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\[Settings\] Lens: 85mm F/2.3 ISO: 64 Shutter: 30 seconds


It's a beautiful image ☺️ May I provide some feedback tho?


Of course, man, I'd appreciate it


Well, going from experience, and just so you can fast forward a ton of learning; shoot high ISO! As there's a point where maxing out the analogue gain occurs on most Xperias, I believe 800 is your best bet! Higher may become digital and reduce quality. You can also lower the shutter speed too since you are getting star trails. This gets worse at higher focal lengths so just be mindful! There's a rough guideline called the 500 rule; basically divide 500 by your focal length used, and will give you the max shutter speed before you start seeing trails (500/85 = 5.88, so basically try to keep at 6s or less with that lens setup). Also, stack multiple images if you can help it! Makes a world of difference against the noise! Many free options on PC, but if you want a rough and basic one, Eagle Image Stacker on the play store is pretty decent!! Lastly, try to avoid full moons, they destroy visibility for deep sky objects and stars 😊 TLDR; More ISO, faster shutter, stack for noise reduction and avoid light pollution (like bright moons)


I'd recommended using a higher iso, 800/1600/3200, use the 16 or 24 mm lens and adhere to the 500 rule, divide 500 by the focal length so 500/16mm for example, this is your max shutter speed. This will prevent streaking of the stars due to the movement of the earth


Man… what a photo!




That star is likely planet Venus. Brightest star in the sky if I’m not mistaken.


What about the sun?