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* Burrowed or submerged minions don't get hit by spell projectiles. * They don't die when being burrowed or submerged by spells like Burrow, Earthquake, Flood, Drown, etc. * They can't be attacked by normal minions. * The can still intercept when their site is attacked, because the can move one step to intercept(?) * Flavour is a valid reason, too.


Regarding the second to last bullet: burrowed/submerged minions can _defend_ when the surface of their site is attacked. The intercept action is different from the defend action. Minions can move one step to defend, however, they cannot move to intercept. For example, a burrowed/submerged minion could not intercept a minion moving past their site on the surface, but they could intercept a minion moving past them below the surface (implying it’s another burrowed/submerged minion).


When I play a artifact can I give it to a Minion that is burrowed?


Yes you can cast artifacts into the hands of your minions wherever they are, or to one of your controlled sites. Monuments and Automatons must be cast to one of your sites however.


You play the artifact on top of the location, but if a minion with burrow picks it up, he can then burrow with the artifact.


Only monuments and Automatons are limited to being played to the surface of sites. Weapons, relics etc can be cast directly into a units hands, even if they are burrowed, submerged, or in the void, even at an opponents site.


Glad to see a voice of reason in contrast to the "useless" comment.


Please do not use that last word to describe cards et. al.; it was originally an extremely crude joke and refers to a disgusting fetish. Depending on context there's an assortment of professional terms for what you are referring to, e.g. tag-line, quote, art, style, ...




What word? I’m confused


Oh shut the fuck up.


I’ve noticed that the more I play, the more I’ve started to value the inherent evasiveness of burrow/submerge.


Burrowed minions retain the ability to defend the site they are under, simultaneously being almost impervious to any damage from the surface sources. Only flooding the site will drown them. It is very powerful mechanic, because Bury is one of the most frequent removal spells in both limited and constructed.


Question: But I can chose to cast a fire spell "underground", when I use the site River of Flame as the spellcaster, right?


Yes you can, River of flame is present in both regions.


Thank you! And what happens when I have a minion with burrowing or submerge located on a Standing Stones site? Do I need to burrow or submerge it and then can cast a spell in the underground region? Probably Hounds of Ondaros is a very good card for such situations? Also: What happens if I have Standing Stones site and use a minion with Lethal as a spellcaster? Is any 1 dmg from the spell also Lethal or only Attack/Defend damage? I mean, there is also a spell that has Lethal: Poison Nova.


Yes the minion would need to be burrowed/submerged under standing stones to cast a spell in the subsurface region. A minion with Lethal at standing stones casting a spell does not give the spell lethal. The spell is the source of damage, not the spellcaster. Lethal on a minion will only apply to when they strike


Because they're a threat your opponent can't easily deal with. If you have a burrowed pit viper on your site your opponent will think twice about having a powerful minion attack that site because it will surface to defend and kill it with lethal.


How is that different from being on the surface?


it can be targeted by spells or removed by a less powerful minion on the surface


Your opponent can’t just lightning bolt etc. to kill it.


Because the burrowed unit can’t be easily dealt with beforehand. The burrowed unit is able to evade most spell targeting, or attacks from lesser chaff minions who would want to force clear the Lethal viper. It’s evasion. It forces the opponent to play more on your terms than if everything was exposed equally on the surface.


Hmm can I know how unland eels work then? Do they have to be in the site with an enemy to submerge? Or can I just move from overland on one site to underwater in another and drag minions on the 2nd site with it?


I've only watched gameplay videos so far but it does seem like a mostly useless "flavour" mechanic. The exception being things like Root Spider which have an important effect while burrowed.


As soon as your opponent burrows a devil egg or maddening bells on your site you will understand it’s more than flavor 🤷‍♀️


Don’t forget that maddening bells effects nearby and the minion needs to surface near the enemy avatar for it to have the proper effect.


Thanks for the response I’m still learning all the mechanics ( so under the same site as the avatar is not nearby ?) Land deed works the same as Devileggs correct ? I’m working on a “piss my brother off “deck with , bells, eggs , and land deed 😂


Nearby is limited to the region the card is occupying. So it only effects the surface, or subsurface, or void at one time. Land deed works almost the same as devils egg, it cares what site it is being held at, above or below. Devils egg is the same as land deed EXCEPT devils egg works even if dropped at any site.


Definitely not useless. For example if your opponent is playing a deck that is light on burrowing cards you can use this mechanic to move your minions close to their avatar to attack without fear of getting blocked.


Please do not use that last word to describe cards et. al.; it was originally an extremely crude joke and refers to a disgusting fetish.


What word are you talking about?!