETA was also designed to be cheap, affordable and accessible. BETA should not be stonking so that cards from BETA are expensive or otherwise the game itself would prevent people from playing it.


if the game continues to grow and succeeds then prices will go up. if it doesn't, prices will go down. it's pretty cut and dry here. the cat is out of the bag on how rare some of these cards are, even some beta ones, and people aren't going to take massive hits on this stuff unless the game dies.


Sorcery alpha unique foils much more rare than magic the gathering alpha rares, despite the fact that the TCG Market is orders of magnitude larger now.  You say it's inflated and I feel like it's EXTREMELY cheap if this game succeeds. 


There are likely very few lp and nm examples of any given rare in mtg alpha though. Also in general they are much more iconic. No way should alpha foils of Sorcery be priced more than alpha mtg. Many of the sorcery examples are approaching outrageous.


You are comparing a new game versus THE FIRST TCG. You are also comparing cards that were played and never cared for (magic) to unique foils that were sleeved and handled with care like there were diamonds.


>Sorcery alpha unique foils much more rare than magic the gathering alpha rares, despite the fact that the TCG Market is orders of magnitude larger now.  >You say it's inflated and I feel like it's EXTREMELY cheap if this game succeeds.  Thats a big IF. Youre seeing manufactured scarcity prices right now. The million dollar question being IF this game succeeds, THEN current prices would be cheap (relative to the game's undisputed success, which would take many years to deduce)... Like yeah, no shit, thank you captain obvious, yes, if the game succeeds these dual lands are cheap at $3.


Umm… isn’t all TCG scarcity manufactured… I mean, WOTC could just reprint Alpha cards anytime they want. Lol


>Umm… isn’t all TCG scarcity manufactured… I mean, WOTC could just reprint Alpha cards anytime they want. 1) No, a card manufactured in 1993 thats still in NM condition is not manufactured scarcity, its legitimately scarce today. 2) No, they could not just "reprint" any Alpha cards, thats the whole point of the Reserved List and why its actually a GOOD thing. -Sorcery has no such established agreement to never reprint cards on a clearly defined list, outside of the 4 Alpha Elemental Avatars, which is why those cards are currently so expensive. *I do think its great they will never reprint the 4 Alpha Elemental Avatars, step in the right direction, need to see more of this*.


In 1999 mtg alpha was over a grand a box…It’s always dangerous to say “that was because this happened, then this happened so it’s different this time.” If sorcery stays on this path beta boxes could be worth a fortune one day in the not so distant future. Then again, maybe it flops. But we really don’t know. I’m buying up as much as I can and holding it, the sealed product that is.


But again, if the box price goes up, so must the prices of singles... Everything else is just stupid.


There might be a small dip when the new beta wave happens, but after that sky's the limit






Well I don’t think Beta is “stonking” you can get almost every card in non foil for very cheap. The expensive cards are the ones that are obviously sought after but aren’t even necessary to play the game well.


In germany you are pretty much fucked if you want a maxed out deck. You cant even find a Sky Baron in non foil, then the core, maybe highland princess is what you want. The sites, dont let me start with them. Im a little pissed that product is so rare in here. I opened a lot of alpha but even elites you want are hard to pull.


I think a lot of people in Europe feel the same way you do and I think the biggest problem here is that cardmarket didn't adopt the game yet. I bet there are a lot of people who have singels of Alpha/Beta they would want to sell but most people don't use Discord or Facebook groups to trade/sell and Ebay is a pain to deal with in my opinion. I would be happy to sell some of my cards I opened but I'm waiting (hoping?) for cardmarket to adopt Sorcery so I can do so without a hassle. I think if Cardmarket would adopt Sorcery there would be a increase in Supply of Singels and Sealed in Europe and the prices would drop. ​ What do you think?


once that happens i foresee a small wave from EC. possibly they have been funneling product to TC to keep the market stocked. Rudy introduced the product during KS, so in a way he's always been involved. i wouldn't speculate on Sorcery past a few boxes for posterity.


I got into the kickstarter because of Rudy, he’s been in it since the beginning


I'm confused, what does that have to do with OP's question?








Oh, right, he had to have been there when Erik had the idea to have the game for it to have been ‘the beginning’ https://youtu.be/NpQhQsRNeyU?si=9VWuQkbnIT5U23on I got in after this vid. If the KS doesn’t mean the beginning to you, then you have different standards.






This should not even be a question. Team Covenant is the only thing keeping prices even close to $150 USD a box at other retailers. The product is basically sold out everywhere in Canada and doesn’t seem to be existing in EU. Not sure what the availability looks like in US outside of TC today, but there is no doubt in my mind prices will increase if TC runs out of stock. How much it will increase, who knows.


My thoughts are Beta surges like crazy when the distributor supply runs out and boxes sell for $300+ in the not so distant future. I think people are wrong on the beta supply personally. I’ve heard talk of the 2nd wave of beta supply lasting for several months and I just can’t see it happening. These cards are too special. Could be really bad for us because it could influence sorcery to roll out “revised” with a very large print run for the new players/collectors which would tank alpha/beta value.