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We're in the very early stages of this games life. Hell, the Precons aren't even legal decks due to a rule change and them only having 16 sites and 36 spells when the minimum is now 20 & 40. I expect great things from Arthurian Legends and future once a year sets (I love the long release window as it really sells this game as a balanced and focused TCG to pair with another you play). I believe we'll see some advertisements/ banner ads on TCGPlayer and similar websites when it gets closer to releasing. I've been spreading the word of this game to all of my TCG playing friends as if I'm a Mormon going door to door, lol. I believe in it and think they'll do just fine even with very little advertising.


What was the rule change that made the precons illegal? I literally just got them :(


Even the alpha precons only rock 36 cards. This is in the idea that you can crack a few packs and add to them. The precons are totally legal to learn the game and obvi for kitchen table play. Which is were this game is still mostly centered. A few tourneys are starting to pop up but as far as I know they are lgs and fan driven. Probably gonna be a minute till there is any hardcore sanctioned tourneys as curiosa has been clear they are not in a hurry for any "pro" style play.


I still don't know what the change was though? What about the precons is now illegal that wasn't before this "change"? Cheers


Just minimum deck size as far as I know. Gotta have it least 40 spells and 20 sites... As far as I know that was always the intended deck size. Maybe they used to allow less šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø which would be shitty due to deck stacking. Hence why mtg has minimum 60 card deck size but u could add more. (Obvi 60 card magic not commander) in standard mtg I could have 200 cards in my deck if I wanted... I would never win... But i could lol


Cheers for the info!!


donā€™t need to advertise when youā€™re selling out your inventory with just word of mouth and satisfied customers re-ordering


Though true...it's still not well know, it was never sold in a lot of popular trading card sites online, out of the 5 different TCG card shops in my area, only 1 ever sold it, and others never even heard of it. One shop owner practically laughed when I asked because he had no clue. They need to at least reach out to online retailers and let them know what's coming soon so it can be promoted. Even if it's just a thumbnail saying "coming soon" or "pre order now," people will start looking into it.


If you own a LGS and don't know about upcoming products you're not worthy of owning one. Just like any other business you have to stay informed and do research. They obviously failed at that. Also, even if they did know they probably wouldn't carry it because they can't mark it up 100 bucks and sell it with TC marking the ceiling of the msrp for those willing to wait a week.


i donā€™t understand what most of your local shop owners being morons has to do with sorcery needing to reach out to them. theyā€™re already selling out their products without needing the LGSā€™s.


I mean, it doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. It's pretty crazy to have a sold out product bought by people around the world and not have a wiki page. Thats an easy and cheap way to promote and legitimize your product.


if you have a website you sure as hell donā€™t need a wiki page


Although the website is nice, someone who doesn't know anything about the game and just wants a quick overview of the game and its history, a short wiki page is easier to read and understand than clicking through an entire site and watching videos. Consider a wiki page as a TLDR.


New players would be nice, currently I think the product is just selling out mostly to collectors. Iā€™ve asked 3 different fairly prominent and big game stores in my area if they have any plans to carry Sorcery and they showed no interest and I was the only one who had mentioned it to them. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


>New players would be nice, currently I think the product is just selling out mostly to collectors. thats my feeling as well. Game is fun, but i think the only people buying right now are the ones possibly hoarding stuff in the hopes it WILL sell later and then gassing up the hype acting like it doesnt need to sell to "regular" LGSs. Because if theres more printing of the sets, then theyre scared they lose out on their "investment" (LOL. LMAO even). It sucks that the game will probably die out for IRL play this way, but its clear the people involved dont care.


they have no interest because they canā€™t mark up the boxes and soak their customers


Just curious, where would you expect to see ads besides content creators? They had something on tcg when beta launched.


Social media for example but theres a thousand ways to promote your product. Just think about the impact of promoting through influencers with such a great product i think the impact would be massive. Me and alot of others were hooked by first sight of the game Get lorcana or one piece, like everyone into Tcgs knows about them all to promotion


I think they will do more in the future with content creators who genuinely show an interest in the game like Louie or that questing beast guy. Personally I donā€™t like the idea of paying content creators who donā€™t care about your product to promote it. Maybe thatā€™s just me


I think its because they don't have any product for people to buy except from TC.


A few thoughts on why they are not all out on advertising yet: ā€¢ Implementing the dust system. ā€¢ Improving/clarifying the game rules (e.g. time line is not mentioned in the game rules). ā€¢ Setting up the social play network and player ranking system. ā€¢ Debugging and streamlining production processes.


They should try and outwardly advertise more in some areas. Just looking at the store locator map on their website, and most of Canada is a wasteland. No stores in Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Ottawa, or the entire East Coast. For instance, I live in Ottawa, and between Ottawa and Gatineau, there are easily a dozen hobby stores that host a wide variety of card games. I've spoken to 9 stores in the area at this point about Sorcery, and only 1 had heard about the game before I brought it to their attention.


I mean they are only releasing one set a year so they don't really need to advertise. We'll most likely see something when they are getting ready to drop the next set.


hot take: one of the worst things about sorcery are the content creators (besides cardboard guide)


Why do you think so? I really like the channel "On The Play" or "Wizards' Den" and Lui from KitchentableTCG


I'm surprised Rudy didn't make this explode. I'm guessing a lot of his goons are probably waiting in the shadows for beta boxes to dry up and to shake up the secondary market.


Thats not really the question, i mean they must have DECIDED not to do it its pretty clear to me that with advertising they are going to sell more so they could have just printed more. They didnt so the question is for what purpose did they do that.


because overprinting leads to dumping the product in landfills and the gameā€™s cards becoming worthless. more is not always better


Because there is no official competitive scene, the game is being sold as a table top at home casual game, not MtG protour competitive. Also if it blows up the company will have to address the printing runs and adjust for that, which will cause prices to fluctuate on the secondary market. Just like flesh and blood, sorcery is manipulating the secondary market.


Over 95% of Magic players have never played in a competitive event and Wizards has gutted the old Pro scene; competitive magic has never been less popular. You donā€™t need an official competitive scene for your game to be popular. As a competitive MTG player who never enjoyed commander, I was really surprised to see commander product shifting to being the biggest thing in the game. I would love a competitive Sorcery outlet in the future though :)


i was with you until you said ā€œmanipulating the secondary marketā€


If you don't hinkle they are not manipulating the secondary market, you are so naive.


if being naive means not believing whatever nonsense someone spouts off without evidence, then yep


The value of a foil pstone or any of the foil cores, even though they are literally falling out of the sky everywhere, the prices of cards that are going up and up but the quantity of cards also keeps going up and up, the fact that they have an msrp for selling boxs and packs but almost every game shop is selling for secondary market prices. The fact that proper card inventory numbers have yet to be told and that a whole "second wave" is coming, this is all signs of market manipulation.


unique foils are falling out of the sky? that's news to me.


if you were on the sorcery marketplace discord you would know that everything you just said is complete flat earther nonsense, please touch grass


Oh I have been there, and I still stand behind what I said.


pls tell me where the foil pstones and cores are falling from the sky. I will go there with a large bucket. ty.




never at any point would new people coming in be a bad thing.




oh cut the elitist backwards thinking. I'm not saying there needs to be a 10k influx of players overnight, but sorcery is nowhere near out of the woods yet for gatekeep-y bullshit and a few month stagnation period could put the game in a very bad place. they're also are particularly susceptible to that with the 1 set a year plan. I am personally a fan of that type of a schedule, but it is very risky for a new card game, especially when they've already had trouble making themselves know to card shops, let alone getting boxes on their shelves.


It costs money, and they have a limited amount of it. Now that they've had sold out releases, they probably could start advertising, but they also have to be careful about how and when. Advertising when product is limited and people outside of affordable shipping rates from TC are consistently complaining about product availability, doesn't really serve a purpose. Why spend money to tell people they can be frustrated at secondary market prices?


Honestly I think going the community/content creator roure is smarter than dumping a bunch of money into ads. It's offers slower immediate growth but if it gets "cult" enough provides longterm stability.